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is brilliant career. Highly impressed with the nobleness and importance of the profession he had embraced, he devoted himself with ardent zeal and untiring perseverance to his multitudinous studies, and went through his four years course with no less distinction than success. He was graduated July 1st, 1838, being second in a class of forty-five, and on July 7th of the same year was appointed Second Lieutenant in the United States Engineers. Generals Hardee, Wayne, Ed. Johnson, Reynolds, Stevenson, Trapier, and Sibley, of the Confederate army, and Mc-Dowell, A. T. Smith, Granger, Barney, and McKinstry, of the Federal army, were classmates of his, and were graduated at the same time. His life was uneventful from that date to the year 1846-47, when, according to plans drawn up by Captain J. G. Barnard, U. S. Engineers, and himself, he directed the fortification works at the city of Tampico. In the month of March, 1847, he joined the expedition under Major-General Scott, against th
, in the saving of which the Confederate government is interested. From Nashville, should any further retrograde movement become necessary, it will be made to Stevenson, and thence according to circumstances. It was also determined that the possession of the Tennessee River by the enemy, resulting from the fall of Fort Henry, there. He established his headquarters at Edgefield, opposite Nashville, on the 13th, and the next day the two generals met in conference at the residence of Mr. Stevenson, President of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad. General Beauregard was still quite unwell, but, notwithstanding his failing health, always attending, wit Columbus, should the War Department approve of it. He informed General Beauregard that when compelled to retire, he would do so along the line of the Nashville, Stevenson, and Chattanooga Railroad, to defend the country in that direction, and the crossing of the Tennessee River; and, as it was probable that the Federal forces woul
g to organize everything as rapidly as possible. Yours truly, G. T. Beauregard. General A. S. Johnston, Stevenson, Ala. On the same day, and to the same effect, he also telegraphed General Johnston, reaffirming the urgency of a junction at Corinth, and asking specially for the 9th and 10th Mississippi and 5th Georgia regiments, under Brigadier-General J. R. Jackson, they having been sent to Chattanooga, by order of the War Department, to reinforce General Johnston, then moving upon Stevenson, and about the disposition of whose troops, and projected plans, Mr. Benjamin wrote that he was still without any satisfactory information. See Mr. Benjamin's letter to General Bragg, dated Richmond, Va., February 18th, 1862. General Beauregard was most anxious that these troops should at once reach Corinth—now become the important strategic point—in anticipation of the arrival there of the reinforcements coming from the adjacent States. On the 3d, General Johnston, through Colonel
command in that military district. Four days after General Beauregard's arrival, and before he had yet formally assumed command, he despatched five officers of his staff to the governors of Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, to ascertain whether they could send him, at Corinth, the State troops they had available at that time; and he also requested General Johnston, who was then at Murfreesboroa, retiring, with some fifteen thousand men, from Bowling Green and Nashville, to Stevenson, to change the direction of his retreat to Decatur, Alabama, that he might more readily form a junction with the forces at Corinth, at the proper time. To this request, General Johnston willingly acceded. By the 27th of March, with our defective means of transportation, and restricted supplies of all kinds, General Beauregard had assembled, at and about Corinth, an army of over forty thousand men, exclusive of some nine thousand occupying the Mississippi River defences, at New Madrid,
y one river (the Tennessee), and afterwards by two (the Tennessee and Cumberland), hence they will be unable to support each other, being unprovided with pontoon trains; but their operations must be more or less dependent on or connected with each other. I will first refer to those in East Tennessee and then to those west of it. In the first case, our objective points must be, first, Louisville, and then Cincinnati. How best to reach them from Chattanooga, with Buell at Huntsville and Stevenson, is the question. It is evident he has the advantage of two bases of operations, the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers, and that if we advance towards our objective points without getting rid of him, we would expose our lines of communication with Chattanooga. We must, then, give him battle first, or compel him to retire before us. Should he retire on Nashville (as the newspapers say he is now doing), we will be advancing towards Louisville; but should he venture on Florence or Savannah
e sent to Corinth. At the same time I took a written despatch, or verbal message (I don't now recollect which, for on that occasion I committed all my despatches to memory), requesting General Johnston to change his proposed line of retreat on Stevenson and Chattanooga, to Huntsville and Decatur, so as to be better able to concentrate with you when occasion might require. * * * * * * 9th. From the time that we left Virginia to come to Tennessee, until I left your staff, after the affair ahe southern bank of the Cumberland, leaving only a sufficient force in the town to protect the manufactories and other property in which the Confederate government was interested. In the event a further retrograde movement became inevitable, Stevenson was chosen as a suitable point for a stand, and subsequent movements were to be determined by circumstances. It was likewise determined that the possession of the Tennessee River by the enemy, consequent upon the capitulation of Fort Henry,