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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 6 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 3 results in 3 document sections:

P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 5, line 572 (search)
pe, Returned to his proper shape of water by and by Of purpose for to joyne with me and have my companie. But Delia brake the ground, at which I sinking into blinde Bycorners, up againe my selfe at Ortigie doe winde, Right deare to me bicause it doth Dianas surname beare, And for bicause to light againe I first was raysed there. Thus far did Arethusa speake: and then the fruitfull Dame Two Dragons to hir Chariot put, and reyning hard the same, Midway beweene the Heaven and Earth she in the Ayer went, And unto Prince Triptolemus hir lightsome Chariot sent To Pallas Citie lode with come, commaunding him to sowe Some part in ground new broken up, and some thereof to strow In ground long tillde before. Anon the yong man up did stie And flying over Europe and the Realme of Asias hie, Alighted in the Scithian land. There reyned in that coast A King callde Lyncus, to whose house he entred for to host. And being there demaunded how and why he thither came, And also of his native soyle and o
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 7, line 350 (search)
But had she not with winged wormes streight mounted in the skie She had not scaped punishment, but stying up on hie She over shadie Pelion flew where Chyron erst did dwell, And over Othrys and the grounds renoumde for that befell To auncient Ceramb: who such time as old Deucalions flood Upon the face of all the Earth like one maine water stood, By helpe of Nymphes with fethered wings was in the Ayer lift, And so escaped from the floud undrowned by the shift. She left Aeolian Pytanie upon hir left hand: and The Serpent that became a stone upon the Lesbian sand. And Ida woods where Bacchus hid a Bullocke (as is sayd) In shape of Stag the which his sonne had theevishly convayde. And where the Sire of Corytus lies buried in the dust. The fieldes which Meras (when he first did into barking brust) Affraide with straungenesse of the noyse. And eke Eurypils towne In which the wives of Cos had homes like Oxen on their crowne Such time as Hercles with his hoste departed from the Ile
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 15, line 153 (search)
them bit, You leysurely by lingring death consume them every whit. And theis that wee call Elements doo never stand at stay. The enterchaunging course of them I will before yee lay. Give heede therto. This endlesse world conteynes therin I say Fowre substances of which all things are gendred. Of theis fower The Earth and Water for theyr masse and weyght are sunken lower. The other cowple Aire and Fyre, the purer of the twayne, Mount up, and nought can keepe them downe. And though there doo remayne A space betweene eche one of them: yit every thing is made Of themsame fowre, and into them at length ageine doo fade. The earth resolving leysurely dooth melt to water sheere. The water fyned turnes to aire. The aire eeke purged cleere From grossenesse, spyreth up aloft, and there becommeth fyre. From thence in order contrary they backe ageine retyre. Fyre thickening passeth into Aire, and Ayer wexing grosse, Returnes to water: Water eeke congealing into drosse, Becommeth earth.