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iloh, Tenn., I., 199; in a Union prison, VII., 21. Southfield,, U. S. S.: I., 356; II., 352; VI., S7, 199, 320. Southwest Mountain, Va. (see also Cedar Mountain, Va.), II., 320. Southwest Pass, La., VI., 1S9. Southwestern Army X., 274. Southwestern campaign: map of, II., 2. Spangler, E., VII., 203. Spanish-American War, VII, 347. Spanish Fort, Ala.: III., 344; VI., 258 seq.: IX., 247. Spaulding, I., V., 247. Spear, E., X., 211. Spear, S. P., X., 303. Spears, J. G., X., 305. Spencer, J. P., I., 48. Sphinx,, C. S. S., (afterwards Stonewall,) VI., 299. Spicer, W., IV., 198. Spies: in the capital at Washington, April, 181, VII., 192; Southern, VIII., 24, 26; women, VIII., 273, 287, 291; causes for execution of, VIII., 303; executed by Confederates at Petersburg, Va., VIII., 303. Spinner, Mrs. house of, used as hospital at Bull Run, Va., VII., 257. Spirit of Brotherhood, IX., 195, 329,