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National DemocratichiTicket for 1860.for president,Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois.for president,Herschel V.Johnson, of Georgia. Electors. 1st. Dist.--Gorge Blow, of Norfolk City. 2d. Dist.--Henry L. Hopkins, of Petersburg. 3d. Dist.--Jonathan B. Stovall, of Halifax. 4th. Dist.--James Garland, of Lynchburg. 5th. Dist.--Ben. F. Randolph, of Albemarle. 6th. Dist.--James H. Cox, of Chesterfield. 7th. Dist.--J B. Allworth, of Accomac. 8th. Dist.--G. H. C. Rowe, of Spotsylvania. 9th. Dist.--George W. Brent, of Alexandria. 10th. Dist.--Israel Robinson, of Berkeley. 11th. Dist.--J. N. Liggett, of Rockingham. 12th. Dist.--D. H. Hodge, of Montgomery. 13th. Dist.--George W. Hopkins, of Washington. 14th. Dist.--C. J. Stuart, of Doddridge. 15th. Dist.--Wm. G. Brown, of Preston. Election on Tuesday, 6th November. no 2--2t
y, Byrne, Campbell, Caperton, Carter, Coffman, R. Y.Conrad, Couch, J. H. Cox, Critcher, Dent, Deskins, Dorman, Dulany, Early, French, Fugate, Gillespie, Graham, Grant, Gravely, Gray, A. Hall, E. B. Hall, Haymond, Hoge, Hubbard, Hull, Jackson, M, Johnson, P. C. Johnston, Lewis, McComas, McGrew, McNeil, Macfarland, Maslin, Masters, Moffett, Moore, Nelson, Patrick, Porter, Preston, Price, Pugh, Saunders, R. E. Scott, W. C. Scott, Sharp, Sitlington, Southall, Speed, Spurlock, A. H. H. Stuart. C. J. Stuart, Tarr, Taylor, White, Wickham, and Willey.--71. Nays.-- Messrs. Armstrong, Blow, Bolssean, Borst. Bouldin, Cabell, Cecil, Chambliss, Chapman, Coun. C. B. Conrad, R. H. Cox, Fisher, Garland, Graham, Gregory, Goggin, J. Goode, Jr., T. F. Goode, Hale. C. Hall, L. S. Hall Harvie, Holcombe, Hunton, Isbell, Kent, Kilby, Kindred, Lawson, Leake, J. B. Mallory, Marr, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Randolph, Richardson, Seawell, Sheffey, Strange, Thornton, R. H. Turner, F. B. Turner, Tyl
r the Code, was taken up, the amendment agreed to, and the bill passed. The joint resolution from the House relative to the sale of old muskets by the Executive to Joseph R. Anderson & Co., gave rise to a discussion, in which Messrs Brannon, Stuart, August, Carter, and others, participated. Mr. Brannon proposed a substitute. The whole subject was afterwards referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. On account of the absence of members, the Covington and Ohio Railroad bilney, French, Hubbard, Johnson, Lynch, Marshall, McKenney, Nash, Newman, Pate, Pennybacker, Quesenberry, Smith, and Thompson--28. Nays.--Messrs. Armstrong, August, Dickenson of Grayson, Gatewood, Greever, Layne, Logan, Neeson, Newton, Paxton, Stuart, Townes, and Wickham--13. Belmont Bridge Company.--The bill suspending the levying of taxes by the State on the Wheeling and Belmont Bridge Company for six years, was next called up and passed. Virginia Canal Bill.--On motion of Mr. Nee
Hull, of Highland, offered a resolution, that in the event of the adjournment of the Legislature to-day, the Convention will meet to-morrow in the Hall of the House of Delegates; and that the services of the Assistant Doorkeeper be dispensed with. It was, however, modified, by simply resolving to meet in the Hall of the House of Delegates on Monday next, and in that form passed. Mr. Willey's resolutions on taxation came up in their order, and Mr. Carlile called for a vote thereupon; Mr. Stuart, of Doddridge, having yielded the floor for that purpose. Mr. Turner, of Jackson, offered, as a substitute, the resolutions on the same subject which he submitted early in the session. Mr. Seawell, of Gloucester, offered the following as a substitute for Mr. Turner's substitute: That a committee of thirteen be appointed to inquire into and report to an adjourned meeting of this Convention, whether any, and if any, what alterations of sections 22 and 23 of Article 4 of the Co
The Convention. The resolutions on equality of taxation were up again yesterday morning, and Mr. Stuart, of Doddridge, finished his speech; after which the Convention went into Committee of the Whole, and Mr. Richardson continued his argument in favor of secession.-- Mr. Morton subsequently spoke on the Southern side, but was cut short by the order previously adopted for terminating debate at 12 o'clock M. The Committee proceeded to vote on the propositions reported by the Committee on Federal Relations, commencing with the third, which was adopted, without amendment. The fourth resolution was amendment on motion of Mr. Wise, and adopted, as was the fifth, with an amendment offered by Mr. Flournoy. A motion, submitted by Mr. Carlile, to strike out the entire resolution, was voted down. When the sixth section came up, Mr. Harvie offered a substitute, declaring it expedient to pass an Ordinance of Secession, to be referred to the people at the May election. Mr. Goggin also offer
The Convention. Mr. Stuart, of Doddridge, finished his speech in favor of an ad valorem tax upon negroes, yesterday morning, after which a motion to lay the subject on the table was decided in the negative. The Convention then went into Committee of the Whole, and the sixth resolution of the report on National matters was taken up and adopted, with some amendment. A portion of the seventh resolution was stricken out, and thus adopted. The eighth resolution was passed by with a view to amend the ninth; and the latter was considered, with various propositions for amendment, until the members became utterly fatigued, when the Committee rose and the Convention adjourned. All the amendments which were agreed to, as well as those rejected, will be found in the regular report.
the United States, present to him this preamble and resolution, and respectfully ask of him to communicate to this Convention the policy which the authorities of the Federal Government intend to pursue in regard to the Confederate States. Mr. Stuart, of Augusta, approved of the patriotic motive of the mover of the preamble and resolution, but opposed their adoption in their present form, as calculated to do harm. He read a proposition which he intended to submit as a substitute for the peest to the President to indicate his policy. He was solicitous that the information should be obtained, but entirely repudiated any such course as had been suggested by gentlemen this morning. The plan presented by the gentleman from Augusta (Mr. Stuart) met his views, as calculated to attain the object in view. It was to authorize the President of the Convention to communicate to the President of the United States the wishes of this body. Mr. Flournoy, of Halifax, was surprised at the o
Rives, Sharp, Sitlington, A. H. H. Stuart, C. J. Stuart, Summers, Tarr, White, Wickham, Willey, and in the councils of the action-- Hon. A. H. H. Stuart, of the county of Augusta. Mr. Staples, oe nomination of the gentleman from Augusta, (Mr. Stuart.) Mr. Morton, of Orange, nominated Mr. hat the appointment should be conferred upon Mr. Stuart. Mr. Wise explained his position in votMr. Goode withdrew the name of Mr. Wise, and Mr. Stuart was elected without opposition. Mr. Holrsonal favor that he would withdraw it. Mr. Stuart, of Doddridge, nominated Mr. Jas. Marshall, ame, and he consented; but it was renewed by Mr. Stuart, of Doddridge. Mr. Moore, of Rockbridgeithdrew it at that gentleman's request. Mr. Stuart, of Doddridge, consented to withdraw the namheir request. Mr. Hughes then nominated Mr. Stuart, of Doddridge, but that gentleman declining sion therefore is composed of Messrs. Preston, Stuart, of Augusta, and Randolph. On motion of M[1 more...]
The Convention. The whole of yesterday was devoted to the consideration of the resolutions to appoint three Commissioners to wait on the President of the Northern States, for the purpose of requesting him to disclose his policy towards the seceded States. They passed by a vote of 63 to 57, and Mr. Preston, of Montgomery, (Conservative,) Mr. Stuart, of Augusta, (extreme Union,) and Mr. Randolph, of Richmond city, (Secession,) were appointed to convey the message of the Convention to Mr. Lincoln. We understand that they will leave for Washington this morning.