Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 7, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Lomax Smith or search for Lomax Smith in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: April 7, 1864., [Electronic resource], Richmond and Danville R R, Sup's office, Richmond, April 5, 1864. (search)
The Justices of the Peack — who of them shall be Exempt from military duty. Governor Smith has determined upon his course with reference to the exemption of Justices of the Peace. The following is an extract from a paper with his signature on the subject. It is clear and positive. The age of the Justice settles the question of his status whether at home or in the field.--Every Justice, whether under or over forty-five must appreciate the irony of the Governor touching the probable abundant supply of men over forty-five competent to perform the "meagre duties" left the magistracy by the war! Even the Justice who falls likes the instrument to be sharp, whether it be a "wise saw" or a "modern instance." If Justices be, as they were in the revolution of '76, of a chivalrous and patriotic spirit, those fit for service will hardly stop to cavil about the principle involved in the decision of the Governor; but proceed at once to defend their country from that foe who will, if succes
ion of Capt. G. W. Lewis, 31st Ga. Regiment, the Chair was requested to appoint a committee to prepare a suitable preamble and resolutions, expressing the sentiments of the meeting, the Chair appointed the following committee, viz: Major B. F. Grace, Sgt S. E. Clarke, Sgt W. J. Young. Sgt. C. Steward, and private — Anderson, 26th Ga. Regiment. Capt Farmer. Sgts. Robinson and Oglesby, privates A. J. Bond and J. C. Chew, 38th Ga. Regiment. Lieut. J. M. Goldsmith, Sgt. Hardy, privates Smith, E. H. Ellis and Presley, 6th Ga. Regiment. Lieut. Stripling, Sgts. Godbis, Wright, Hatcher; and private Vincent, 61st Ga. Regiment. Lieut. McGuinty, Sgts. G. C. Dearing and Bicks, privates W. W. McCray, J. H. Wooldridge, 31st Ga. Regiment. the committee reported the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: whereas, in our opinion the final success of the arms of the Confederate States is an absolute necessity to the perpetuation of our libe
A Barber in Trouble. --Lomax Smith was yesterday arrested by officer Adams for receiving a lot of shoemakers' tools, stolen from Wm. C. Page.
The Daily Dispatch: April 7, 1864., [Electronic resource], Richmond and Danville R R, Sup's office, Richmond, April 5, 1864. (search)
From the Southwest. Dalton April 5. --News from within the enemy's lines states that two brigades of infantry have gone towards Nashville. By some they are said to have been sent to operate against Forrest, and by others to be en route for the Army of the Potomac. Forty-four regiments of infantry and ten batteries, who returned to Ohio to recruit, raised only five thousand in three months. It is reported that McPherson relieves Thomas, who will be sent to another field; also, that one brigade of cavalry and one of infantry have been sent forward to Chattanooga within the last few days. The Federals who went out on a plundering expedition under Dodge have returned to Decalur. Smith, commanding the other division of Logan's corps, is at Larkinsville picketing Huntsville, and Stevenson on the railroad and river. Nineteen Federals in Confederate uniform came to Triune Factory, near Summerville, and committed numerous depredations on Saturday.