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ses on Lincoln, Grant, Hull, Farragut, etc.; President, New York Genealogical and biographical Society and of American Ethnological Society. Brevet Major-General William B. Hazen, chief signal officer, raised 41st Ohio volunteers; marched with Sherman to the sea; commanded 15th Army Corps; U. S Military Attache to France. Major-General Carl Schurz. Major-General Lewis Wallace. Colonel George E. Waring, Jr., led a brigade of Cavalry; reorganized Street Cleaning system of New York City; C. Redwood, whose rare privilege it was to fight with Stonewall, should not portray his honest and frank admiration for the most surprising military genius developed by the Civil War. Particularly gratifying to the humanist is the sketch of Sherman, written from the standpoint of the most sympathetic discrimination by a Southern historical student—Professor Walter L. Fleming, of the Louisiana State University. Two groups of portraits accompanying this introduction show veterans of the U
f his career, the year when he took Vicksburg in July, then in November gazed in wonder at his own soldiers as they swarmed up the heights of Missionary Ridge. The following March he was made General-in-chief of the armies of the United States. Congress passed a vote of thanks to General Grant and his army, and ordered a gold medal to be struck in his honor. But as we see him here, none of these honors had come to him; and the deeds themselves were only in process of accomplishment. Even Sherman, the staunch friend and supporter of Grant, had doubts which were only dispelled by the master stroke at Vicksburg, as to the outcome of Grant's extraordinary methods and plans. He was himself conscious of the heavy responsibility resting upon him and of the fact that he stood on trial before the country. Other faithful generals had been condemned at the bar of public opinion before their projects matured. The eyes in these portraits are stern, and the expressions intense. Grant in
eneral J. A. Mower, Commanding the Twentieth Army Corps The armies of the United States were led in 1864-65 by two generals, to whom, more than to any other military leaders, was due the final victory of the Northern forces. Both Grant and Sherman were Western men; both were somewhat unsuccessful in the early years of the war and attained success rather late; to both of them the great opportunity finally came, in 1863, in the successful movement which opened the Mississippi, and their rewards were the two highest commands in the Federal army and the personal direction of the two great masses of men which were to crush the life out of the weakening Confederacy. Grant was the chief and Sherman his lieutenant, but some military critics hold that the latter did more than his chief to bring the war to an end. They were friends and were closely associated in military matters after 1862; in temperament and in military methods each supplemented the other, and each enabled the other to
battle of Chattanooga, Atlanta campaign, and Sherman's campaigns in Georgia and the Carolinas. A of Georgia, which formed the left wing of General Sherman's army. At the battle of Bentonville, NoThe troops were scattered in many districts. Sherman organized four of the divisions into the Yazocember 18, 1862. In two divisions, it was on Sherman's Yazoo Expedition and was also known as the e Atlanta campaign, and the last campaigns of Sherman. After the Grand Review of May 24, 1865, thefighting at that place. A division went with Sherman to Chattanooga. Two divisions were in the Ater the fall of Vicksburg, and was a member of Sherman's Meridian expedition. After this the corps ppi valley; the other two divisions went with Sherman to Atlanta. The Mississippi section was on tng his way to Atlanta. In October, he joined Sherman's army at the head of a division of the Sevenured Wilmington in February, 1865. It joined Sherman's army at Goldsboro and marched with it to Wa[10 more...]
Mississippi and East Louisiana before the end of December. The army spent the winter around Dalton, Georgia, and faced Sherman's advance in May, 1864, in two infantry and one cavalry corps. Polk brought back his divisions, which he called the Armina under Bragg. The aggregate present of the old Army of Tennessee was about twenty thousand. The army surrendered to Sherman in North Carolina, April 26, 1865. General Braxton Bragg (U. S.M. A. 1837) was born in Warren County, North Carolirmy's military operations at Richmond. As commander of the Department of North Carolina, he failed in attempts to check Sherman and prevent the fall of Wilmington. After February, 1865, he cooperated with Johnston and surrendered with the latter. and brought his forces, which he called the Army of Mississippi, to Georgia in May, 1864, to assist Johnston in opposing Sherman's advance to Atlanta. On Pine Mountain, near Marietta, Georgia, he was killed by a cannon-ball, June 14, 1864. Major