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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 25, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Sherman or search for Sherman in all documents.

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ay evening, there was some unimportant firing of cannon along the Petersburg lines. From Georgia. We are still without any official information concerning Sherman's movements in Georgia; but we are not entirely without some authentic advices on the subject. Sherman was, on yesterday, still west of the Oconee river, one of Sherman was, on yesterday, still west of the Oconee river, one of the tributaries of the Altamahaw, which runs south through the east centre of the State of Georgia. Milledgeville is situated on the west bank of this stream. It is believed that the enemy has been to Milledgeville, though we are pretty well assured that no official information of the fact has been received at the War Office. Inded, in official circles, as decidedly encouraging. There is one fact in the campaign which we think should give much ground for hope — the slow progress made by Sherman. He is now in his fifteenth day from Atlanta, and has, as yet, marched only about seventy-five miles, and has not reached one point of strategic importance. Per
eight thousand. There are five hundred and seventy-eight National banks now doing business in the United States with a total capital of $108,801,130. Fred Douglas is to lecture in New York on Thursday evening. He will repeat his Baltimore lecture, on which occasion a presentation is to be made to Colonel Bowman, organizer of the negro regiments of Maryland. General Rawlings, Grant's chief of staff, telegraphs that there is a great panic in Richmond, caused by the movements of Sherman. Ten men, charged with being engaged in recruiting a guerrilla party for operations in Kentucky, were arrested by detectives in Cincinnati on last Thursday night. The Trenton Gazette states that John P. Stockton, of that city, is much more likely to be elected United States Senator than is General McClellan. The Dayton Empire contains the card of Mr. Vallandigham announcing that he "has resumed the practice of law." The Masons of the city of New York have taken initiativ
generally, publish nothing in regard to the condition of military affairs in Georgia. The enemy has no means of hearing anything as to the progress or result of Sherman's advance except through our own newspapers. Thus far, they have furnished him all the information necessary (if continued) to enable him to take his measures to co-operate with Sherman from the sea and to checkmate any move that might be contemplated by ourselves, either in Virginia or Tennessee. Indeed, the enemy can well afford to pay one million of dollars in gold per day for the information which the Richmond newspapers furnish free of charge. --Some of them preface their daily instahas been instructed to keep to himself, they go on, and by hints and innuendoes, and by arguments against this or that move, finally let out the whole thing. Sherman may be turned back, or he may be compelled to strike for the sea at Brunswick, Savannah, Port Royal, Charleston, or Wilmington. He may follow the Central railway