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. We learn from one who susaks from the record that an average of twenty five soldiers per day have passed through that point during the last thirty days, and that as many as 300 to 400 of these soldiers have been seen at one time in transitu at that point. There are no railroads east or west from Natchez. It is seventy miles on the east to Brookhaven the nearest point on the New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern Railroad--another neglected point — and twenty eight miles on the west to Trinity, on the Tensas river. There are good wagon roads all things considered, to both of these points from Natches, and stages, wagons, and other teams, ply there daily. Natchez and its county (Adams) polls less than 800 votes, and yet it has sent into the field twelve companies, with an aggregate of over 100 soldiers, each and all of whom have done good service. Her population still enables her to furnish two full militia (State) companies. Natchez is no port for the enemy to stop at
rly hour the church was crowded with the friends of the scholars and spectators, who were well repaid for the interest manifested in the school. The exercises commenced by singing a hymn, in which the scholars participated. This was followed by prayer by the Rev. Mr. Pettee; at the conclusion of which the opening address was delivered by one of the scholars, who did himself great credit by his manly rendition of what he had to say Following the address was a "war speech" by a scholar from Trinity, which was well received. Six or seven young ladies next sang the hymn "A Saviour Ever Near," very cleverly, the beauty of the music being very much enhanced by a melodeon accompaniment. After these came three other misses, who sang a pretty hymn. Next was an amusing dialogue by two little masters.--Following this was a speech; and then came a second dialogue by five little masters.--Seven misses, neatly attired, sang beautifully an appropriate hymn; at the conclusion of which was a dial
Liberal collection. --Last Sabbath morning Rev. John E. Edwards, pastor of Trinity Methodist Church, took up a collection in his congregation for the benefit of soldiers families, and received $3,000. This fund is to aid the necessitous on the eastern suburbs of the city.
The Daily Dispatch: October 15, 1864., [Electronic resource], The shelling of Charleston — a night of horror. (search)
imposing one; but when my attention was even at its height the thought that the flight of these fiery monsters might be turned in my direction caused a cold chill to run through my veins. The firing ceased at 10 o'clock, and was not renewed until 8 the next morning, and was kept up steadily but slowly all day, the shots not exceeding eight to the hour. The Yankees war not only with women and children, but even with the dead. Several shells fell on Tuesday night in the graveyard of Trinity (Methodist Episcopal) Church, tearing up the graves and demolishing the tombstones of the sacred dead. They may have been chance shots. I think otherwise, and that they were but following the hyena-like instincts of their projectors. The yellow fever, I am sorry to say, is on the increase. It is now among our German population, with whom it is generally very fatal, as all previous yellow fever seasons has abundantly proven.--Prayer for its abatement was offered up in several of the c
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