Browsing named entities in Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1. You can also browse the collection for Zachary Taylor or search for Zachary Taylor in all documents.

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less space to be crossed, and against that General Taylor had ingeniously provided. According to inhe invitation offered by the withdrawal of General Taylor's troops, and with a well appointed army, ntinued to lead it during the battle. Captain Taylor of Company I was present with his command t, prevented lockjaw from supervening. General Taylor, when he was informed that Colonel Davis wBliss, A. A. G. General Wool estimates General Taylor's army at Buena Vista at 4,600. The force colonel: About the last of December General Taylor was ordered to Tampico with his little armgre force that returned from Victoria with General Taylor, composed the little army that defeated Saith the main force under General Wool, and General Taylor assumed command of the whole army. We enced and the line of defence defined, before General Taylor and Mr. Davis left for their headquarters.nt returned to our camp at Saltillo, where General Taylor soon after arrived. Our experience thus f[9 more...]
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1, Chapter 43: thirty-sixth Congress — Squatter sovereignty, 1859-61. (search)
Senator (Mr. Douglas) might have remembered, if he had chosen to recollect so unimportant a thing, that I once had to explain to him, ten years ago, the fact that I repudiated the doctrine of that letter at the time it was published, and that the Democracy of Mississippi had well-nigh crucified me for the construction which I placed upon it. There were men mean enough to suspect that the construction I gave to the Nicholson letter was prompted by the confidence and affection I felt for General Taylor. At a subsequent period, however, Mr. Cass thoroughly reviewed it. He uttered (for him) very harsh language against all who had doubted the true construction of his letter, and he construed it just as I had done during the canvass of 1848. It remains only to add that I supported Mr. Cass, not because of the doctrine of the Nicholson letter, but in despite of it; because I believed that a Democratic President, with a Democratic Cabinet and Democratic counsellors in the two Houses of Con
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