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Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, May, 1863. (search)
General's horse, and was sent to gallop round the land defences with Brigadier-general Slaughter and his Staff. By great good fortune this was the evening of GeneraGeneral Slaughter's weekly inspection, and all the redoubts were manned by their respective garrisons, consisting half of soldiers and half of armed citizens who had been fence of the City, After visiting the fortifications, I had supper at General Slaughter's house, and met there some of the refugees from New Orleans-these are nosing the black flag, and giving no quarter, was again freely discussed at General Slaughter's, and was evidently the popular idea. I heard many anecdotes of the late Stonewall Jackson, who was General Slaughter's comrade in the artillery of the old army. It appears that previous to the war he was almost a monomaniac about his tely the war broke out he never made any further allusion to his health. General Slaughter declared that on the night after the terrific repulse of Burnside's army