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Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 464 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 290 0 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 244 0 Browse Search
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 174 0 Browse Search
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Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 106 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 74 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 64 0 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 62 0 Browse Search
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Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs), line 693 (search)
Peleus Oh, how perverse customs are in Greece! When the army routs the enemy, they do not regard this as the deed of those who have done the work, but rather the general receives the honor. He brandished his spear as one man among countless others and did no more than a single warrior, yet he gets more credit. [And sitting high and mighty in office in the city they think grander thoughts than the commons though they are worthless. The people are far superior to them in wisdom if they acquired at once daring and will.] It is in this fashion that you and your brother sit puffed up over Troy and your generalship there, made high and mighty by the toils and labors of others. But I will teach you not to regard Paris, shepherd of Mount Ida, a greater enemy to you than Peleus unless you clear off from this house at once, you and your childless daughter. This child, offspring of my loins, shall drive her through this house, grasping her by the hair, if she, sterile heifer that she is, do
Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs), line 352 (search)
ge, and in his eyes I incur no less a penalty than in yours if I afflict his line with childlessness. That is the way I am. As for your nature, there is one thing I fear: it was in the matter of a female quarrel that you also destroyed unhappy Troy. Chorus Leader You have spoken too much as a women to a man, and has hurled forth sober judgment from your mind. Menelaus Woman, these things are, as you say, trifles and not worthy of my kingly power or of Greece. But make no mistake, whatever an individual happens to desire, that becomes for him greater than the conquest of Troy. I have become the fixed ally of my daughter, for I think it is a serious matter to be deprived of sex. Any other misfortunes a woman may suffer are secondary, but if she loses her husband she loses her life. Neoptolemus must rule over my slaves, and my kin—and I myself as well—must rule over his. For friends have no private property but hold all things in common. And if,
Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs), line 309 (search)
ou. So consider this, whether you prefer to die or have this boy killed for the misdeeds you are committing against me and against my daughter. Andromache O high renown, you have swelled the lives of countless mortals who are nullities! [Those who receive a good name at the hands of truth I count blessed, while those who derive it from falsehood I will not deem worthy of it, except that chance makes them seem intelligent.] Did you, who are such a petty creature, once serve as general over Greece's troops and wrest Troy away from Priam? At the word of your daughter, a mere child, you come in great pride and enter into competition with a poor slave woman. I regard you no longer as worthy of Troy or Troy as worthy of you. [It is from without that those with the reputation for wisdom are splendid, while from within they are no more than the rest of humanity except in wealth: yet wealth has great power. Melenaus, come now, let us converse. Suppose I have died at your daughter's hand and
Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs), line 642 (search)
ns as much as a man when she is wronged by her mate; so too a man groans when he has a wayward wife in his house. The man's strength lies in his hands, while the woman's interests are defended by her parents and kin. Am I not right then to come to the aid of my own?] You are an old, old man. And when you mention my generalship, you help my case more than you would have by silence. Helen got into trouble not of her own accord but by the will of the gods, and this was a very great service to Hellas. For the Greeks, who were ignorant of weapons and battle, made progress in learning martial courage, and association is the teacher of all things to mortals. And if I forebore, when I came face to face with my wife, to kill her, that was self-control. I could wish that you had not killed Phocus either.Peleus and his brother Telamon killed their half-brother Phocus, son of Aeacus by a nymph. This attack on you I have made in good will toward you, not out of anger. But if you show a hot tempe
Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs), line 301 (search)
Chorus Slavery's yoke would not have come upon the women of Troy and you, woman, would have come to possess the throne of royalty. She could have loosed Hellas from the grievous toils of ten years' exile the young men with their spears suffered about Troy. And marriage-beds would not now be left desolate and old men bereft of their children.
Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs), line 103 (search)
Andromache sung It was not as a bride that Paris brought Helen to lofty Troy into his chamber to lie with but rather as mad ruin. For her sake, the sharp warcraft of Greece in its thousand ships captured you, O Troy, sacked you with fire and sword, and killed Hector, husband to luckless me. The son of the sea-goddess Thetis dragged him, as he rode his chariot, about the walls of Troy. I myself was led off from my chamber to the sea-shore, putting hateful slavery as a covering about my head. Many were the tears that rolled down my cheeks when I left my city and my home and my husband lying in the dust. Oh, unhappy me, why should I still look on the light as Hermione's slave? Oppressed by her I have come as suppliant to this statue of the goddess and cast my arms about it, and I melt in tears like some gushing spring high up on a cliff.
Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs), line 1 (search)
once came dowered with golden luxury to the royal house of Priam, given to Hector as lawful wife for the bearing of his children. In days gone by I was a woman to be envied, but now I am, if any woman ever was, the paragon of misery. I saw my husband Hector killed by the hand of Achilles and I beheld Astyanax, the son I bore my husband, hurled from the high battlements once the Greeks had captured the land of Troy. I myself, a member of a house most free, became a slave and was brought to Greece, given as the choicest of the Trojan spoil to the islander Neoptolemus as his prize of war. I live now in the lands that border on Phthia here and the city of Pharsalia, lands where the sea-goddess Thetis, far from the haunts of men and fleeing their company, dwelt as wife with Peleus. The people of Thessaly call it Thetideion in honor of the goddess's marriage. Here is where Achilles' son made his home, and he lets Peleus rule over the land of Pharsalia, being unwilling to take the sceptr
Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs), line 1037 (search)
Chorus Many are the women in the assemblies of the Greeks who sang aloud their laments for their luckless men as they left their homes for other husbands. Not on you aloneThese words are probably addressed to Hermione, who is being consoled for the death of her husband. She, too, though for somewhat different reasons from other Greek women, must pass to the home of a new husband. or on your dearest kin have cruel griefs fallen. It is a plague Greece has suffered, a plague! Yet also to the fertile fields of the Phrygians did this pestilence pass, dripping death upon them.