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e honor to command. For the efficient services of himself and his command I am greatly indebted to First Lieut. John S. Rider, Co. K, Thirty-second regiment Illinois Volunteers. I regret to have to report the following casualties, namely: James Sullivan, seaman, killed; Patrick Sullivan, seaman, missing; Thomas M. Borland, seaman, missing; John Hines, corporal Co. K, Thirty-second regiment Illinois Volunteers, missing. James Sullivan was seen to fall upon the field, shot through the breast.James Sullivan was seen to fall upon the field, shot through the breast. During the action there were expended forty-five, eight-inch shell, twenty-five six-inch shell, and sixteen stand of grape. Two rifles and one musket are missing. They are those taken by the unfortunate men whom we have lost. I have the honor to be, sir, your most obedient servant, James W. Shirk, Lieutenant Commanding. To Flag-Officer A. H. Foote, Commanding U. S. Naval Forces, Cairo, Ill. Chicago post narrative. Cairo, Monday, March 3. The discovery of a new rebel batte
er it was possible, fired from cover; and as often as a head appeared from behind a tree or bush, it became a mark for our men. The Union troops generally stood in ranks, and except when skirmishing, made no use of objects of protection. Adjutant Sullivan, of the Third Illinois cavalry, passed through the entire action unhurt. His horse was shot under him, but will probably recover from the wound. Adjutant Sullivan is the Sergeant Sullivan who received, in the charge at Dug Spring, in AuguAdjutant Sullivan is the Sergeant Sullivan who received, in the charge at Dug Spring, in August last, five severe wounds, two of which were supposed to be mortal. The horse which was wounded yesterday is the same that he rode at Dug Spring, and now carries fourteen balls received on that occasion. Where all the troops did well, it is difficult to particularize instances of special regimental valor. The Iowa infantry came from the field covered with blood and glory, and the two batteries from the same State are equally deserving of praise. The Twelfth Missouri was successful in a
posted in a strong position to support his brigade, if attacked. Sullivan's brigade was posted in the rear of Kimball's, and within supportis in that quarter. On receiving this information I pushed forward Sullivan's brigade, which was placed, by order of Col. Kimball, in a positiirably supported by four pieces of artillery under Capt. Jenks and Sullivan's gallant brigade. This united force repulsed the enemy at all pot by the Fifth Ohio, Thirteenth Indiana, and Sixty-second Ohio, of Sullivan's brigade, and the Fourteenth Indiana, Eighty-fourth Pennsylvania,serve, consummated this glorious action. High praise is due to Col. Sullivan, commanding Second brigade, for the manner in which he contribu flank movement of the enemy. The Second brigade, commanded by Col. Sullivan, composed of the Thirteenth Indiana, Fifth Ohio, Sixty-second O Buckley, Cheek, and Creighton, deserve well of their country. Col. Sullivan, Candy's brigade, on the left, was not attacked in force. His
ckets were being driven in. I ordered the Forty-eighth, Col. Sullivan, to advance in support of the pickets, which he did, bu Seventy-second regiment, having full confidence that Colonels Sullivan and Cockerill would maintain their parts of the line,with the crowd. Col. Cockerill became separated from Col. Sullivan and myself, and was afterward engaged with part of his command at McClernand's camp. Col. Sullivan and myself kept together, and made every effort to rally our men, with but poor line of battle, and slept on our arms Sunday night. Col. Sullivan being out of ammunition, marched to the Landing for a swounded. The Forty-eighth had several privates killed; Col. Sullivan and a number of privates wounded. The Seventieth, two second Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Canfield; Forty-eighth Ohio, Colonel Sullivan; and Seventieth Ohio, Col. Cockerell. And on the e, was mortally wounded and borne dying from the field. Col. Sullivan of the Forty-Eighth Ohio, was wounded, but continued at
was a surprise. The mills were still running, and women and children engaged in ordinary domestic avocations, when our cannon belched forth its thunder from the adjacent cliff. Gen. Augur and staff were courteously entertained by Mr. J. B. Ficklen, a wealthy citizen of Falmouth, whose loyalty had rendered him obnoxious to the rebels. Private Haslam, of the Ira Harris light cavalry, Acting Orderly for Gen. Augur, was shot by our own pickets while carrying an order from the General to Col. Sullivan. Private Britten, of the Seventh Wisconsin, who had rendered efficient service as a scout for Gen. King, had his leg broken by an accidental shot, while in front. Immediate preparations were made for the repair of the bridge, that had been only slightly damaged. Fredericksburgh is virtually in our possession, as our cannon command all its approaches. There is no sign of fortifications. The enemy's forces, composed of one regiment of infantry, and one of cavalry, and a battery of arti