Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 18, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Stuart or search for Stuart in all documents.

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ccounts allege that the cavalry were "surprised," Gen. Stuart outgeneraled, his headquarters fired into before fantry supports. Intelligence having reached Gen. Stuart, who commanded in person in front of Beverley's fon Brandy Station. This movement was foreseen by Gen. Stuart and provided against, by sending Butler's and Wic main body was kept together under the command of Gen. Stuart--the enemy's movement from the direction of Steph from Brandy Station and Fleetwood heights, where Gen. Stuart's headquarters had been on the day before; no pross. Col. Harman, 12th Va, Capt. White, acting on Gen. Stuart's staff, and many other officers were wounded. Aed was Captain Farley, of S. C., volunteer aid on Gen. Stuart's staff, an accomplished officer, who had been win no sense a surprise, as has been alleged,--that Gen. Stuart's headquarters and train had been removed beyond 18th Va, Co. R. do P. F. Bell, 12th Va. Co. E do; Stuart's do; D L Prince, White's bat'n, Co. A, Gord