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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 188 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 88 0 Browse Search
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 60 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 32 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 10 32 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 2, 17th edition. 30 0 Browse Search
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia. 24 0 Browse Search
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.) 20 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 18 0 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 16 0 Browse Search
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es are about three quarters of an inch thick, projecting like the guards of a Mississippi steamer. The heel also projects nearly a quarter of an inch, forming quite a shell near the counter, and flared at the bottom. Nails with a flat top, a size smaller than a three-cent piece, arc driven as closely as they can be set all over the sole, shank, and heel, forming as it were a solid iron bottom. The boots weigh 6 1/2 pounds, the nails contributing 1 1/2 pounds to the weight. Long nails of Swedish iron are driven through the heel and shank, clinching on the inner sole; three to the heel and six to the shank. The sides are closed by hand with a six-stranded thread that will hold 100 pounds weight. 2. (Carriage.) The receptacle for baggage, etc., at either end of a coach. 3. (Menage.) Protection for the feet of horses, enveloping the foot and a part of the leg. A convenient substitute for swaddling or bandaging. Patented in England by Rotch, 1810. They are used on the fe
s hopeless without a mass of illustrative diagrams, we shall be pardoned for not occupying space by attempting farther description. Harper's Magazine, Vol. XXX. pp. 34-39, gives some account of it, accompanied by a cut. G. and E. Scheutz, Swedish engineers, constructed a working machine, 1837-43, after studying the Babbage machine; it was brought to England in 1854. It is stated to have been bought for £ 1000 for the Dadley Observatory, Albany, N. Y. The Messrs. Scheutz have since cde. Though many breech-loading guns of this or similar construction were employed by North Germany during the late Franco-Prussian war, we know of none at all approaching it in size. Broadwell's breech-loading gun. Baron Wahrendorff, of Sweden, some 30 to 40 years ago, contrived a breech-loading cannon, in which the bore extended the whole length of the piece, the projectile being passed in at the rear and secured by a transverse breech plug and wedge. Caralli's rifled cannon of late
rial to arrest mud. Fil′ter-ing-pa′per. A bibulous, unsized paper, thick and woolly in texture, used for filtering solutions in the pharmacy or laboratory. Swedish filtering-paper is thinner and of superior quality. Fil′ter-ing-press. One in which the passage of a liquid through a body of filtering material is expediteement on the Enfield. France, the Chassepot. Belgium, the Albini. Holland, the Snider. Turkey, the Remington and Winchester. Austria, the Wanzl. Sweden, the Hagstrom. Russia, the Laidley and Berdan. Switzerland, the Winchester. Portugal, the Westley-Richards. Prussia, the needle-gun. The well-known fe court of Matthias Corvinas, king of Hungary, notices the lack of the fork in the table furniture of the king. A century after, they were not known in France or Sweden. Coryat, in his Crudities, 1611, says: I observed a custom in all those Italian cities and towns through which I passed, that is not vsed in any other country <
ation for extension. It is likely that Dudley only received a moderate remuneration for his pains, as no one seems to have taken any interest in the business after it was thrown upon the public by the expiration of his patent. Iron of poor quality continued to be made in districts where wood was scarce, and of good quality from charcoal in places where the forests yet remained. The demand for iron continuing to grow, — a natural effect of advancing civilization, — iron was exported from Sweden and Russia in large quantities and of excellent quality. The forests of these countries gave them a natural advantage over England, whose woods had by this time become thinned out, so that the use of wood for iron smelting had been forbidden by act of Parliament in 1581, within twenty-two miles of the metropolis, or fourteen miles of the Thames, and eventually was forbidden altogether. The art of making iron with pit-coal, and of casting articles of iron, was revived by Abraham Darby, of
was not the only European country in which the simple furnace just described was used for smelting iron ore, for those of Sweden and Norway, 300 years ago, were of substantially the same character. The iron obtained from them was a spongy mass, whicn out the greater portion of the carbon and silicon and render it malleable. The refining process observed by M. Jars in Sweden, in 1750, is identical with that described by Aiken in 1836 as having been used in India for a length of time not now read, it is again heated and hammered until it is rendered quite malleable. A modification of this process was adopted in Sweden, being derived from the puddling process of Cort, and consisted in covering the metal in the crucible with scoriae and stthe Palatinate, and of New Almaden in California, are extensive and rich. The ore is also found in Peru, China, Hungary, Sweden, Japan, and Chili. In the furnace the ore is subjected to distillation in retorts which lead to condensing-chambers, o
of these appear to have been brought into practical use, and were probably soon forgotten. Machinery for splitting rods for nail-making was first introduced in Sweden. The mode of construction and operation was ascertained by a man named Foley, of Stourbridge, England, who traveled to Sweden and fiddled his way into the affectSweden and fiddled his way into the affections of the workmen at the mills, where he took mental notes of the machinery and brought them to England, where he established a factory. In July, 1790, Thomas Clifford patented in England a machine for making nails from the prepared rod by drawing it between rollers having cavities corresponding to the shape of the nail; and s established at Frankfort in 1615. An illustrated war gazette, the Niewtijdinge, published in the Low Countries, had, however, preceded this by ten years. In Sweden, a newspaper was published as early as 1643, entitled the Ordinarie post Tidende. Journalism in Spain and Italy, owing to the lack of general education, and re
of an idea will do, if anybody can. Since the work of the French Academicians, measurements have been taken in India, France, England, Hanover, Lithmania, and Sweden. One curious discovery resulted, as stated by Sir John Herschel: — The earth is not exactly an ellipsoid of revolution. The equator itself is slightly elliptt1,166.7 RussiaSashine2.33 SardiniaMiglio2,435 SaxonyMeile (post)7,432 SiamRoenung4,333 SpainLeague legal4,638 SpainLeague, common6,026.24 SpainMilla1,522 SwedenMile11,660 SwitzerlandMeile8,548 TurkeyBerri1,828 TuscanyMiglio1,809 VeniceMiglio1,900 O-don′ta-gra. A form of dental forceps. O-don′to-graph. (ection, and is called exosmose. The result is a blending and ultimate uniformity of quality. Os′mund Furnace. (Metallurgy.) A furnace formerly employed in Sweden and still employed to some extent in Finland for reducing bog-iron ore. This ore, consisting essentially of hydrated sesquioxide of iron, is extracted from t
room here, it appears that the ancient Egyptian, Etruscan, Syrian, and Greek plows were equal to the modern plows of the South of France, part of Austria, Poland, Sweden, Spain, Turkey, Persia, Arabia, India, Ceylon, and China. The last thirty years may have worked a partial change, but not sufficient to invalidate the general trlse given to a column of water by pneumatic pressure. A device in which air instead of water is the transmitting medium was patented in 1868 by Count Sparre of Sweden. The transmitting apparatus consists of a drum covered by an elastic diaphragm a, to which an impulse is communicated by a disk d at the inner end of a plunger eerials. The differences in the details of the various apparatus have certain advantages and disadvantages which do not alter the main conditions. Fry's process (Swedish) consists in boiling the wood in water or alkalies, under pressure of steam of from five to six atmospheres. It can only be applied to sawdust, and requires much
an antispasmodic, stomachic, etc., and in toothpowder. Piney varnish(See Animi and Indian copal.) PitchPinus sylvestrisSweden, etcThe residuum of the distillation of pyroligneous acid from wood-tar. RosinPinus palustris, etcNorth America, etcThe e, etc. Storax (liquid)LiquidumberUnited StatesFragrant; bitter; expectorant. Tar (wood)Pinus sylvestrisNorth Carolina, Sweden, and RussiaObtained by slow distillation of the branches and roots of the pine, etc., whilst burning in a nearly closed pll holes for containing a blasting charge, are those now universally employed. Among these are Bergstraem's, employed in Sweden, in which the drill is automatically rotated by a thread on the fly-wheel shaft, turning a gear-wheel on top of the cylinthe last two mentioned, is formed by the contact of the hub with the inside of the cylinder. q is the Scheutz engine (Swedish), shown at the French Exposition. Its hub and cylinder are concentric, and the abutments are formed by double inclines,
brought the produce of Siberia, Russia, Norway, and Sweden, of all Central Europe, of the United States of Amerst introduced slitting machinery into England from Sweden, where its employment gave great advantages to the ail-makers over their English brethren. He visited Sweden, and fiddled his way into the iron-works, where he uld not work. Nothing discouraged, Foley revisited Sweden in his role of fiddler, when he succeeded in obtaine pronounced at Birmingham nearly equal to the best Swedish iron. Dr. Barth makes a similar statement. The found in several parts of Europe, the Catalan and Swedish furnaces resembling in all probability those of theof advancing civilization, — iron was imported from Sweden and Russia in large quantities and of excellent quaFor many years it had been believed in England that Swedish iron derived its valuable steel-producing qualitiesomb, England; b, bronze sword from Ireland; c, from Sweden; e, Switzerland: f, Neufchatel; g, Scandinavia; g h