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es, and one in the rear, so high and heavy it took two men to saddle one horse and two men to help the fellow into his place. The horses sheered out, going sidewise, pushing the well-disposed animals out of position, etc. Some of the boys had never ridden anything since they galloped on a hobby horse, and they clasped their legs close together, thus unconsciously sticking the spurs into their horses' sides. Well, this was the crowd I commanded to mount on the morning I was ordered by General Smith to follow him. We got in line near headquarters, and when we got ready to start we started all over. He left no doubt about his starting! He went like greased lightning! In less than ten minutes Tenth New York cavalrymen might have been seen on every hill for two miles rearward. Poor fellows! I wanted to help them, but the general was On to Richmond ; and I hardly dared look back for fear of losing him. I didn't have the remotest idea where he was going, and didn't know but he was g
me guards gave the invaders a brisk little battle, and delayed their advance for a brief time. On July 1, 1864, General A. J. Smith assembled a large force at La Grange, Tennessee, for a raid on Tupelo, Mississippi, in which a cavalry division unurning of all bridges and trestles north and south of Tupelo and the destruction of the railroad was the result of General A. J. Smith's raid on that point in 1864. General Smith started from Lagrange, Tenn., on July 1st, accompanied by a cavalry diGeneral Smith started from Lagrange, Tenn., on July 1st, accompanied by a cavalry division under General Grierson, who took a prominent part in defeating the formidable General Forrest as he had probably never been defeated before. The Union cavalry raids in the West were more uniformly successful than the raids of the cavalry witd there were of quite equal dash and daring and importance to the result. A destructive raid in Mississippi General A. J. Smith road, and entirely impracticable for mounted men at all times. General Upton ascertained by a personal reconnais
man was conducting his campaign in Mississippi. The cavalry of General Smith, numbering nearly seven thousand men, had been detached from ththe main body had marched to Meridian, and there Sherman waited for Smith until the 18th, without receiving any tidings of the missing troope, was ordered to scout twenty miles toward the direction from which Smith was expected, and to convey new orders to him. Winslow's forces reave point at Lauderdale Springs, and still no news had been heard of Smith. Scouts that traveled far into the surrounding country obtained o go no farther, he abandoned the search, but it was necessary that Smith receive Sherman's orders, and a volunteer was called for to carry tr portions of Polk's army. The messenger would be forced to locate Smith in whatever manner he could, and then to reach him as quickly as po each little clue on his northward ride, until he had learned where Smith could be found. On the morning following his exit from his camp, h
ighting regiment at Gettysburg and elsewhere Looking at the resolute faces and confident mien of these boys from what was then the far-western State of Indiana, the reader, even of a later generation, understands instantly how it was that the Western cavalry of the Federal army earned such an enviable reputation from 1861 to 1865. Not only did it protect the fast-spreading Federal frontier in the West; not only did it bear the brunt of the raids conducted by the dashing leaders Grierson, Smith, Wilson, and others, whereby the more southern portions of the Confederacy were cut off from their supplies and deprived of their stores; but States like Indiana also provided several of the most conspicuously gallant regiments that served with the Eastern armies. This Third Indiana, for instance, was busy East and West. At Nashville, at Shiloh, at Stone's River, at Chattanooga, at Atlanta, and on Sherman's march to the sea, it did its duty in the West, while six companies of the regiment