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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men 12 0 Browse Search
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall) 6 0 Browse Search
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Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), To Mrs. S. B. Shaw. (search)
To Mrs. S. B. Shaw. Wayland, 1874. How cheering Mrs. Somerville's Life is, as a proof of the capabilities of woman! And how it makes me mourn over the frivolous, wasted life of women in general! John Stuart Mill's biography made me sad for him. He had too much soul to have it entirely pressed to death ; but I believe he would have been a much greater man, and certainly a much happier one, if it had not been for that loveless, dreary childhood, that incessant drilling, that cramming of his boyish brain, that pitiless crushing out of all spontaneity. With regard to his writings, I do not always like his tone, or always agree with his conclusions. It jarred upon my feelings to have him decide that because evil existed, therefore the Creator of the universe was either not all-good, or else he was not all-powerful. I grant that, taking the very limited view we finite beings are capable of, as many facts could, perhaps, be brought forward to prove that the world was made by a ma
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), Index. (search)
5; lines to George Thompson, 206; her appeal to Mr. Sumner in behalf of the rights of women, 208; on Grant's reflection, 213; on the treatment of animals, 214; on the Indian question, XX., 218-221; in favor of the prohibitory law, 221; reads Mrs. Somerville's Life, and Mill's Autobiography, 222, and A princess of Thule, 223; her grief at Charles Sumner's death, 224; her reformation of a drunkard, 227; her views on Sex in education, 229; her loneliness after her husband's death, 230; passes the , 144; his ransom secured by Mrs. Child, 145, 189. Slaves, cruelties to, 126-132. Smith, Gerrit, makes an anti-slavery speech in Congress, 70; his regard for Mrs. Child, 166. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 213. Somerville, Mary, Life of, 222. Spanish Gypsy, The, 197. Sphinx, the Egyptian, 71. Spirit-photography, 234. Sprague, Charles, 235. Standard, the National Anti-slavery, edited by Mrs. Child, XIII., 43; letter to, 163. Stowe, Harriet Beecher,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, chapter 49 (search)
owning that she could be a great poet, or up to the time of Rosa Bonheur a great painter, or up to the days of Mrs. Siddons and Rachel a great actor, or until Mrs. Somerville's day a great scientific writer. Even to the present time, for some reason, the corresponding figure among musical composers has not appeared, and any speculll success. High English scientific authority has said that we never shall know how much science lost by the almost total early neglect of the rare powers of Mary Somerville. We know as little what the musical world lost by the domestic repression of Fanny Mendelssohn. We do not even know, as the latest biographer of the family pioneers in other intellectual spheres not one was German; we do not know that George Sand, or George Eliot, or Mrs. Browning, or Rosa Bonheur, or Rachel, or Mrs. Somerville, would ever have raised her head above the surrounding obstacles had she had the ill-luck to be born near the Rhine. Even in France there is no Salique Law i
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, chapter 51 (search)
t; and even if she does, there is all the rest of the room The more rational inference would seem to be that if one point of the compass was not too much for her, it would only be a question of time when she would reach all the rest. When Mrs. Somerville wrote her Mechanism of the Heavens, critics of this description admitted that she had proved, indeed, that women could master astronomy after a fashion, but probably chemistry would be beyond them. When Rosa Bonheur painted cattle it was reother instances have followed-Rachel in dramatic art, Rosa Bonheur in animal painting, George Sand and George Eliot in prose fiction. These cases are unquestionable. Other women have at least reached a secondary place in other spheres — as Mrs. Somerville in science, Harriet Martineau in political economy, Elizabeth Barrett Browning in poetry. The inference would seem natural that it is simply a case of slower development — a thing not at all discouraging in a world where evolution reigns, a
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, Index. (search)
shadow of the harem, the, 12. Shakespeare, William, quoted, 56,91, 177, 178, 239. Also 19, 32, 49, 55, 102, 103, 108, 262. Shelley, P. B., 19. shy graces, the, 306. sick, on visiting the, 227. Siddons, Sarah, 250. Simms, W. G., 223. single will, the, 90. Sisters of Charity, 69. Size, physical, gradual diminution of, 262. Smith College, 275. social pendulum, the swing of the, 22. social superiors, 171. Society, origin of its usages, 77. Socrates, 81. Somerville, Mary, 250, 251,252, 261. Sophocles, E. A., 30. South Sea Island proverb, 236. Spanish manners, 25. Spenser, Edmund, quoted, 307. Spinning, in Homer, 8; in ancient Rome, 13. Spinsters, insufficient supply of, 39. Stael, Madame de, 57. Stone, Fanny, 56, 58. Stone, General C. P., 56. Stowe, H. B., 236. Studley, Cornelia, 287. Sngden, Sir, Edward, 138. Swedenborg, Emanuel, 159. swing of the social pendulum, the, 22. T. Taylor, Bayard, quoted, 6. Taylor's theorem