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Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 6 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 6 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 2 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Stevens, Walter Husted 1827-1867 (search)
Stevens, Walter Husted 1827-1867 Military officer; born in Penn Yan, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1827; graduated at the United States Military Academy and entered the engineer corps in 1848. In May, 1861, he joined the Confederates and became chief engineer on General Beauregard's staff; made brigadier-general and served in the Army of Northern Virginia till late in 1862; then built the defences of Richmond, after which he was chief engineer to General Lee till 1865. He died in Vera Cruz, Mexico, Nov. 12, 1867.
's Ferry, overpowered the watchmen at the Baltimore & Ohio railroad bridge, the United States armory and arsenal near the Baltimore & Ohio, and the rifle factory above the town on the Shenandoah, and placed guards at those points and at the street comers of the town. Brown established himself in the thick-walled brick building at the armory gate, one room of which was the quarters of the watchman and the other contained a fire-engine; he then sent six men, including the spy Cook, under Captain Stevens, to seize the principal citizens in the neighborhood and incite the negroes to rise in insurrection. This party broke into the house of Col. L. W. Washington, about five miles from Harper's Ferry, about 1:30 a. m. of the 17th, and forced him and four of his servants to accompany them to Harper's Ferry, he in his own carriage and followed by one of his farm wagons, which they seized. On their way back, at about 3 a. m., they captured Mr. Allstadt and six of his servants, placing arms i
ked from the fills of the unfinished railway, when the supply of ammunition gave out. Lee anxiously watched these fierce assaults and desperate repulses, and urged his stubborn lieutenant to join in the combat and relieve the pressure upon his other and indomitable lieutenant, who, with another sort of stubbornness, held to his lines and drove back the successive waves of Federal assaults. At 5 p. m., when less than two hours of the day remained, Pope massed the divisions of Kearney and Stevens for a last assault upon Jackson's left. Gregg had exhausted his ammunition and sent for more, adding that his Carolinians would hold on with the bayonet; but these were forced backward, when the Georgians and the North Carolinians of Branch, dropped in behind them, and all, like Indian fighters, took advantage of every rock and tree as the stubborn Federals forced them back. Jackson promptly moved from his center the Virginians of Field and Early, the Georgians of Lawton, and the Louisian
nt which distinguished him in action, made him to me a marked man, and I regretted his early death as a great loss to the army and the cause. His name deserves lasting remembrance in association with the Stonewall division. Brigadier-General Walter Husted Stevens Brigadier-General Walter Husted Stevens, whose Confederate service was rendered in Virginia, was born at Penn Yan, N. Y., August 24, 1827. He was appointed from New York to the United States military academy, where he was graBrigadier-General Walter Husted Stevens, whose Confederate service was rendered in Virginia, was born at Penn Yan, N. Y., August 24, 1827. He was appointed from New York to the United States military academy, where he was graduated fourth in the class of 1848, and promoted in the army to brevet second lieutenant, corps of engineers. After a short service at Newport harbor, R. I., he was assigned to the repair of fortifications, defending the approaches to New Orleans until 1853, when he was put in charge of the survey of the rivers and harbors of Texas. From 1853 to 1857 he served as lighthouse inspector on the coast of Texas, with the rank of second lieutenant until 1855, when he was promoted first lieutenant.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.11 (search)
Forty-ninth Virginia Infantry,— 1861; brigadier-general, January 31, 1863; major-general August 30, 1863, resigned December 31, 1863, having been elected Governor of Virginia; died at Warrenton, Va., May 18, 1887. Commands—Brigade composed of Thirteenth, Thirty-first, Forty-ninth, Fifty-second and Fifty-eighth Virginia Regiments, Infantry, and subsequently of the Thirteenth, Forty-ninth, Fifty-second, Fifty-eighth and Thirty-first Virginia Regiments, Early's Division, A. N. V. Walter Husted Stevens, major, corps of engineers, C. S. A.——, tober 10, 1862; died August 15, 1888. March 16, 1861; colonel corps of engineers, C. S. A., 1862; brigadier-general, August 28, 1864; died at Vera Cruz, Mexico, November 12, 1867. Commands—In charge of defensive works around Richmond, 1862 and 1863; commanding troops and defenses of Richmond, 1863 to 1864; chief engineer, A. N. V., August, 1864, to end of the war. Carter L. Stevenson, lieutenant-colonel, corps of infantry, C. S. A.,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Constitution and the Constitution. (search)
D. H. Chamberlin, once reconstruction governor of South Carolina, could speak with authority. Under all the avowed motives for this policy, he wrote (in the Atlantic Monthly of April, 1900), lay a deeper cause than all others, the will and determination to secure party ascendancy and control at the South and in the nation by the negro vote. * * * Not one of them professed or cared to know more. * * Eyes were never blinder of facts; minds never more ruthlessly set upon a policy, than were Stevens and Morton on putting the white South under the heel of the black South. * * * Seventy-eight thousand colored votes were distinctly and of design pitted against forty-six thousand whites, who held all the property, education and public experience of the State. It is not less than shocking to think of such odds, such inevitable disaster. Yet it was deliberately planned and eagerly welcomed at Washington. * * * To this tide of folly and worse, President Grant persistently yielded. * * * Tho
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
d L. 112 Magruder, John B., 112 Mahone, Wm., 112 Maury, Dabney H. 112 McCausland, John, 113 Moore, Patrick T., 113 Munford, Thos. T., 113 Page, Richard L., 113 Paxton, E. F., 113 Payne W H., 114,285 Pegram John 114 Pemberton John C., 114 Pickett, Geo. E., 115 Pendleton Wm. N. 114 Pryor Roger A., 115 Randolph, Geo. W, 115 Reynolds, Alex W., 115 Robertson, Heverley H., 115 Rosser, Thos. L., 116 Ruggles, Daniel, 116 Slaughter, J. E., 116 Smith, Wm., 117 Stevens, Walter H., 117 Stevenson, Carter L., 117 Stuart J E. B, 117 Taliaferro Wm. B., 118 Terrell James B., 118 Terry, Wm., 118 Terry. W. R., 119 Walker, Henry E., 119 Walker James A., 119 Walker, R. Lindsey, 119 Weisiger, D A., 119 Wharton Gabriel C.. 120 Wickham, Williams C., 120 Wise, Henry A., 120 Wilcox's Old Brigade at the Crater, 164 Washburn, Gen. C. C., 180 Washington Artillery. 23 Weitzel, Gen., Godfrey, 92 Whiskey, Insurrection of, 1792, 64 White, W. H.,