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Lieut. Gen. S. D. Lee. Gen. Stephen D. Lee has recently been appointed Lieutenant-General in the Confederate States army, and placed in command of the Mississippi Department. In connection with this announcement, a brief military biography of this officer will prove interesting. He is a native of South Carolina, and a graduate of West Point, where he took his diploma in 1854; was a classmate of Gens. J. E. B. Stuart, J. B. Villepigue, W. D. Pender, and Horace Randall. He commenced his military career as 2d Lieutenant of the 4th artillery, and was subsequently promoted to a 1st lieutenancy of the 1st regiment of regulars. Soon after his native State seceded from the old Union, he resigned his position and repaired to South Carolina, where he entered the army as captain, early in March, 1861. He served with Beauregard in the taking of Fort Sumter, and after the strife was fully inangarated, and a hostile army on the soil of the Old Dominion, he repaired to Virginia with a bat