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men once or twice, they evinced little desire of marching into open ground. The several charges made by them on our rifle-pits were well conceived and gallantly attempted, but our fire was so steady and unerring, the rush of our men so determined, that, despite all their teaching and splendid appearance, they invariably broke before our ragged rebels. Several incidents which came under my notice are illustrative of events that were happening along our whole line. We captured several of Sickles's brigade --an organization of --New-York bullies and roughs ; and the position of which corps was ascertained to be on the edge of timber to our front, where they had erected a barrier by piling branches against the fence-rails, behind and through which they maintained a galling fire, but would not advance into the open. The Nineteenth Mississippi were in front of this place, and learning that the immortal Dan Sickles and his pets were opposite, formed ranks, (seven hundred strong,) rushe
my in possession of the old battle-ground vacated by us gave it to Sickles's notorious brigade to hold and to signalize their occupation theyulting General Wright, eight corn-panics of this regiment assailed Sickles's men, and though the enemy were superior in number, they drove th of the thicket with much loss. Enraged at their rough treatment, Sickles's warriors, being reenforced, advanced again, but were a second ti of their pickets were subsequently captured, who informed us that Sickles's roughs and Meagher's Irish brigade swore to be revenged. Sevr, were sent out on picket, and occupied the left of the road near Sickles's brigade; the Louisianians were on the right, in their old picketositions, and, if attacked, reenforcements should be forthcoming. Sickles's men seemed to invite a combat, and the gallant Louisianians, not uncontrollable degree. This charge seemed to settle the affair. Sickles, Meagher, and others, were disappointed, and retired very early to
of bayonets presented conspicuous marks for the gunners, who fired constantly on every side, inflicting much loss. When our infantry arrived at Savage station, we found the enemy's rear-guard drawn up to receive us, consisting of Casey's and Sickles's men. Our troops hailed their presence with loud cheers, and commenced the attack with great fury, but the enemy seemed disinclined to prolong the contest to any length, so decamped in great haste, leaving much baggage and valuables behind, including a whole service of silver with the crest and name of Dan Sickles engraved thereon. Passing over the disputed ground, our men continued the pursuit until far in the night,when they changed their route towards Frazier's Farm, on the south, while Huger continued to advance towards it from the north side. When the enemy had left their camps on the north side, however, and the Hills, together with Longstreet, had recrossed to reenforce our right, Jackson was left to pursue them on to the
boys, they can take care of themselves at any time-so let your horse alone, and sit down; I think I've got a few cigars and a drop of good Bourbon somewhere-there, drink away, and smoke till you're tired — they cost me nothing, I got them from Dan Sickles's stores, which our boys captured at Savage Station. I tried the articles and found them to be good. Dan seems to be no bad judge of whiskey and cigars, does he? but, Lord! how mad he must have been to lose all his plate, private paperlf-created hero, took great pains to keep from the front, and never allowed himself to ride within two miles of the actual battle. Several of the Federal generals, however, chiefly brigadiers, boldly rode to the front, and cheered on their men. Sickles and Meagher were singled out and disabled. Among hundreds of line officers who fell was Colonel Fletcher Webster, Twelfth Massachusetts Volunteers, eldest and sole surviving son of the great American orator and statesman, Hon. Daniel Webster,
ted by the condition of the roads. The former was eventually lost, after a gallant defence, the horses being unable to move the guns. It was retaken on Tuesday. Throughout the morning Hooker struggled manfully against the rain, the mud, and the rebels, who appeared on the left in great strength. Gen. Heintzelman was on the field much of the time, and pronounces the contest extremely severe; other experienced officers represent it as terrible beyond precedent. Grover's, Patterson's, and Sickles's brigades were battled with a fury, under odds, and with a slaughter which had well-nigh exhausted and driven them from the field, after the artillery had withdrawn, but for the timely arrival, at two o'clock, of Kearney's division, consisting of the brigades of Berry, Birney, and Jameson. These good troops, though weary with long and rapid marching, under the sturdy lead of Heintzelman, were not long in turning the tide in our favor, though it cost them, especially the Scott Life-Guard a
spared. I then refused, though applied to for further aid. I shall now proceed to describe the operations of the second line, which received my uninterrupted supervision, composed principally of Couch's division. Plan of the battle of Fair Oaks, Va. A — Spratt's Battery. B — Regan's Battery. C — Fitch's Battery. D — Bates's Battery in redoubt. E — Redoubt. F — Palmer's Camp. G — Wessell's Camp. H — Naglee's Camp. I--Rebel line, 1st June. J--Union line, Sickles's, 1st June. K — Seven Pines. L--First line of defence. M--Second line of defence. N--Third line of defence. As the pressure on Casey's position became greater, he applied to me for reenforcements. I continued to send them as long as I had troops to spare. Col. McCarter, with the Ninety-third Pennsylvania, Peck's brigade, engaged the enemy on the left, and maintained his ground above two hours, until overwhelming numbers forced him to retire, which he did in go
ttention rather closely to those points. Generals Sickles's and Grover's brigades deployed right an regiment had won glory enough at Fair Oaks. Sickles commanded not only his brigade, but each of h had already returned to camp, and Grover and Sickles's were resting on our side of the timber, hav and the Nineteenth lost some forty-five men. Sickles's and Robinson's brigades also suffered sever brigades of Hooker's division — Grover's and Sickles's — did nearly all the work, though some otheents the whole line disappeared in the woods, Sickles's part of it more slowly than the other; for s intense and severe as that on the left. On Sickles's front it was straightforward work. He had Fifth New-Jersey was sent out as a reserve to Sickles, the Second New-York to reenforce his advancef Couch's division, was ordered up to support Sickles. The vigilant and ever ready commander of thts. The advance of the enemy was composed of Sickles's and another brigade. Informed of the state[11 more...]<
d he remained in the saddle and in the fiery torrent. Col. Wyman, too, of the Eighteenth Massachusetts, was killed. General Meade was severely wounded. How many others I cannot tell. It was a bloody day. There will be weeping at many a hearthstone, and many a loved one was lost who will be sought for long and never found. Sumner, and Heintzelman, and Franklin, and Hooker, and Smith, and Sedgwick, and Franklin, and McCall — Hancock, and Davidson, and Meade, and Seymore, and Burns, and Sickles, and Sully, and Owens, and dead Wyman, and all the galaxy of brave leaders, won title to glorious honors. They tell me that the rebel Gen. Longstreet was wounded and two other Generals lay dead on the field, with long lines of rebel officers and hecatombs of men. Melancholy satisfaction for such dead as ours. The enemy was beaten again, thank God! beaten badly, driven back, slaughtered fearfully. The gunboats had at least a moral agency in the fight. It did not appear that their guns
ey remained near where I had left him early in the morning. About nine o'clock my line of battle was established — Grover on the right, Carr in the centre, and Sickles's brigade on the left. In the mean time, directions were given for all of my batteries to continue their march to our proposed camp near James River, in order nder Grover were withdrawn from the pursuit at dark, and restored to their places in line of battle. Soon after this attack was made, word was received from Gen. Sickles that the enemy in his immediate front were preparing to turn our left, when all our reserves were despatched to strengthen him. No attack, however, in force was made, and Sickles's and Carr's brigades remained in position. The former reports the capture of one hundred and fifty prisoners, in which are included one Lieutenant-Colonel, one Captain, five Lieutenants, and forty enlisted men, taken by Capt. Parks, company F, Second New-York volunteers, Carr's brigade. To these should be add
ock A. M. my division was established in line of battle for the defence of our new position. Under a heavy fire of the enemy's artillery, Grover's brigade was strongly posted on the right, Carr's on the left, and well sheltered; subsequently, Sickles's brigade, held in reserve, was posted in rear of my right, protected from the enemy's shots, and well in hand to reinforce any part of my line. Osborne's and Bram's batteries occupied higher ground, where they could reply to the enemy's artin attack was made in great force, and the battle lasted until long after dark. About half an hour before sunset orders were sent me by General Sumner to despatch a brigade of my command to the assistance of General Porter, and immediately General Sickles's brigade moved to that point. For a full account of the important services it rendered on the left, I respectfully call the attention of the Major-General commanding the corps, to the report of its chief, herewith inclosed. I will espec