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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.1 (search)
were all believed to have had their influence, and to have produced a weak and vacillating people. Had luxury enervated them, had they become effeminate, had the increase of wealth and the impress of slavery rendered them physically and intellectually inferior to the men of the North? If any so believe, let the deeds of arms that have passed into history speak. Examine the details of the well-contested battlefields and see if such a declaration is true. Jackson, Lee, Johnson, Claiborne, Stuart and Forrest! What tender thoughts, what hallowed associations gather around the names of these bright stars in the Southern constellation! Does all history, does even the field of romance furnish heroes superior or patriots more noble? They were the leaders of an equally brave and noble people, who, when all save honor was lost, submitted to the inevitable with a dignity born only of true greatness. And now of the Confederate surgeon let me say a word. How can I express, in adequate t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Life, services and character of Jefferson Davis. (search)
regard, Samuel Cooper, and Braxton Bragg were generals of the full rank. Stonewall Jackson, Forrest, Polk, Hardee, Ewell, D. H. Hill, A. P. Hill, Hood, Richard Taylor, Holmes, R. H. Anderson, Pemberton, Early, Kirby Smith, Longstreet, Hampton, S. D. Lee, A. P. Stewart, Buckner, Wheeler, and Gordon were their lieutenants. Major-generals, brigadiers and field officers, cavalry leaders, artillerists, and infantry commanders who became world renowned, throng upon the memory. The names of Stuart, Ashby, Morgan, Cleburne, and their compeers spring from the full heart to the lip. Would that time permitted me to call that brilliant roll of the living and the dead; but why need the voice pronounce what all would speak? Men judge Napoleon by his marshals; judge Jefferson Davis and his chosen chieftains, and the plea of words seems weak indeed by the side of Men and Deeds. Troop behind them those armies of tattered uniforms and bright musket—but no, it is beyond the reach of either
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Monument to General Robert E. Lee. (search)
sing. The military from different portions of the State participated, whilst four hundred and fifty Marylanders were present under the command of General Bradley T. Johnson. All of Richmond turned out. The column was led by Governor Fitzhugh Lee, accompanied by General Wade Hampton, followed by his regular aides, and General John R. Cooke, chief of staff for the occasion. Members of the Lee family, Generals Joseph E. Johnston, Jubal A. Early, Joseph R. Anderson, William McComb, Geo. H. Stuart, L. L. Lomax, Surgeon-General Samuel Preston Moore, Generals C. M. Wilcox, W. B. Taliaferro, R. E. Colston, William H. Payne, William P. Roberts, Eppa Hunton, Daniel Ruggles, J. D. Imboden, Robert Ransom, B. D. Fry, R. L. Page, D. A. Weisiger, William R. Terry, Williams C. Wickham, Hon. John W. Daniel, and other distinguished men with many accomplished ladies were present in carriages. The exercises on the grounds were as follows: Governor Lee called the vast crowd to order and sa
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.14 (search)
John M. Booker, W. H. Murdaugh, and J. W. Pegram, Lt.-Gov. J. Hoge Tyler, Mayor J. Taylor Ellyson, Gen. B. D. Fry, Hon. J. W. Daniel. Guests. Among the guests who rode in open carriages were Generals James Longstreet, Dabney H. Maury, Marcus J. Wright, M. C. Butler, R. L. Walker, A. L. Long, Joseph E. Johnston, William B. Taliaferro, R. L. Page, J. A. Early, M. D. Corse, M. L. Bonham, G. W. C. Lee, Lawrence S. Baker, J. D. Imboden, George P. Harrison, Daniel Ruggles, John Echols, George H. Stuart, H. H. Walker, Joseph Wheeler, J. B. Kershaw, P. M. B. Young, W. P. Roberts, A. R. Lawton, Charles W. Field, George J. Hundley, Beverley H. Robertson; Governors Daniel G. Fowle, of North Carolina; F. P. Fleming, Florida; A. B. Fleming, West Virginia; John P. Richardson, South Carolina; United States Senators W. H. Kenna, Samuel Pascoe; Colonel William Lamb. Members of General Robert E. Lee's staff, Colonels Walter. H. Taylor, Charles Marshall, T. M. R. Talcott, Colonel Charles S. Vena
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Lee's Lieutenants. (search)
n the execution of that brilliant strategy that had so far succeeded, and which, had he been spared an hour longer, would have resulted in the capture or annihilation of Grant's whole army. Stonewall Jackson was often seen on the advance skirmish line of the army, was ever found in the very thickest of the fight, and when shot down by his own men (who would have died rather than injure a button on his old gray coat) was returning from a bold reconnoisance beyond his advanced pickets. Jeb Stuart fell when leading a heroic charge against immense odds, which prevented Sheridan from riding into Richmond that day, and crowned a brilliant career with a glorious death. A. P. Hill, the chilvaric hero of many a glorious field, fell on the last sad day at Petersburg (when he had risen from a sick bed to command his corps of heroes) in a brave attempt to join that part of his corps which had been cut off from the main army. Fell sword in hand. Glorious old Pat Cleburne fell at Franklin