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The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 3: The Decisive Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 536 12 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 446 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 161 19 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 155 7 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 9: Poetry and Eloquence. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 118 2 Browse Search
John Dimitry , A. M., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.1, Louisiana (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 46 0 Browse Search
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz) 42 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: February 3, 1865., [Electronic resource] 14 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 31, 1865., [Electronic resource] 14 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: December 30, 1864., [Electronic resource] 13 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing). You can also browse the collection for William Tecumseh Sherman or search for William Tecumseh Sherman in all documents.

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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Allatoona pass, (search)
m Resaca, took a position at Allatoona Pass. Sherman, after resting his army, proceeded to flank tn guns. He left a garrison there. Meanwhile Sherman had destroyed the Georgia State Arsenal near nsued, and at 4 P. M. he made a bold push, by Sherman's order, to secure possession of a point nearrom their position. On the following morning Sherman found the Confederates strongly intrenched, w For several days, constantly skirmishing, Sherman tried to break through their lines to the raie. Howard, nearer the centre, was repulsed. Sherman, by skilful movements, compelled Johnston to at the Kenesaw Mountains, near Marietta; but Sherman, who had been reinforced by two divisions undnd probably attempt the seizure of Tennessee, Sherman sent Thomas, his second in command, to NashviThe conflict raged with great fierceness; and Sherman, from the top of Kenesaw, heard the roar of cs lost 707 men. The famous signal of Generall Sherman was subsequently made the title of one of Ira[4 more...]
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Annexed Territory, status of. (search)
ritories, the keeping and disbursement of Federal taxes derived from the Territories, the veto power, and many other things, are pursued as if the Constitution applied to the cases. But, in theory, it is claimed by these that no part of the Constitution applies except the Thirteenth Amendment, which prohibits slavery, and that only because the prohibition expressly includes any place subject to their jurisdiction. This amendment was proposed by Congress on Feb. 1, 1865--the day on which Sherman's army left Savannah on its northern march; and the words any place subject to their jurisdiction were probably added because of the uncertainty as to the legal status of the States in rebellion, and not because of any doubt as to whether Nebraska, then a Territory, was a part of the United States. The view that some other general limitations of the Constitution upon the powers of Congress lust relate to all regions and all persons was, however, adopted by some members of the Senate Comm
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Atlanta, (search)
through Alabama and northern Georgia, joined Sherman with 2,000 cavalry. On the 20th the NationalNational loss in this conflict was 1,500 men; Sherman estimated that of the Confederates at not lesion on the south side of Peachtree Creek, and Sherman believed they were evacuating Atlanta. He prd his part well, but Stoneman, departing from Sherman's instructions, did not accomplish much. Simg movement from Atlanta. Hood had penetrated Sherman's design, knew of changes in his army, and actured 2.000 muskets. and took 233 prisoners. Sherman extended his right along an intrenched line tsent out Wheeler with his cavalry to break up Sherman's communications and capture supplies. Kilpassful counter-movement. On the 25th all of Sherman's munitions of war, supplies, and sick and wohattahoochee, and make a formidable raid upon Sherman's communications. The Nationals entered Atlad over the court-house. Two days afterwards, Sherman issued an order for the inhabitants to leave [5 more...]
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Augusta, (search)
Pickens and Clarke had kept watch, and when, on May 20, 1781, they were joined by Lee and his legion, they proceeded to invest the fort there. They took Fort Galphin, 12 miles below, on the 21st, and then an officer was sent to demand the surrender of Augusta. Lieutenant-Colonel Brown was one of the most cruel of the Tories in that region, and the partisans were anxious to make him a prisoner. He refused to surrender. A regular siege began May 23, and continued until June 4, when a general assault was agreed upon. Hearing of this, Brown proposed to surrender, and the town was given up the next day. In this siege the Americans lost fifty-one men killed and wounded; and the British lost fifty-two killed, and 334, including the wounded, were made prisoners. For several years after the war it was the capital of Georgia. It was garrisoned by Confederate troops during the Civil War, and was twice threatened by Sherman in his marches from Atlanta to the sea and through South Carolina.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Averasboro, battle of. (search)
Averasboro, battle of. On his march from Fayetteville to Goldsboro, Sherman's forces were menaced by the Confederates, and Kilpatrick had several skirmishes with Wheeler and Hampton. He had struck the rear of Hardee's column (March 8, 1865) in its retreat towards Fayetteville. He had fought Hampton, and was defeated, losing l upon Hampton, who was plundering their camp, routed him, and retook the guns. Hampton had captured 103 Nationals and killed or wounded eighty. At Fayetteville, Sherman utterly destroyed the arsenal, with all the valuable public property of the Confederates there. Moving on, Sherman in accordance with his usual plan, made movemeSherman in accordance with his usual plan, made movements to distract his adversary. He sent Slocum with four divisions of the left wing, preceded by cavalry, towards Averasboro and the main road to Raleigh; while two divisions of that wing, with the train, took the direct road to Goldsboro. Howard moved with four divisions on the right, ready to assist the left if necessary. It wa
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Badeau, Adam, 1831-1895 (search)
Badeau, Adam, 1831-1895 Military officer; born in New York, Dec. 29, 1831; served on the staff of General Sherman early in the Civil War; was severely wounded at Port Hudson; joined General Grant, and became his military secretary, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, in January, 1864; and was made aide-de-camp to the general of the army, with the title of colonel, in March, 1865; and retired in 1869, holding the rank of captain, U. S. C., and brevet brigadier-general, U. S. V. He was consul-general in London in 1870-81; accompanied General Grant on his journey around the world in 1877-78; and was consul-general in Havana in 1882-84. After General Grant's death Badeau lost a suit against the heirs for compensation for alleged services in the preparation of General Grant's Memoirs. He published Military history of Ulysscs S. Grant; Grant in peace, and several romances. He died in Ridgewood, N. J., March 19, 1895.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Baird, Absalom, 1824- (search)
Baird, Absalom, 1824- Military officer; born in Washington, Pa., Aug. 20, 1824; was graduated at West Point in 1849, having studied law before he entered the military academy. He was ordered to Washington, Bainbridge's monument. D. C., in March, 1861, and in May was made assistant adjutant-general. He became aide to General Tyler in the battle of Bull Run, and in November was made assistant inspector-general, with the rank of major. In March, 1862, he became General Keys's chief of staff; and in April he was made brigadier-general of volunterrs, and sent to Kentucky. He commanded a division under General Granger in April, 1863, and was afterwards active in northern Georgia and in the Atlanta campaign. In Sherman's march to the sea he commanded a division of the 14th Army Corps, and also in the advance through the Carolinas. He was brevetted major-general, U. S. A., in March, 1865; promoted brigadier-general and inspector-general in 1885; and retired in 1888.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Banks, National. (search)
iscounts and exchanges — advantages which were regarded as of much importance then, after the experience people had had with State banks whose issue was good in Pittsburg and worthless in Cleveland, and Vice versa, and might be stable in either place one day and worthless the next, to say nothing of the annoyance of carrying $100 as many miles and finding it only rated at $40. Still, there was much opposition to the national bank bill. Early in 1863 it was introduced into the Senate by Mr. Sherman, and referred to the finance committee, from which it was reported by him Feb. 2, and ten days later passed by a vote of 23 to 21. On the 20th of the same month it also passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 78 to 64. When the bill was revised and again brought before Congress for passage, in June, 1864, the vote in the Senate was 30 in favor and 9 against the bill. It was claimed at the time this bill was under discussion, and has been even more strongly urged since by certa
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Beauregard, Pierre Gustave toutant, (search)
ic firesides, to rally to the standard of their State and country, and by every means in their power compatible with honorable warfare, to drive back and expel the invaders from the land. The speech of President Davis at Richmond and this proclamation of Beauregard were lauded by the Confederates at Washington and Baltimore as having the ring of true metal. After the battle of Bull Run (q. v.), in July, he was promoted to major-general. He took command of the Army of the Mississippi, under Gen. A. S. Johnston, and directed the battle of Shiloh in April, 1862, after the death of Johnston. He successfully defended Charleston in 1862-63, and in May, 1864, he joined Lee in the defence of Petersburg and Richmond. As commander of the forces in the Carolinas in 1865, he joined them with those of Gen. J. E. Johnston, and surrendered them to Sherman. At the close of the war, with the full rank of general in the Confederate service, he settled in New Orleans, where he died, Feb. 20, 1893.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bentonville, battle of. (search)
Bentonville, battle of. After the defeat of Hardee at Averasboro, Sherman believed he would meet with no more serious opposition in his march to Goldsboro. He issued orders accordingly. This sense of security proved almost fatal to Sherman's army, for at that moment, Johnston, who had come down from Smithfield, N. C., on tered to the south and east, in fancied security. On the morning of the 16th, Sherman left Slocum, nearest the Confederates, to join Howard's troops, which were scattered and moving on over the wretched, muddy road. On March 19, Sherman, while on his way to Howard, heard cannonading on his left wing, but did not think there waat that time the consequence probably would have been the loss of the whole of Sherman's army and the quick and fatal dispersion or capture of Grant's before Petersbin the vicinity of Goldsboro, he perceived that all chance for success against Sherman had vanished. There had been hard fighting all day (March 20, 1865), and that
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