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The terms upon which peace can be had are well understood. By the South laying down their arms, they will hasten that most desirable event, save thoussands of human lives and hundreds of millions of property not yet destroyed. When General Sherman made an agreement with General Johnston for formal disbandment of the army of the latter, it was at once disapproved by the government of the United States, and Sherman therefore wrote to Johnston: I demand the surrender of your army on Sherman therefore wrote to Johnston: I demand the surrender of your army on the same terms as were given to General Lee at Appomattox, on April 9th, purely and simply. It remains to be stated that the government which spurned all these proposals for peace, and gave no terms but unconditional and immediate surrender, was instituted and organized for the purposes and objects expressed in the following extract, and for no others: We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for
y description of Federal treasure-seekers by Sherman's aide-de-camp failure of Johnston's projecte Senate, accompanied by a letter from Major-General Sherman. In this letter General Sherman uses General Sherman uses the following language: The citizens of Columbia set fire to thousands of bales of cotton rolled ou city. This charge, made against me by General Sherman, having been brought before the Senate offired; that not one bale was on fire when General Sherman's troops took possession of the city; thainstance of such barbarity perpetrated by General Sherman's army, his effort to escape the responsirwise great soldier. In consequence of General Sherman's movements, it was considered advisable tuted our entire available strength to oppose Sherman's advance. These were collected as rapidly ahis would leave the road to Charlotte open to Sherman's pursuing column, which, interposing, would ear Smithfield. On the 23d the forces of General Sherman and those of General Schofield were unite[18 more...]
oints, and seeking to find in the separation of the vastly superior army which was following him an opportunity to attack a force the number of which should not greatly exceed his own, finally made a junction with General Johnston, then opposing Sherman's advance through North Carolina. The fixed purpose of General Grant's campaign of 1864 was the capture of Richmond, the Confederate capital. For this he had assembled the large army with which he crossed the Rapidan and fought the numerous d made to apply to the then existing condition of affairs. The program was to retire to Danville, at which place supplies should be collected and a junction made with the troops under General J. E. Johnston, the combined force to be hurled upon Sherman in North Carolina, with the hope of defeating him before Grant could come to his relief. Then the more southern states freed from pressure and encouraged by this success, it was expected, would send large reenforcements to the army, and Grant,
nt as faulty in location as in construction. I promptly proceeded to correct the one and improve the other, while energetic efforts were being made to collect supplies of various kinds for General Lee's army. The design, as previously arranged with General Lee, was that, if he should be compelled to evacuate Petersburg, he would proceed to Danville, make a new defensive line of the Dan and Roanoke rivers, unite his army with the troops in North Carolina, and make a combined attack upon Sherman; if successful, it was expected that reviving hope would bring reenforcements to the army, and Grant, being then far removed from his base of supplies and in the midst of a hostile population, it was thought we might return, drive him from the soil of Virginia, and restore to the people a government deriving its authority from their consent. With these hopes and wishes, seeking neither to diminish the magnitude of our disaster nor to excite illusory expectations, I issued on the 5th the fo
sination correspondence between Johnston and Sherman terms of the convention approved by the Con Johnston should attempt negotiation with General Sherman, he left for his army headquarters; I, ex announcing, on information received from General Sherman, that President Lincoln had been assassinith you to that end. . . . Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Vol. II, pp. 346, 347. In the say death of Lincoln, the agreement between Generals Sherman and Johnston would have been ratified; thng the Confederate army, and Major- General W. T. Sherman, commanding the army of the United Star action is approved. You will so inform General Sherman; and, if the like authority be given by tf evils. I quote again from the Memoirs of Sherman. Vol. II, p. 349. Referring to the first iuld not have been successfully pursued by General Sherman. His force, united to that I had assemblre similar to those made between Johnston and Sherman; the mounted men were to retain their horses,[25 more...]
na, General J. E. Johnston capitulated to General Sherman, as has been stated, and his army was disCarolina. So much as relates to the march of Sherman's army through parts of the state is here prefficers and men of the triumphant army of General Sherman were engaged in erecting gallows and hangating, and hanging. Along the whole track of Sherman's army, traces remain of the cruelty and inhu whom the cupidity of the officers and men of Sherman's army sacrificed to their thirst for gold anhem that along the whole line of the march of Sherman's army, from Columbia to Cheraw, it had been who were witnesses of these infamous acts of Sherman's unbridled soldiery, and several of them, fre, as they said, in the name of the great General Sherman, who was next to God Almighty. They camehonor on those who vilely perpetrated it. General Sherman had his army under control. The burning your General. I did not intend to go to General Sherman, who was at Cheraw, from whom, I was info[3 more...]
on, General, 297. Atlanta, Ga. Hood's campaign for defense, 475. Sherman's order for evacuation of civilians, 476-78. Burning, 483. (shipill, General, 444, 447, 448. B Bachman, Dr., John, report of Sherman's atrocities in South Carolina, 601-06. Bagby, Colonel, 198. B, 575. Conference in Greensboro with generals, 576-79. Remark of Sherman to J. E. Johnston, 582. Statements of J. E. Johnston, 585-86. JoGreensboro, 576. Conference with Davis, 576-79. Conferences with Sherman on terms of surrender, 580-84, 587-88. Statements concerning Daviilmer, 51-52. Description of Gen. A. S. Johnston's death, 53-54. -Sherman convention, 587-88, 591, 592. Joinville, Prince de, 73, 87. Jo 638-39. Skirmish with Stuart's force at Yellow Tavern, 427-28. Sherman, Gen. Thomas W., 8, 64, 65. Gen. William T., 15, 41, 50, 171, 327,t of battle of Cold Harbor, 441-42. Statement concerning Johnston-Sherman conference, 588. Col. Thomas, 495. Col. Walter H., 88. Statements