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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Chapter army life and camp drill (search)
In this view I am thankful for the defeat. Charles Devens left here with his regiment last week. . .. I think W. Phillips too severe upon him; this is a new era and we must forgive the past, and everybody knows that his part in the rendition of Sims has clouded all his life. He would gladly have given me a commission in this regiment, if I could have gone. Cameron, Lincoln's first Secretary of War, directed General Butler to employ fugitive slaves in any way that seemed desirable. es. Devens was United States Marshal at the time of the Sims case, and although his sympathies were with the fugitive slave, he felt obliged to obey the law. But he afterwards made a great effort financially and otherwise to procure freedom for Sims, and his brave career in the Civil War has been fitly recognized by naming for him the recent great soldiers' training camp at Ayer. August 2 Dearest Mother: We take things more quietly here. The war has never cost us a minute's sleep, which
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Index. (search)
, actress, 50, 51. Rarey, John S., and his horses, 50. Rawnsley, Canon, 320. Ristori, Adelaide, actress, 243. Rogers, Dr., Seth, 207, 209, 215. Rogerson, Mrs., 280. Rust, Col. J. D., 188. S Sanborn, Frank, 139, 349; description of, 86. Sand, George, description of, 262. Sargent, Mrs. J. T., 268, 270. Saxton, Gen., Rufus, 181, 202. Scudder, Horace E., letter to, 332. Secession, 79, 80. Shaler, Prof. Nathaniel S., funeral of, 347. Sibley, John Langdon, 2. Sims, Thomas, case of, 156, 157. Sixth Mass. Vols., account of, 155, Smalley, George, 82, 83. Smalleys, the, 277, 294, 295. South, the, Union sentiment, 165, 166, 264; Higginson's accounts of, 183-92, 217. Sparks, Jared, 267. Spofford, Harriet Prescott, in Newburyport, 103, 104; advice about reading, 105, 106; at Atlantic dinner, 106-11. Sprague, Lt.-Col. A. B.R., 179; description of, 172, 182. Spring, Edward, 123. Springfteld Republican, the, 157, 158, 165. Stanley, Henry M., t