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armly by the hand. See here, stranger, he said, good-humoredly, you're a clever, but strange companion. I may never see you again, and I don't want to offend you, but I want to say this: my experience has taught me that a man who has no vices has d-d few virtues. Good-day. Lincoln enjoyed this reminiscence of the journey, and took great pleasure in relating it. During this same journey occurred an incident for which Thomas H. Nelson, of Terre Haute, Indiana, who was appointed Minister to Chili by Lincoln, when he was President, is authority. In the spring of 1849, relates Nelson, Judge Abram Hammond, who was afterwards Governor of Indiana, and I arranged to go from Terre Haute to Indianapolis in the stage coach. An entire day was usually consumed in the journey. By daybreak the stage had arrived from the West, and as we stepped in we discovered that the entire back seat was occupied by a long, lank individual, whose head seemed to protrude, from one end of the coach and his fee
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 15: (search)
here would be no such scenes as were enacted in the legislature of 1876-7, and that the Reformers had had their day, and had been retired to private life. The Republican and Democratic parties would have straight nominees for the senatorship; there would be no more mongrels with which to contend. The legislature met January 1, and it was refreshing to us to be so cordially received when we arrived in Springfield, on January 4, accompanied by Doctor C. A. Logan, late American minister to Chile, and to be made to feel that there was a unanimous desire for General Logan's re-election. We were soon ensconced in the same old rooms in the Leland Hotel which we had occupied at the time of General Logan's first election to the Senate, and though we missed so many of the dear friends who were there at that time to lend their aid to the general's first election, we found their places had been taken by others who were equally enthusiastic and energetic in their daily efforts in my husband'
August 25. Early this morning, Deputy Marshal Taylor of Coshocton County, Ohio, with a squad of five men, went to a house near Chili, in Crawford Township, to arrest two men, Wens and J. Lour, Germans, who were drafted last fall, but had, up to that time, evaded the authorities. Not finding them at the house, they approached the barn to search it, when Wens and Lour came out of it, armed, and fired. Taylor and his men closed upon them to secure them, when a hand-to-hand fight occurred. Stafford, one of the Marshal's men, fell dead, pierced with nine balls. One other of the Marshal's men was severely wounded, and Wens and Lour, the two drafted men, both killed.--Cincinnati Gazette. The advance-guard of General Steele's army, under General Davidson, consisting of five thousand men, arrived in front of Brownsville, Arkansas, and immediately opened fire upon the town. A sharp fight was kept up for about fifteen minutes, when the rebels commenced a retreat, evacuating the
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), Loyal Americans in Chili: official correspondence. (search)
Loyal Americans in Chili: official correspondence. The Rev. Mr. Bellows to Mr. Seward. United States Sanitary Commission, New-York Agencou a formal receipt. In thanking, through you, our countrymen in Chili for their generous thoughtfulness for our and their soldiers who maoans of their suffering patriots in the field. Our countrymen in Chili may have the satisfaction of knowing that their contribution mingle which was purchased by the amount subscribed by loyal Americans in Chili, in aid of the sick and wounded soldiers of the Union army. The am; while, at the same time, it has given to our citizens residing in Chili an opportunity of manifesting their patriotism in this hour of our e first ultimo, accompanied by a list of loyal citizens residing in Chili, who have subscribed to a fund for the relief of the sick and woundhy of those for whom it has been offered. I am, sir, your obedient servant, Wm. H. Seward. to Thomas W. Nelson, Esq., etc., etc., Chili.
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 1: early recollections of California. 1846-1848. (search)
. We caught many with fishing-lines baited with pork. We also took in the same way many albatrosses. The white ones are very large, and their down is equal to that of the swan. At last Cape Horn and its swelling seas were left behind, and we reached Valparaiso in about sixty days from Rio. We anchored in the open roadstead, and spent there about ten days, visiting all the usual places of interest, its foretop, main-top, mizzen-top, etc. Halleck and Ord went up to Santiago, the capital of Chili, some sixty miles inland, but I did not go. Valparaiso did not impress me favorably at all. Seen from the sea, it looked like a long string of houses along the narrow beach, surmounted with red banks of earth, with little verdure, and no trees at all. Northward the space widened out somewhat, and gave room for a plaza, but the mass of houses in that quarter were poor. We were there in November, corresponding to our early spring, and we enjoyed the large strawberries which abounded. The Ind
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 3: Missouri, Louisiana, and California. 1850-1855. (search)
failed, I think. I took possession of Meiggs's dwelling-house and other property for which I held his mortgage, and in the city warrants thought I had an overplus; but it transpired that Meiggs, being in the City Council, had issued various quantities of street scrip, which was adjudged a forgery, though, beyond doubt, most of it, if not all, was properly signed, but fraudulently issued. On this city scrip our bank must have lost about ten thousand dollars. Meiggs subsequently turned up in Chili, where again he rose to wealth and has paid much of his San Francisco debts, but none to us. He is now in Peru, living like a prince. With Meiggs fell all the lumber-dealers, and many persons dealing in city scrip. Compared with others, our loss was A trifle. In a short time things in San Francisco resumed their wonted course, and we generally laughed at the escapade of Meiggs, and the cursing of his deluded creditors. Shortly after our arrival in San Francisco, I rented of a Mr. Marry
mine what grains, fruits, and vegetables can be raised with profit, it soon became evident to our Medford farmers that Indian corn was to be a staple. Rye, barley, wheat, and oats were found productive as grains; peas and beans yielded abundantly; while turnips, beets, onions, and parsnips gradually grew into favor. Potatoes were not known to our first settlers; although among the articles, to send for New England, from London, March 16, 1628, potatoes are named. The potato is a native of Chili and Peru. We think there is no satisfactory record of potatoes being in England before they were carried from Santa Fe, in America, by Sir John Hawkins, in 1653. They are often mentioned as late as 1692. Their first culture in Ireland is referred to Sir Walter Raleigh, who had large estates there. A very valuable kind of potato was first carried from America by that patriot of every clime, Mr. Howard, who cultivated it at Cardington, near Bedford, 1765. Its culture then had become gener
sF. Waterman & H. EwellFairfield, Lincoln, & Co.Boston530 2591840ShipE. N. TrainSprague & James'sSprague & JamesEnoch TrainBoston644 260 ShipMerlinSprague & James'sSprague & JamesJ. P. WheelerBoston297 261 ShipOceanaSprague & James'sSprague & JamesWilliam HammondMarblehead631 262 ShipSartelleSprague & James'sFoster & TaylorC. J. F. BinneyBoston433 263 ShipPrentissSprague & James'sFoster & TaylorC. J. F. BinneyBoston469 264 ShipLoochooJ. Stetson'sJ. StetsonHenry OxnardBoston655 265 ShipChiliP. Curtis'sP. CurtisB. BangsBoston578 266 ShipClarendonJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisS. C. & F. A. GrayBoston551 267 ShipColomboJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisLombard & WhitmoreBoston578 268 ShipSwedenT. Magoun'sF. Waterman & H. EwellGeorge PrattBoston650 269 ShipOswegoT. Magoun'sF. Waterman & H. EwellJ. Macy & SonNew York663 270 ShipTaglioniT. Magoun'sF. Waterman & H. EwellWilliam H. BoardmanBoston800 2711841ShipSoldanSprague & James'sSprague & JamesGeorge PrattBoston661 272 Sch.ArielSpra
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter XXVII (search)
ulness of the board troubles with the Sioux Indians in 1890-91 success of the plan to employ Indians as soldiers marriage to Miss Kilbourne the difficulty with Chile in 1892. even as late as the year 1882, very high military authority in this country advocated with great earnestness the proposition that our old brick and sto. Then a host of old soldiers of the Union army reassembled to greet their comrade. In 1892 this country seemed on the verge of war with the little republic of Chile. So confident were some officials of the administration that war was inevitable, that I was asked to make an estimate of the military force which would be necessary to occupy and hold a vital point in Chilean territory until the demands of the United States were complied with. It was assumed, of course, that the navy could easily do all the rest. Pending the consideration of this subject, so disagreeable to me, I had a dream which I repeated at the time to a few intimate friends. I saw
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
l-road, riots on the, 498, 499, 501 Chicago River, defense of, 454 Chickamauga, Ga., dedication of the field of, 297 Chief of staff, the office of, 410 Chile, threatened war with, 489, 490 China, violation of treaty between the United States and, 509 Chinese laborers, massacre of, in Wyoming, 509 Cincinnati, O.ppeal to Pres. Grant, 482; some experiences as general-in-chief, 482, 483; mileage case, 482, 483; marriage to Miss Kilbourne, 489; estimates for proposed war with Chile, 489, 490; a curious dream, 490; meeting with Miles at Washington, 494; orders and action in the Chicago labor riots, 494 et seq.; issues tactical order concerningof site of Fort Sheridan to, 454, 455; national defense, 456-460, 484-487, 520 et seq.; the authority of the voice of, 458; patriotism in, 481; threatened war with Chile, 489, 490; development of the West, 491; industrial depression in, 491, 492; weakness of military policy at outbreak of the war, 513 et seq.; advantage over the Co
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