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ption. This is confidential, for I know I can trust you. He spoke of the notice which had been taken by Northern journals of the existence of such societies in the South, and referred to the disunion associations in the North. I informed him that the latter, thank God, were few and far between, and could do no harm to the cause. This gentleman's statement concerning the depreciation of Southern land, brought to my mind the authority of the fathers of our Republic on the subject. John Sinclair had written to Washington concerning the difference of the land in Pennsylvania from that of Virginia and Maryland. Washington's answer was this: Because there are in Pennsylvania laws for the gradual abolition of slavery, which neither Maryland nor Virginia has at present; but there is nothing more certain than that they must have, and at a period not remote. The sheriffs statement regarding the liberation of his slaves, was the same as that of John Randolph, Governor of Vir
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Forrest, Edwin 1806-1872 (search)
s. Not being satisfied with merely local fame, he played in all the large cities in the United States. His chief characters were Othello, Macbeth, Hamlet, Richard III., Metamora and Spartacus, the last of which he made exceedingly effective by his immense energy. In 1835 he went to England and the Continent, and played with much acceptance, making many warm friends, among them William C. Macready (q. v.). In 1837 he again visited Europe and while there married Catharine, a daughter of John Sinclair, the widely known ballad-singer. After 1845 Mr. Forrest spent two more years in England, during which his friendship with Mr. Macready was broken. He had acted with great success in Virginius and other parts, but when he attempted to personate Macbeth he was hissed by the audience. This hissing was attributed to professional jealousy on the part of Macready. A few weeks after, when Macready appeared as Hamlet in Edinburgh, Forrest hissed him from a box in which he stood. On May 10,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Navy of the United States (search)
s. They were as follows: Name.Rated.MountedCommanders. Constitution4458Capt. Hull. United States4458Capt. Decatur. President4458Com. Rodgers. Chesapeake3644Capt. Smith. New York3644Ordinary. Constellation3644Ordinary. Congress3644Ordinary. Boston32Ordinary. Essex32Capt. Porter. Adams32Ordinary. John Adams26Capt. Ludlow. Wasp1618Capt. Jones. Hornet1618Capt. Lawrence. Siren16Lieut. Carroll. Argus16Lieut. Crane. Oneida16Lieut. Woolsey. Vixen12Lieut. Gadsden. Nautilus12Lieut. Sinclair. Enterprise12Capt. Blakeley. Viper12Capt. Bainbridge. The government early perceived the importance of having control of Lakes Ontario and Erie when the war began. Events in the early part of 1812 at the eastern end of Lake Ontario (see Sackett's Harbor), and the fact that the British were building war vessels at Kingston, made it important that an American squadron should appear on those waters very speedily. The only hope of creating a squadron in time to secure the supremacy of t
Robert Orme to Gov. Morris, 18 July, 1755. He was with difficulty brought off the field, and borne in the train of the fugitives. All the first day he was silent; but at night he roused himself to say, Who would have thought it The meeting at Dunbar's camp made a day of confusion. On the twelfth of July, Dunbar destroyed the remaining artillery, and burned the public stores and the heavy baggage, to the value of a hundred thousand pounds,—pleading in excuse that he had the orders Sir John Sinclair to Sir T. Robinson, 3 Sept. 1755. of the dying general, and being himself resolved, in midsummer, to evacuate Fort Cumberland, and hurry to Philadelphia for winter-quarters. Accordingly, the next day they all retreated. At night Braddock roused from his lethargy to say, We shall better know how to deal with them another time, and died. Orme in Franklin's Autobiography. His grave may still be seen, near the na- chap. VIII.} 1755. tional road, about a mile west of Fort Necessity.
with blindness in his later years, had accumulated such stock of vitality by his out-door life as to bridge him well over into the present century: he died in 1820, aged seventy-nine. Parson Trusler, notwithstanding his apothecary-schooling, lived to be eighty. In 1826 died Joseph Cradock of the 'Village Memoirs,' and a devoted horticulturist, aged eighty-five. Three years after, (1820,) Sir Uvedale Prite bade final adieu to his delightful seat of Foxley, at the age of eighty-three. Sir John Sinclair lived fairly into our own time, (1835,) and was eighty-one at his death. William Speechley, whom Johnson calls the best gardener of his time, and who established the first effective system of hot-house culture for pines in England, died in 1819, aged eighty-six; and in the same year, William Marshal, a voluminous agricultural writer and active farmer, died at the age of eighty. And I must mention one more, Dr. Andrew Duncan, a Scotch physician, who cultivated his garden with his own
him. It consisted in taking no other nourishment than yolks of eggs beaten up with the flour of potatoes and water. "--Though this circumstance took place as far back as fifty years ago, and respected so extraordinary a personage as Voltaire, it is astonishing how little it is known, and how rarely the remedy has been practised. Its efficacy, however, in cases of debility, cannot be questioned, and the following is the mode of preparing this valuable article of food, as recommended by Sir John Sinclair: Receipt — Beat up an egg in a bowl and then add six tablespoonfuls of cold water, mixing the whole well together; then add two tablespoonfuls of the farina of potatoes, to be mixed thoroughly with the liquor in the bowl.--Then pour in as much boiling water as will convert the whole into jelly, and mix it well. It may be taken either alone or with the addition of a little milk, and moist or best sugar, not only for breakfast, but in cases of great stomachic debility, or in consumptive