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Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 50 0 Browse Search
Xenophon, Cyropaedia (ed. Walter Miller) 18 0 Browse Search
Q. Horatius Flaccus (Horace), Odes (ed. John Conington) 12 0 Browse Search
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 8 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 6 0 Browse Search
Plato, Letters 2 0 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Xenophon, Cyropaedia (ed. Walter Miller). You can also browse the collection for Mede (Italy) or search for Mede (Italy) in all documents.

Your search returned 9 results in 4 document sections:

Xenophon, Cyropaedia (ed. Walter Miller), Book 1, chapter 4 (search)
you were my kinsman,” said Cyrus; and at the same time he went up and kissed him. And when he had been given the kiss, the Mede asked: “Really, is it a custom in Persia to kiss one's kinsfolk?”“Certainly,” said he; “at least, when they see one anothe a time of separation, or when they part from one another.”“It may be time, then, for you to kiss me once again,” said the Mede; “for, as you see, I am parting from you now.”And so Cyrus kissed him good-bye again and went on his way. But they had not yet gone far, when the Mede came back with his horse in a lather. And when Cyrus saw him he said: “Why, how now? Did you forget something that you intended to say?”“No, by Zeus,” said he, “but I have come back after a time of separation.”“By Zeus, cousin,” said Cyrus, “a pretty short time.”“Short, is it?” said the Mede; “don't you know, Cyrus,” said he, “that even the time it takes me to wink seems an eternity to me, because during that time I do not
Xenophon, Cyropaedia (ed. Walter Miller), Book 4, chapter 5 (search)
to me, and now they are still more hostile to you than to me. Under these circumstances, we must both take counsel that none of the allies now present shall desert us, and also that, if we can, we may secure other allies besides. Now you heard the Mede recalling the cavalry; and if they go away, we only, the infantry, shall be left. Accordingly, it is necessary for you and for me to do all we can to make this man also who is recalling them desire to remain with us himself. Do you, therefore, finther fill than go away. And do you have a talk with him and tell him what wealth we have hopes that all our friends will obtain, if we are successful in this; and when you have done this, come back again to me.” Accordingly, the Hyrcanian took the Mede and went away to a tent. And then the officer who was going to leave for Persia presented himself ready to start. And Cyrus commissioned him to tell the Persians what has been set forth in the foregoing narrative and also to deliver a letter to Cy
Xenophon, Cyropaedia (ed. Walter Miller), Book 5, chapter 3 (search)
ight the light forces lead, it is not at all a strange thing for the line to be broken and a gap formed, for the vanguard outstrips the rear. “Next let Artabazus follow at the head of the Persian targeteers and bowmen; following him, Andamyas, the Mede, in command of the Median infantry; next, Embas with the Armenian infantry; then, Artuchas with the Hyrcanians; he will be followed by Thambradas at the head of the Sacian infantry force and Datamas with that of the Cadusians. Let these all lead te camp-followers let Madatas, the Persian, bring up the Persian cavalry; let him also arrange the cavalry captains in front, and let each captain lead his company in single file, just like the infantry officers. After them will come Rhambacas, the Mede, with his cavalry in the same order; after them you, Tigranes, with yours, and the rest of the cavalry officers, each with the forces with which he joined us. After them you Sacians are to fall in line; and last of all, just as they came, the Cadu
Xenophon, Cyropaedia (ed. Walter Miller), Book 8, chapter 4 (search)
When Cyrus had sacrificed and was celebratingA royal banquet his victory with a banquet, he invited in those of his friends who showed that they were most desirous of magnifying his rule and of honouring him most loyally. He invited with them Artabazus the Mede, Tigranes the Armenian, Gobryas, and the commander of the Hyrcanian horse. Now Gadatas was the chief of the mace-bearers, and the whole household was managed as he directed. Whenever guests dined with Cyrus, Gadatas did not even take his seat, but attended upon them. But when they were by themselves, he would dine with Cyrus, for Cyrus enjoyed his company. And in return for his services he received many valuable presents from Cyrus himself and, through Cyrus's influence, from others also. So when invited guests came to dinner, he didOrder of preferment at Cyrus's dinners not assign them their seats at random, but he seated on Cyrus's left the one for whom he had the highest regard, for the left side was more readily exposed to t