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of the southwest, IV., 254, 256, 258; the beau sabreur of, IV., 275; mounts for all the, IV., 309; immense cost of caring for horses of, IV., 322, 325; depots, Union, equipment and management of, IV., 328, 330, 334, 336; to guard the District of Columbia, IV., 329. Cavalry: Confederate: causes of diminishing numbers and lack of efficiency of, IV., 38, 42, 71 seq.; in the East, IV., 71, 114; leaders, IV., 72; in its unorganized state and exploits of, IV., 77; brilliant movement of, under Stuart, IV., 80; raids of, and their effect upon the North, in the first two years of the war, IV., 83; unsuccessful raid and clever escape of, October, 1863, IV., 92, 94, 96, 100, 101; rapid decline of, from 1864 to end of war, IV., 103; plundering of horses by, IV., 105; invasion of West Virginia by, IV., 104, 106; successful raid of, to capture Union cattle (September, 1864), IV., 110; raids of, IV., 115, 140; in the West, equipment of, during the early and later period of the war, IV., 145; con
66. Herzog, C., VIII., 321. Hespin, J. T., VII., 133. Heth, H.: II, 334, 344; III., 204; IV., 391; X., 199, 280. Hetzel,, U. S. S., I., 356. Heustis, J. F., VII., 352. Hickenlooper, A., I., 353. Hickman, Ky., VI., 310, 320. Higgins, B. L., XI., 350. Higgins, E., I., 230; VI., 197; X., 271. Higginson, T. W., IX., 352. High bridge, Va., III., 311, 346; V., 270. High Tide at Gettysburg, IX., 22. Highfly, horse of J. E. B. Stuart, IV., 312. Highlanders, uniform of, VIII., 78. Hill, A. P.: I., 315, 319, 322, 326, 330, 334, 339, II., 24, 27, 29, 41, 52, 62, 63, 68, 73 seq., 240 seq., 320, 334, 340, 344; III., 34, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 56. 84, 86, 195, 208, 278, 294, 318, 330, 340; V., 62, 66; VII., 20; VIII., 178, 196, 246, 254; X., 110, 143, 250. Hill, B. J., VII., 52; X., 297. Hill, C. W., VII., 64, 69. Hill, D., I., 362. Hill, D. B., II., 59. Hill, D. D., I., 265.
hel Seam, U. S. S., VI., 316. Radford, W., VI., 162. Ragged Point, Va., VI., 322. Raham, F., IV., 166. Raiders: Confederate, capture of telegraph operators by, IV., 174, 176. Raids: first great Confederate under General Stuart, June 13-15, 1862, IV., 85; a distinct product of the Civil War, IV., 120; expeditions, Federal, in the East, IV., 12-131; a most brilliant and sensational one, and results of, in May, 1864, IV., 124, 125, 126, 127; in the West, IV., 129-140;road: I., 288, 299, 325; bridge, I., 319. Richmond Railroad, Va., III., 298. Ricketts, J. B.: I., 151, 159, 162; II., 32, 46, 63; field batteries, V., 18 seq.; 19, 20 seq.; battery of, VIII., 78; IX., 266. Ride around McClellan, Stuart's first great raid, June 13-15, 1862, IV., 85. Ridgely, D. B., VI., 123. Rienzi, Miss., II., 340. Rienzi, horse of P. H. Sheridan, IV., 308 seq. Rifles: Springfield and Enfield models, V., 129; caliber of, V., 130; muzzle-l
Stribling, C. K., VI., 120. Strikers at headquarters, VIII., 187. Stringer track, repairing of, near Murfreesboro, Tenn., II., 175. Stringham, S. H., VI., 100 seq., 102, 115, 118, 209, 310. Strong, G. C., X., 135. Strong, H. C., VII., 613. Strong, J. H., VI., 251, 252. Strong, V., X., 137. Strother, D. H., X., 311. Struggle, the end of the, IX., 230 seq. Stuart, D., III., 34, 52, 62, 318. Stuart, G. H. VII., 17. Stuart, J. E. B.: I., 268, 293, 314, 302, 366, 368; II., 38; raid on the Union army by, II., 39, 42, 52, 53, 124, 226, 240 seq., 256, 320, 322, 324, 328, 332, 334, 336, 340, 342, 344, 346; III., 62, 320; IV., 11, 16, 20, 21, 24, 29, 32, 34, 36, 38, 41, 43, 53, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, 92, 93, 96, 100, 106, 108; grave of, IV., 109 seq., 116, 120, 124; death of, at Yellow Tavern, Va., IV., 125, 127, 171, 193, 213, 226, 234, 236, 240, 262, 263, 265 seq., 266 seq., 268, 324
ampaigns, map of, I., 369; negroes, fugitives, II., 30; campaign of 1864 and 1865, III., 38; military maps of, N. E., V., 2; University of, V., 58; capes of, V., 80; New York Seventh invades, VIII., 76; Twelfth New York Infantry advances into, VIII, 89; preparations for a struggle, VIII., 96; home scene, IX., 151; troops at opening of war, X., 98; Confederates visit Boston, X., 138. Virginia troops, Confederate: Artillery: Stannard's battery, I., 348. Cavalry: I., 354; Ashby's, I., 364; Stuart's, I., 354; First., I., 350, 364; IV., 82, 98; Second, IV., 87; Fourth, I., 364; Fifth, IV., 73; Sixth, IV., 84; VII., 147; Seventh, I., 360; IV., 73, 88, 110; Eighth, I., 364; Ninth, IV., 72; Eleventh, IV., 104; Twelfth, IV., Thirteenth, 87; I., 350. Infantry: Monroe's, I., 356; First, I., 348, 350; First (Irish) Battalion, I., 360, 362; First drum major of, VIII., 109; Second, I., 350, 360; IV., 238; Fourth, I., 350, 360; losses at Chancellorsville, Va., X., 158; losses at Manassas, Va., X
II., 237. Yates, R., I., 174. Yates, Camp, Ill. (see also Camp Yates, Ill.), I, 175. Yates' Phalanx, I., 309. Yazoo City, Miss.: II, 342; expedition of, III., 318. Yazoo Pass, Miss., II., 206. Yazoo River, Miss.: I., 214; II., 182, 185, 196; VI., 221, 223, 224, 314, 316, 318, 320, 348. Yellow Bluff, Fla.: signal tower at, VIII., 325. Yellow Creek, Mo., II., 320. Yellow Tavern, Va.: III., 62, 78, 320; IV., 23, 43, 98, 124; death of J. E. B. Stuart at, IV., 125, 242. Yemassee, S. C., II., 326. Yongo, C. R., VI., 301. York, Z., X., 271. York River, Va.: I., 267, 324; V., 258; VI., 59, 315; VIII., 317, 324. York River and Richmond Railroad, Va.: I., 288, 299, 325; bridge of, I., 319. York River Railroad, Va.: I., 316, 324. Yorktown, Va.: I, 51, 115, 117; Union battery, No. 4, I., 252, 253, 255, 260; headquarters of Gen. Magruder in, I., 261; Confederate breastworks at, I., 263, 264; sand-bag forti