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ir representation correct. The disunion officer proved to be a Capt. Tom Taylor, of Frankfort, Ky., (a connection of Old Zack's,) who bore a by Beauregard at Manassas, explaining the fact, and asking that Capt. Taylor might be facilitated in his mission. Col. Porter accordingly sent Capt. Taylor and his missive forward with an officer and an orderly, and directed the disunion escort to return forthwith into their own istance to see that that direction was properly carried out. Captain Taylor was carried immediately to Gen. McDowell's Headquarters, where,. M., and after a brief interview with General Scott, wherein Captain Tom Taylor told his story as he had doubtless been instructed to tell it him to enter into any correspondence whatever with Davis. Captain Tom Taylor, of Uncle Sambo's cavalry, was next immediately faced in the unicated the exact contents of the letter from Davis, brought by Capt. Taylor, to none besides his constitutional advisers and Gen. Scott, fro
up to a point in the right of Beverly. I have taken all his guns, a very large amount of wagons, tents, &c.--everything he had — a large number of prisoners, many of whom were wounded, and several officers prisoners. They lost many killed. We have lost, in all, perhaps twenty killed and fifty wounded, of whom all but two or three were in the column under Rosecrans, which turned the position. The mass of the enemy escaped through the woods, entirely disorganized. Among the prisoners is Dr. Taylor, formerly of the army. Col. Pegram was in command. Colonel Rosecrans's column left camp yesterday morning, and marched some eight miles through the mountains, reaching the turnpike some two or three miles in rear of the enemy, defeating an advanced post, and taking a couple of guns. I had a position ready for twelve guns near the main camp, and as guns were moving up, I ascertained that the enemy had retreated. I am now pushing on to Beverly, a part of Colonel Rosecrans's troops bein
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 34. attack on Santa Rosa Island. October 9, 1861. (search)
all the others whose names I give: Major Tower and Lieut. Reese, of the Engineers; Lieuts. Duryea, Langdon, Jackson, and Taylor, United States Artillery; and Captain Dole, of the New York Volunteers. And it gives me great pleasure to append the name fort, (previous to the fire,) Colonel Brown ordered out thirty regulars, under Major Vogdes and Lieutenants Langley and Taylor, who lost no time in marching to the scene of commotion, where they encountered a large body of the invading force, who spowered and without support from the Zouaves, surrendered as a prisoner, and, with two or three men, was disarmed. Lieutenant Taylor was also grasped by the arm, and told to surrender; but, suddenly extricating himself, drew his sword, and said if m was general, and having succeeded in firing the tents, &c., retired before the small body of troops rallied under Lieutenant Taylor, this time taking their route through a swamp-wood and along the inside beach, firing as they retreated on the regu
is Volunteers, commanded by Colonels Ross and Marsh, the Eleventh Missouri under the immediate command of Lieutenant-Colonel Pennabaker, Lieut. White's section of Taylor's battery, and Captains Steward and Lansden's companies of cavalry, under the command of the former, with rations for twelve days. Learning that Thompson and harrived at the front, I directed Col. Ross to move forward his regiment into the cornfield in support of his skirmishers, and ordered up Lieut. White's section of Taylor's battery, which immediately opened fire, and by its effectiveness soon caused the the enemy to respond. Their artillery consisted of four pieces, masked, upon tion passed along the line that the enemy were in position directly in front. A moment afterward, Col. Plummer, commanding the brigade, came up, ordered forward Taylor's section of artillery, and ordered me to take position on the extreme right. While moving to my place, the battle was commenced by our battery, which opened on
1st. The facts in my possession are derived from the log-book, (the official record of the ship;) and 2d, from the reports in writing, of all the officers who visited the Trent; all which will form a part of my report. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Charles Wilkes. Messrs. John Slidell, James M. Mason, George Eustis, and J. E. Mcfarland. Captain Wilkes' final report. United States steamer San Jacinto, At sea, November 16, 1861. sir: In my despatch by Commander Taylor I confined myself to the report of the movements of this ship and the facts connected with the capture of Messrs. Mason, Slidell, Eustis, and McFarland, as I intended to write you particularly relative to the reasons which induced my action in making them prisoners. When I heard at Cienfuegos, on the south side of Cuba, of these commissioners having landed on the Island of Cuba, and that they were at the Havana, and would depart in the English steamer of the 7th November, I determine
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 146. fight on the Wautauga River, November 10, 1861. (search)
s returned toward their camp. Captain Miller received a charge of buckshot through his coat, and two of his men were slightly wounded in the feet. The prisoners were taken to the cavalry camp at Carter's Station. Lynchburg Virginian account. We are indebted to Captain H. H. Miller, of the Twelfth Mississippi regiment, for the following particulars of an engagement between twenty-two Virginians, under his command, and three hundred of the enemy, supposed to be under the command of----Taylor, a former member of Congress from Tennessee, which occurred at Taylor's Ford, on the Wautauga River, about two o'clock Sunday morning. Captain Miller arrived at Bristol on Saturday last, en route to Mississippi, when intelligence reached there of the depredations that were being committed by the Union men in East Tennessee. He was requested by General Clark, who was in command, to make a reconnoissance with twenty-two Virginians who had volunteered their services, and ascertain the posit
ere headless. The prisoners further state that Colonel Taylor was doubtless killed; two of their officers wer and defeated were the First Kentucky regiment, Col. Tom Taylor, about eight hundred strong on the field; the Tose carried off, amongst whom was, certainly, Colonel Tom Taylor, commanding the First Kentucky regiment, whom H. Forney; a Kentucky regiment, commanded by Colonel Tom Taylor; and a South Carolina regiment. They took thabama, Col. John H. Forney; the First Kentucky, Col. Tom Taylor; the Sumter Flying Artillery, Capt. Cutts, and arolinians. The error was soon discovered, and Colonel Taylor advanced cautiously to the left, and soon afterw yards away. To be sure there was no mistake, Colonel Taylor shouted to the colonel, and asked who he was. h Carolinians. On which side are you? asked Colonel Taylor. For the Union, and immediately after the Co both sides having ceased firing. At this time Col. Tom Taylor rode to the right to see what disposition had b
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2, Chapter 7: the World's Convention.—1840. (search)
Haydon's diary continues: [July] 4th. It seems necessary to correct these dates (in accordance with Mr. Garrison's letter of July 3, Haydon's urgency, and his sitter's known whereabouts) from July 14 and 19 respectively, as printed in Tom Taylor's Life of Haydon. . . . Made a drawing of Garrison for the Life of Haydon, 3.158, Anne Knight. Duchess of Sutherland, and sketched Miss Knight. [July] 9th. It seems necessary to correct these dates (in accordance with Mr. Garrison's letter of July 3, Haydon's urgency, and his sitter's known whereabouts) from July 14 and 19 respectively, as printed in Tom Taylor's Life of Haydon. Hard at work and well advanced. The Americans are intruding and inquisitive. I have great trouble to parry them, except Garrison. Garrison sat to-day after calling and seeing the Duchess of Sutherland, with whom he was delighted. Household and Duchess bewildered his republican faculties. Between these sittings, on July 5, Mr. Garrison dined
U. S., 1.446; the Declaration a test of Am. citizenship, 440; witnesses Boston mob, 2.36, reports Wayland, Ware and Story, 37; attends meeting of Boston Fem. A. S. S., 52, 57; abused therefor, 55; desires to meet G., 56, interviews, 69-71, 98, 252; remembered by Mass. A. S. S., 87; at legislative hearing, 96, 97; guest of Channing, 97, 98, of E. G. Loring, 98; her Martyr age, 97, 189; delegate to World's Convention, 353, 378; approves G.'s course, 378; visit from G., 388, 395; describes Father Taylor, 428.—Letters to Mrs. Chapman, 2.378; from her, 2.189.— Portrait in Autobiography, 1877. Maryland, favors State aid to colonization, 1.148, attempts forcible colonization, 421, 450; Anti-Slavery societies, 89, 159. Mason, Jeremiah [1768-1848], 1.214. Mason, Lowell [1792-1872], 1.126. Mason, Lowell, Jr. [b. 1823], 2.27. Massachusetts, claim, 1.60-62, 71; law against mixed marriages, 254, 255, 2.434; no heed to Southern appeals, 76; fate of colored seamen in Southern ports,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, X. Literary Paris twenty years ago (search)
, all correspondents of American newspapers, the last of them being the late Edward King, since well known in literature. It is proper to add that several dentists, whose names had been duly entered as delegates, had not yet arrived; and that at later sessions there appeared, as more substantial literary factors, President Andrew D. White and Mr. George W. Smalley. On that first day, however, the English delegation was only a little more weighty than ours, including Blanchard Jerrold and Tom Taylor, with our own well-known fellow countryman Hans Breitmann (Charles Godfrey Leland), who did not know that there was to be an American delegation, and was naturally claimed by the citizens of both his homes. Edmond About presided, a cheery, middle-aged Frenchman, short and square, with broad head and grayish beard; and I have often regretted that I took no list of the others of his nationality, since it would have doubtless included many who have since become known to fame. It is my impr