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been instructed to push forward with his brigade to the terminus of the Kentucky Railroad, where transportation will be ready to take his command to Chattanooga. H. L. Clay, Assistant Adjutant-General. Knoxville, Tenn., June 7, 1862. Brig. Ge. C. L. Stevenson, Commanding, &c., Cumberland Gap: General: From information received there seems to be no doubt that the enemy contemplate an attack in large force upon Chattanooga, and probably the invasion of East Tennessee, via Kingston, by columxville, 4 miles beyond Maynardsville. You will make such disposition of your force as will accomplish the objects communicated to you now and in the last letter from this office, giving prompt intelligence to these headquarters and to Brigadier-General Stevenson of any advances which maybe made. Brigadier-General Barton has been ordered to the terminus of the Kentucky Railroad, from which point orders will be given him to proceed to Chattanooga. He is to leave a small battalion at Clinton, w