Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 11, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Erasmus Taylor or search for Erasmus Taylor in all documents.

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Runaway --From the Spotswood Hotel, during last week, a negro boy, called Billy He belongs to Mr. Erasmus Taylor, near Warrenton, Va.; is of dark color; low and thick set; slow and surly in manner and movements. Any one returning him to the office of the Spotswood Hotel, will be suitably rewarded. oc 10--3t
Gen. Taylor and volunteers. --Probably no military man in the late United States so well understood the character of the volunteer soldier as the late President Taylor, or "Old Rough and Ready," as he was familiarly known in the camp. His best friends will not claim for him that the Presidency was his proper shere; he did not claim it himself; he never sought that office, never desired it; and, we have very little doubt, preferred the grave which relieved him from it to its ephemeral honPresident Taylor, or "Old Rough and Ready," as he was familiarly known in the camp. His best friends will not claim for him that the Presidency was his proper shere; he did not claim it himself; he never sought that office, never desired it; and, we have very little doubt, preferred the grave which relieved him from it to its ephemeral honors, its perplexing cares, and painful responsibilities. But as an American soldier, no man, since the days of Andrew Jackson, has touched such deep springs of admiration and confidence in the American heart. A veteran officer of regulars, he was also a practical and prosperous Louisiana planter, who had mingled freely with the world outside the army, and who throughly understood human nature and the management of mankind. Probably no two officers in the American or any other service differed