Browsing named entities in Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 11.1, Texas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Slaughter or search for Slaughter in all documents.

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anding the land forces serving on board of our fleet; by Captain Lubbock, commanding the Bayou City; by her pilot, Captain McCormick; Captain Wier, commanding the artillery; Captain Martin, commanding dismounted dragoons; and by the officers and men on that boat. Though in the case of the Neptune the result was not so favorable, her attack on the Harriet Lane was equally bold and dashing and had its weight in the capture. Colonel Bagby commanding the land troops on board the Neptune; Captain Slaughter; her pilots, Captains Swift and McGovern; Captain Harby, and the officers and crew of the ship, likewise deserve, as they have received, my thanks for their participation in this brilliant battle. The engineers, among whom Captain Seymour, of the Bayou City, and Captain Connor, of the Neptune, were distinguished by remarkable coolness, skill and devotion in the discharge of their important duties. In the land attack especial commendations are due to Brig.-Gen. W. R. Scurry, Col. X.
of the war. On October 12, 1863, Brigadier-General Slaughter was ordered to take command of the not immediately leave Brownsville, and that Slaughter was not there until the next year. In thef Texas, who addressed a letter inviting General Slaughter and Colonel Ford to meet Gen. Lew Wallac effect the result. To this proposition General Slaughter and Colonel Ford both agreed. After retse things were done with the approval of General Slaughter. These events and the subsequent engar having withdrawn a short distance Brigadier-General Slaughter, accompanied by Captain Carringtoneviously known of their presence. After General Slaughter joined the retiring Confederates, he sendeclined to do unless he could first see General Slaughter and explain to him the fatigued conditioe island. These reasons, if reported to General Slaughter, were ignored, and he ordered skirmishercratched, it was not mentioned. After General Slaughter had indulged in skirmish firing for a sh