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William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 2: (search)
ess by Grant with a force of seventeen thousand men and four gun-boats. General Sherman closes the chapter in which he treats of the movements on Forts Henry and ters previous to the one containing this unkind allusion to General Buell, General Sherman, writing of his selection as Superintendent of the Louisiana Military CollBut whether any substantial progress had been made by General Buell after General Sherman left Kentucky, will best appear from portions of three letters written by General Sherman while in Kentucky, the first two bearing date about ten days before he relieved General Robert Anderson in command, and the third about a week beforehe first points of consequence occupied on that line by the Union forces. General Sherman gives the following account of the movement upon it, and the condition of ng. In the light of these letters it would seem as if there had really been most substantial progress under General Buell after General Sherman left Kentucky.
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 3: (search)
he were the senior officer at the front. General Sherman, holding steadily till the last, and agaial of General Grant, instructed me—writes General Sherman—to disembark my own division and that of d by the heavy firing of the enemy on us. General Sherman asked me what was up. I told him I had meby his reconnoissance, it is notable that General Sherman fixes them much further from camp than ald cannon range, passed in our camps, says General Sherman, without any unusual event. Enough hast position of the book is built, by which General Sherman seeks to controvert the idea that our armyet no one knew its destination, and even General Sherman had to guess its purpose. And for all , blundering, and criminal carelessness, General Sherman some years later had this excuse, in a le Instead of this last unworthy sentence, General Sherman might have had the fairness to say that, day's action, which is wholly ignored in General Sherman's account of Shiloh. Says General Grant:[36 more...]<
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 4: (search)
himself in the battles of Iuka and Corinth, in the autumn following the first occupation of the latter place. From General Sherman's account, however, the reader would suppose that General Rosecrans had behaved badly in both these actions. Of the-General. In his account of the battle of Corinth, which took place about two weeks after the action at Iuka, General Sherman is still more unjust to General Rosecrans. The battle was a brilliant and most decisive one, and General Rosecrans'nd five hundred cavalry, an aggregate of eighteen thousand two hundred against an enemy of thirty-eight thousand. General Sherman admits that beyond doubt the rebel army lost at Corinth fully six thousand men. The records set forth with suffic his commanding officer. But whatever the causes of difference were, General Grant's report, setting forth that an earlier pursuit than the one made was probably impracticable, is a full answer to General Sherman's version of the cause of trouble.
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 5: (search)
, assign such officers as you may deem best. Sherman would be my choice as the chief, under you. . Halleck, General-in-Chief. After General Sherman left Memphis and before his expedition fa its date, that the subsequent removal of General Sherman had no connection with his failure: all the facts can be coolly considered. But Sherman decided upon this manner of attack, and fortyving reenforcements into Vicksburg and out to Sherman's front, the expedition was abandoned, with arce against us. And so, according to General Sherman himself, bad as the assault at Chickasaw ccessible bluffs, and the best answers to all Sherman's unjust attacks upon officers who fought wits not their own. From this report of General Sherman's it will be seen that the very divisionsuld have commanded high praise, even from General Sherman. Immediately after this action Generagan was assigned to an equal command with General Sherman, namely, that of the First Corps, Army of[10 more...]
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 6: (search)
ome through a disgraceful surprise, for which Sherman was in person largely responsible. Followiwhen Rosecrans' army flanked Bragg out of it. Sherman's army, at the moment of occupation, was quit fight, the scales may still settle even, for Sherman did not start to flank till after serious batof their trenches for a fight. But let General Sherman speak for himself as he does on page 361 o reader of the Memoirs would suspect it, General Sherman himself, when ordered from Vicksburg to Rtion from the start as far as Corinth, as General Sherman says, and one of his divisions had reached Rosecrans first; in fact had done so before Sherman began to exhibit any special activity in his r success that he ordered the movement before Sherman was even within supporting distance. Generof artillery says he has to borrow teams from Sherman to move a part of his artillery to where it i this chapter contains were accessible to General Sherman when he penned the statements which they [64 more...]
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 7: (search)
Arraignment of General W. Sooy Smith. General Sherman relates that in the Winter following the a, on the 19th of January, he said: He (Sherman) will proceed eastward as far as Meridian at d not have falsified history, however, if General Sherman had said, that instead of waiting for a rund near Columbus, Ky., General Smith, by General Sherman's personal and positive directions, was a Memphis. And this is shown to have been General Sherman's view, when he himself reached Meridian arting had made it impracticable to reach General Sherman at Meridian, by the time he had set for rort to General Grant of his operations under Sherman, and was commended for what he accomplished. pelled him to leave the service. And yet General Sherman now writes: General Smith never regained o move at about seven thousand, show that General Sherman expected General Smith to wait for Warrind further into the enemy's territory than General Sherman, and, in proportion to the strength of hi[11 more...]
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 8: (search)
neral and his army, often at sore cost, saved Sherman from himself, and won laurels for him to wear and needless failures. The feeling was that Sherman, with his one hundred thousand men, should ha in accordance with the positive order of General Sherman to General McPherson. After the slur ueployed against Resaca, where, now writes General Sherman, the enemy, as I anticipated, had abandonhus, seven days after the movement began, General Sherman had finally accomplished what General Tho On the 28th of February, 1864, before General Sherman had succeeded General Grant in the comman was succeeded in command at Nashville by General Sherman. In the same report General Thomas contimade in his book. On the 24th of April General Sherman wrote as follows to General Grant, inform his headquarters at Tunnel Hill, sent to General Sherman the following statement of Captain Merrittack the position seriously in front. General Sherman having refrained from hurrying, and Johns[11 more...]
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 9: (search)
s. The following field dispatches from General Sherman to General Schofield, who was operating oo General Thomas bear upon the same point: Sherman to Thomas, June 27, 1:30 P. M.: Schofield hasbear upon the question at issue: Thomas to Sherman, 8 A. M., June 27: The movement of my troops moving. 9:50 A. M. W. T. S. Thomas to Sherman, 10:45 A. M., June 27: Yours received. Generssault, as the following dispatch shows: Sherman to Thomas, June 27, 1:30 P. M.: McPherson andan resort to regular approaches. Thomas to Sherman, June 27, 6 P. M.: The assault of the enemy's between ninety and one hundred prisoners. Sherman to Thomas, June 27, evening: Let your troops al Thomas, which deserves notice. Says General Sherman: Satisfied of the bloody cost of attao excuse. The following is the telegram from Sherman to Thomas, proposing this very move to the lasposition to cooperate in it immediately, General Sherman ventures the above fling at General Thoma[34 more...]
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 10: (search)
of Atlanta and its political Generals. General Sherman's recollections fail to supply the interecentive—for such is the position in which General Sherman leaves his friends. The public will not hese two brief extracts form a portion of General Sherman's comments upon the battle of Atlanta. as follows: On the night of the 21st of July Sherman's army had fought its way close up to the outhe Union loss was about two thousand, and General Sherman thus states the result: We had, howeverear while a portion of it was in motion, General Sherman continues: The enemy was, therefore, rting upon the battle to General Halleck, General Sherman telegraphed: McPherson's sudden death which was not particularly unexpected by General Sherman, and did not, in a great degree, disturb hese moments were. In a report made by General Sherman to General Halleck, dated August 15, 1864ebels had gone from our entire front, and General Sherman announced the occupation of Atlanta by Sc[7 more...]
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 11: (search)
The March to the Sea did Grant or Sherman plan it? Did General Sherman originate thethe fall of the latter place, telegraphed General Sherman that, as our forces had now secured the cuccess against Mobile, they can be taken from Sherman. * * * * U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General. On the 4th of October, while the subject of Sherman's further movement from Atlanta was under conring, I presume, were intended for the use of Sherman's army. I do not deem it necessary to accumumating those proposed to be left with Thomas, Sherman obtained the desired permission, and when Grat course they would pursue with regard to General Sherman's movements, determining thereby whether ion in the congratulatory order issued by General Sherman to his army, after reaching Savannah, whi * * Under date of October 19, 1864, General Sherman wrote General Halleck as follows: I mtain correspondence, which passed between General Sherman before Atlanta and General Canby before M[90 more...]