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Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, June, 1863. (search)
ave visited Mr. Blake, an Eng lish gentleman for whom I had a letter, on his Combahee plantation, but Mr. Robertson implored me to abandon this idea. Mr. Robertson was full of the disasters which had resulted from a recent Yankee raid of the Combahee river. It appears that a vast amount of property had been destroyed and slaves carried off. This morning I saw a poor old planter in Mr. Robertson's office, who had been suddenly and totally ruined by this raid. The raiders consisted principally d been educated in the North, and used to have many friends there, but that now he would sooner submit to the Emperor of China than return to the Union. Mr. Walter Blake arrived soon after dinner; he had come up from his plantation on the Combahee river on purpose to see me. He described the results of the late Yankee raid up that river: forty armed negroes and a few whites in a miserable steamer were able to destroy and burn an incalculable amount of property, and carry off hundreds of negr
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 7: up the Edisto. (search)
and all but shaking the poor old thing, in his thirst for information. O mas'r, recommenced in terror the incapacitated witness, I c-c-carpenter! holding up eagerly a little stump of a hatchet, his sole treasure, as if his profession ought to excuse him from all military opinions. I wish that it were possible to present all this scene from the point of view of the slaves themselves. It can be most nearly done, perhaps, by quoting the description given of a similar scene on the Combahee River, by a very aged man, who had been brought down on the previous raid, already mentioned. I wrote it down in tent, long after, while the old man recited the tale, with much gesticulation, at the door; and it is by far the best glimpse I have ever had, through a negro's eyes, at these wonderful birthdays of freedom. De people was all a hoein‘, mas'r, said the old man. Dey was a hoein‘ in the rice-field, when de gunboats come. Den ebry man drap dem hoe, and leff de rice. De mas'
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 10: life at camp Shaw. (search)
poiled on the passage. These quadruped allies were not originally intended as dogs of war, but simply to detect fugitive slaves, and the men were delighted at this confirmation of their tales of dog-companies, which some of the officers had always disbelieved. Captain Bryant; during his scouting adventures, had learned to outwit these bloodhounds, and used his skill in eluding escape, during another expedition of the same kind. He was sent with Captain Metcalf's company far up the Combahee River to cut the telegraphic wires and intercept despatches. Our adventurous chaplain and a telegraphic operator went with the party. They ascended the river, cut the wires, and read the despatches for an hour or two. Unfortunately, the attached wire was too conspicuously hung, and was seen by a passenger on the railway train in passing. The train was stopped and a swift stampede followed; a squad of cavalry was sent in pursuit, and our chaplain, with Lieutenant Osborn, of Bryant's project
y commanded the squads which waded waist deep in mud and water to build the corduroys across the swamp. They could build pontoons, fell trees, and make corduroy roads, and march over them dragging ordnance after them, and subsist on the country while they did it. From Savannah they went to Beaufort, thence to Columbia, Fayetteville, Goldsboro, Raleigh, and on to Richmond-not as they marched from Atlanta to the sea, but driving an intrepid army who fell back fighting. Reaching the Salkehatchie River, they found the enemy had determined to make another stand and had again intrenched themselves, thinking the swollen streams would serve like the moat of oldentime fortifications. But the Fifteenth Army Corps knew nothing of the tardiness of ancient warfare, so, dashing through the sluggish stream, they assaulted the enemy with such fury that they were soon in possession of their intrenchments, and, pushing along the railroad, arrived at North Edisto by the 12th of February, where, in
ment. The schooner Wanderer, while endeavoring to run the blockade of Wilmington, N. C., was captured by the National steamer Sacramento. A skirmish took place near La Grange, Arkansas, between a detachment of the Third Iowa cavalry, under the command of Captain J. Q. A. Do Huff, and a strong force of rebel cavalry, resulting in a retreat of the Unionists, with a loss of forty-one of their number in killed, wounded, and missing. A fight took place at the South-Quay bridge, on the river Nansemond, Va., between a detachment of the New York Ninety-ninth regiment, under the command of Lieut.-Col. Richard Nixon, and a strong force of rebels, terminating, after an obstinate and bloody contest of more than two hours duration, in a retreat of the rebels with great loss. The Ninety-ninth had forty-one men killed and wounded. Colonel Montgomery, with a detachment of two hundred and fifty negro troops, left Beaufort, S. C., on a reconnoitring expedition up the Combahee River.
he rebels blowing up the magazines and spiking their guns. Soon after the evacuation the place was entered by the National forces, under Admiral D. D. Porter.--(Doc. 184.) A short fight occurred near Warrenton Junction, Va., between a party of General Stahel's cavalry, under Colonel De Forest, and Mosby's rebel guerrillas, resulting in the rout of the latter with great loss.--(Doc. 185.) The ship Sea Lark, in latitude 24° south, longitude 29° west, was captured and burned by the rebel privateer Alabama. Colonel Montgomery, in command of a detachment of negro troops, returned to Beaufort, S. C., after a three days raid up the Combahee River. During that time he encountered and dispersed several squads of rebel guerrillas, destroyed the town of Asheppo by fire, burned and otherwise destroyed property to the amount of two millions of dollars, belonging to rebel planters along the river, and captured nearly eight hundred slaves, all of whom he carried with him to Beaufor
ve that we would be more reticent if an advance were really in contemplation. The month of June, upon which we have this day entered, will unravel the mystery. In the mean time, the confederate army and people can well afford to possess their souls in patience, and to leave their cause in the hands of that kind Providence which has guided us thus far through this bloody wilderness.--Savannah Republican. An expedition, under the command of Colonel James Montgomery, ascended the Combahee River, S. C., and succeeded in destroying a large quantity of rebel stores and other property.--(Doc. 1.) The bombardment of Vicksburgh continued. All the guns in position opened fire at midnight, and continued their fire until daylight this morning. After a short cessation the firing was renewed, and kept up all day.--the second party of recalcitrants left St. Louis for the South. They numbered seventeen, among whom were the wife and two daughters of Trusten Polk. A large meeting, t
March 20. The expedition, composed of the steamers Columbine and Sumter, that left Pilatka, Florida, for Lake George, to capture the rebel steamer Hattie Brock, returned to the former place, having been successful. This morning, while off Elbow Light, in latitude twenty-six degrees thirty-three minutes north, longitude seventy-six degrees twenty-five minutes west, the United States steamer Tioga overhauled and captured the sloop Swallow, from the Combahee River, South-Carolina, bound to Nassau, N. P. One hundred and eighty bales of cotton, eighty barrels of resin, and twenty-five boxes of tobacco were found on board the prize.--the rebel steamer Florida was captured by the National gunboat Honeysuckle.
D. Hunter, Commanding Tenth Army Corps., Department of the South: General: I have the honor to report that, in obedience to your orders, I proceeded up the Combahee River, on the steamers John Adams and Harriet A. Weed, with a detachment of three hundred (300) men of the Second South-Carolina volunteer regiment, and a section oland artillery, captain Brayton, all under command of Colonel Montgomery, and left Beaufort on transports about nine o'clock last Monday evening, en route for Combahee River. It had proceeded as far as St. Helena Sound, when one of the transports having run aground, quite a delay was occasioned in transferring the troops from her to the other transports. This having been successfully accomplished, the expedition pushed rapidly on to its destination, and arrived at the mouth of the Combahee at half-past 2 o'clock A. M. The enemy were entirely unconscious of the approaching danger, and Colonel Montgomery, without being discovered, ascended the river and
gro soldiers, on board the gunboat John Adams, and the transports Harriet A. Weed and Sentinel, Colonel Montgomery left Beaufort on the evening of the first instant, and at half-past 2 on the following morning anchored his little fleet in the Combahee River, thirty miles distant from the point of his departure, twenty miles from Charleston, and fifteen from the village of Ashepoo, on the Charleston and Savannah Railroad. The Sentinel unfortunately got aground at the mouth of the Coosaw River, at of other property. Captain Hoyt, company A, landed at Combahee Ferry, at half-past 7 A. M.--encountered cavalry pickets the moment he began to advance, but after a short engagement drove them back in disorder. The fine bridge across the Combahee River was then destroyed, together with all the adjacent property. Captain Brayton, of the Third Rhode Island artillery, who was present with a section of his battery, took part in this engagement from the John Adams. Having brought within hi