Browsing named entities in Historic leaves, volume 2, April, 1903 - January, 1904. You can also browse the collection for North America or search for North America in all documents.

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y 4 stated: That Hon. Artemus Ward, Charles Lee, Philip Schuyler, and Israel Putnam, Esq., are appointed major-generals of the American army by the Continental Congress, and due obedience is to be paid to them as such; and, That all the troops of the several colonies which have been raised, or may hereafter be raised, for the support and defense of the liberties of America are received into the pay and service of the Continental Congress, and are now the troops of the United Provinces of North America, and it is hoped that all distinctions of colonies will be laid aside. The General Orders for July 16 by Major-General Putnam commanded: That to-morrow morning precisely at six o'clock all officers and soldiers in the camp attend on Prospect Hill at the usual place of prayers, there to hear read by Mr. Leonard (chaplain) the manifesto of the Hon. Continental Congress, containing their reasons for taking up arms. Putnam was still in command on Prospect Hill July 18, when he instructed t
, Ira45 Thurston Street, Somerville44 Topsham, Me.15 Town Hill21, 34, 63 Town Hill School39 Town Pound, The42 Towne Residence, The44 Treadway, Josiah39 Tufts College26 Tufts College Divinity School27 Tufts, Peter, Jr.61 Tufts, Thomas, Schoolmaster, 170361 Tylor, Edward34 Tyngsboro, Mass.56 Tyngs Island50, 57 Union Flag, The93, 95 Union Flag, Raising of, on Prospect Hill78 Union Locks and Canal57 Union Square, Somerville46, 47 Unitarian Church, The4 United Provinces of North America, The95 Unity Club, The4 ‘Universalist, The’8 Veazie, William43 Veazie, William House of43 ‘Ventilation of Schoolhouses, The’2 Vieaux, Daniel14 Vinal, Anna Parker103 Virginia7 Virginia, Riflemen of80 Wade, Jonathan, Jr.58 Wade, Prudence58 Walker,—46 Walnut Hill26 Walnut Street, Somerville25, 27, 43, 44 Walpole, Mass.103 War of 1812, Effect of on Middlesex Canal57 Ward, Hon. Artemus95 Ward, General89, 92, 94 Ward, Robert, Sr.65 Ward, Robert, Schoolmaster, 171965 War