Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 30, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Wm Smith or search for Wm Smith in all documents.

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The elections. The State elections will probably, many of them, remain in doubt for some time. The choice of Governor, from the returns received, lies between Messrs. Smith and Flournoy. The result must be settled by the army vote, and it will be some time before it can be received. So is it with reference to the Lieutenant Governor, for which Messrs. Price and Imboden are the leading candidates Several of the Congressional Districts are left in the same situation. The army has the casting vote. For Congress, Messrs. Wickham, in the Richmond District, and Collier, in the Petersburg District, have such majorities as to settle the question and fix them as the representatives elect. Mr. Bocock had no opposition in the Buckingham District, and Mr. Rives none in the Albemarle District. In the Augusta District the contest between General Baldwin and Governor Letcher has been very animated perhaps the most excited in the election. This may be kept in doubt, also, by the arm
From, Fredericksburg. [from our own correspondent.] Fredericksburg, May 28, 1863. Another election to-day under the guns of the enemy! The result as follows: Whole number of votes cast 98--For Governor: Smith, 64; Flournoy, 29, Munford, 5. For Lieut-Governor: Price, 44; Imboden, 51. For Attorney General: Tucker, 93. For Congress: DeJarnett, 70; Barbour, 25. For House of Delegates: John L. Marye, Jr, 95. The election passed off quietly. Of course the enormous throng of voters rushing to the polls was not apparent to the spectator. I forgot to mention that Seddon got 8 refugee votes for the Senate, and Taliaferro Voting in the camps, I think, was not very lively. The indications and speculations here are to the effect that the Yankees are evacuating Stafford county. Their Cavalry are said to have gone up the river and they have been seen going over the hills in large numbers to-day. A balloon was hauled up from Phillips's House towards Falmouth, and looked as i
te For Governor: T S Flournoy2513764101037 Wm Smith124183181488 G W Munford119223202544 Lieut-G144427 Wm Taylor1824465291 Flournoy over Smith, 589; Flournoy over Munford, 544. Wickham ovefugee vote from Winchester stood: Flournoy, 4; Smith, 1; Price, 5. Congress: Boteler, 5--State Sen. Dinwiddie County.--As far as heard from Smith is largely ahead for Governor. The vote at twlock the vote stood at the C. H. for Governor: Smith, 74; Munford, 14; Flournoy, 11. Lieutenant Gov Appomattox C. H. the vote stood for Governor: Smith, 50; Flournoy, 15. Congress: No opposition tolegates. Army vote. At Drewry's Bluff, Smith's majority over Flournoy is 70; over Munford, , Munford's majority over Flournoy is 17; over Smith, 23. Price over Imboden, 11. In the 32d rnoy, for Governor, receives 150 majority over Smith; Kemper's brigade, same division, Smith receivSmith receives 200 majority over Flournoy.--For Congress, (2d district,) Col. D. J. Godwin receives in the 9th