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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 16, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Sherman or search for Sherman in all documents.

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onday, the 13th instant. Gold was quoted at 204 1 2. Later from Savannah — the Starting of Sherman's army. A letter from Savannah, dated January 29th, gives the following about Sherman's movSherman's movements: In spite of bottomless roads, the left wing, the Fourteenth and Twentieth corps, of Sherman's army, moved out of the city last week, and is now on their march. The advance has already Sherman's army, moved out of the city last week, and is now on their march. The advance has already reached Sisters's ferry, which is some sixty miles above this city. Owing to the late heavy rains, the roads thus far have been almost impassable, and the march necessarily slow, but the worst is no aware, struck the Charleston and Savannah railroad near Pocotaligo, several days ago. General Sherman's headquarters are still at Beaufort, from which point he will join the army as soon as it andoah Valley. With this force he will not be very likely to throw any serious obstructions in Sherman's way. If Charleston, being a strongly-fortified city, were the object of the present expeditio
. It is not apprehended in Kinston that the enemy design an early movement in that direction. From South Carolina--Sherman's movements. No official dispatches were received from any part of South Carolina yesterday. At last accounts, as we Fourteenth and Twentieth corps comprise the force operating against Columbia and Charleston. This leaves one corps of Sherman's army unaccounted for. We presume it has been left at Savannah. By the latest advices through the Yankee papers, we learn that Sherman was still at his headquarters at Beaufort. Recent appointments — the Commissary-General. Generals Stephen Decatur Lee and Wade Hampton, recently appointed lieutenant generals, have been confirmed by the Confederate Senate. tion of General Hampton makes him rank General Wheeler, and puts him in command of all our cavalry now operating against Sherman. The very best effects may be expected to result from this appointment. General Hampton's presence will not fail to in
The enemy in South Carolina. Georgia papers of the 8th, which we received yesterday evening through the Southern Express Company, contain some particulars of Sherman's movements: The Federals, on Thursday morning, were at Windsor, about fifteen miles from Aiken. It is not known in what force. No movements were made by them on Thursday. Cause of this not ascertained. The troops in the vicinity of Windsor are Kilpatrick's corps. It is reported that Generals Hampton and Wheof the Edisto. His main line, when last heard from, was on the railroad. It is stated in Columbia that Kilpatrick's corps is protecting Slocum's left. It is ascertained that Porter is again moving on Charleston. When last heard from he was at Green pond. It is not known where General Sherman himself is. Barnwell Courthouse was burned on Monday night. The roads are teeming with vehicles, stock, and all kinds of movable property, fleeing for Georgia and Upper Carolina.