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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 57 1 Browse Search
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865 21 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for Henry Stewart or search for Henry Stewart in all documents.

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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of Chickamauga-letter from Captain W. N. Polk. (search)
t in disorder across the State road. While Stewart was executing this daring and brilliant advanhad been struck by Liddell. Thomas, now with Stewart on his right, Cheatham in front and Liddell oalker's corps5,175 Cheatham's division7,000 Stewart's division4,398 Cleburne's division5,115     Left wing:  Buckner's corps.Preston4,078 Stewart3,750 Hindman's division6,100 Hood's corps.Jred yards to the right. This movement placed Stewart's division directly in front of Cheatham's li did not advise General Polk of the change of Stewart's division, although they were together afterCheatham reported the relation of his line to Stewart's already alluded to. General Polk took prompHe then dispatched information to Cleburne of Stewart's position, and moved Walker by the right obleburne's Division, more than half over-lapped Stewart's division on its rear, therefore could not t sent directly to the division commanders. Stewart, with a portion of Wood's brigade of Cleburne[10 more...]<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Memoir of the First Maryland regiment. (search)
y F, some of them chasing the Colonel a short distance, and broke it as it endeavored to reach a fence to form on. Part of it got to the fence, and with Lieutenant-Colonel Stewart, delivered a well directed volley, killed the commanding officer, and saved themselves, except Lieutenant Stewart, who was taken prisoner. In the meantLieutenant Stewart, who was taken prisoner. In the meantime Colonel Johnson was hurrying the junction of the other companies to make head against a regiment of infantry that was pressing down in front. Getting within reach of the cavalry engaged with the scattered remains of Company F, he ordered a volley from Company H, which drove them off, taking thirteen prisoners with them. Thwn Colonel Johnson received orders to retire to Union Mills, which he did, burning the bridges and tressle-work on his way. Our loss here was three wounded, Lieutenant Stewart and nine men prisoners; total thirteen. The enemy lost a Lieutenant killed; how many wounded not known. Company F made the best fight under the circumstan
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Roster of troops at battle of Chickamauga. (search)
the extract from the forthcoming Memoir of General Polk, we reprint it as here given:] Confederate force September 19th, General Bragg Commanding. Right wing--Lieutenant-General Polk. Walker's corps5,175 Cheatham's division7,000 Stewart's division4,398 Cleburne's division5,115   Total, infantry and artillery21,688 Cavalry2,000   Total23,688   Loss, about4,000 Left wing--Major-General Hood. Johnson's division3,683 Laws's division about3,000 Trigg's brigade1l,4,355 Gist, Cheatham's division6,000    Total18,814 Cavalry, (Forrest's)3,500    Aggregate22,314 Of the infantry of this wing 4,749 were fresh troops.  Left wing--Lieutenant-General Longstreet. Buckner's corps.Preston4,078 Stewart3,750 Hindman's division6,100 Hood's corps.Johnson  Law  Kershaw     Total22,840 Cavalry (Wheeler's)4,000    Aggregate26,849    Of the infantry of this wing 10,900 were fresh troops.  Total Confederate force49,162 The Conf
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketch of the Third Battery of Maryland Artillery. (search)
me time Sergeant Thomas D. Giles was elected Junior Second Lieutenant, to fill the vacancy caused by Lieutenant Ritter's promotion. The battery remained encamped at Jett's plantation until General Grant crossed his army at Grand Gulf; when it accompanied Pemberton's army to meet him at Baker's Creek, and was engaged in the battle fought there. On the 18th of May it returned with the army to Vicksburg. There were no casualties in the battle of Baker's Creek, except the capture of private Henry Stewart, who afterwards died at Fort Delaware. During the seige of Vicksburg several of the men were wounded, and two were killed, Captain Claiborne and private John S. Cosson. Captain Claiborne was struck by a piece of shell, on the 22nd of June, and fell without uttering a word. He was a fine officer, and a braver one never drew blade in any cause. In him the South lost a generous, gallant and magnanimous man. He was a native of Mississippi, a grandson of General F. L. Claiborne, o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Movement against Allatoona — letter from General S. G. French. (search)
e bridge with lightwood and other combustible material that can be obtained, and set fire to it. Yours respectfully, A. P. Mason, Major and A. A. G. Lieutenant-General Stewart, Commanding. These two orders were the only instructions given by General Hood. Analyze and construe them as you will and you cannot find one word sent there isolated and unprotected? The facts in the case are these: Hood, with the main army, moved westerly toward Lost Mountain and New Hope church, while Stewart's corps struck the railroad near Big Shanty. Loring went to Ackunth, Walthall to Moon Station, and my command to Big Shanty to destroy the railroad. We continuers learned from citizens that Allatoona was fortified and garrisoned by about three and a half regiments, and that it was a great depot of provisions. When General Stewart received the order that required me to move on Allatoona to fill up the cut, he handed it to me and said: General Hood does not seem to be aware that the plac