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n J. Crittenden, of Kentucky, made a powerful speech, entering, in the name of his constituents, a protest not only against the bill, but against any measure calculated to agitate the question of slavery. Lieut. J. G. Baker, U. S.N., with an armed crew, on board the rebel prize schooner Bride, captured the rebel sloop Wren, at Shark's Point, Va., after a chase of over two hours. The crew escaped.--Baltimore American, April 14. Huntsville, Huntsville is the shire town of Madison County, Alabama. It is on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, one hundred and fifty miles north north-east from Tuscaloosa, and one hundred and sixteen miles in a southerly direction from Nashville. The town contains many handsome buildings, and a court-house which cost forty-five thousand dollars, and a bank building which cost eighty thousand dollars. The town contains six churches, a federal land office, three newspaper offices, and two female seminaries. It is in the midst of a fine farming
around the city of Mobile, was designated the Army of Mobile. Its strength was about ten thousand. It was subsequently commanded by Colonel J. B. Villepigue, temporarily, and Brigadier-General Samuel Jones, after March 15th. Many of the regiments entered the Army of the Mississippi and fought at Shiloh under Withers. More regiments were sent to that army, and on June 27, the Army of Mobile was discontinued. Major-General Jones Mitchell Withers (U. S.M. A. 1835) was born in Madison County, Alabama, January 12, 1814, and resigned from the army in 1848. He entered the Confederate service and received an appointment as brigadier-general in July, 1861. He was promoted to major-general after the battle of Shiloh. From January 27th to February 28, 1862, he was in command of the Army of Mobile. He then had a division in the Second Corps, Army of the Mississippi, and also the Reserve Corps for a time, and passed into the Right Wing and Polk's Corps, Army of Tennessee. He resigne
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hamilton, Andrew Jackson 1815-1875 (search)
Hamilton, Andrew Jackson 1815-1875 Jurist; born in Madison county, Ala., Jan. 28, 1815; removed to Texas in 1846; elected to Congress in 1859; opposed the secession of Texas. On Nov. 14, 1862, he was appointed brigadier-general of United States volunteers and military governor of Texas; in 1865 he became provisional governor; and in 1866 justice in the Supreme Court of the State. He died in Austin, Tex., April 10, 1875.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), McCalley, Henry 1852- (search)
McCalley, Henry 1852- Geologist; born in Madison county, Ala., Feb. 11, 1852; graduated at the University of Virginia in 1875, and became a farmer. In 1877 he taught school at Demopolis, Ala; in 1878-83 was assistant Professor of Chemistry in the University of Alabama; in 1883-90 was chemist to the Geological Survey of Alabama, and also assistant State geologist; and since 1890 has been chief assistant geologist of Alabama. He is a member of the American Institute of Mining Engineers; and the author of many geological papers, maps, reports, etc.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Winston, John Anthony 1812-1871 (search)
Winston, John Anthony 1812-1871 Legislator; born in Madison county, Ala., Sept. 4. 1812; educated at La Grange College, Ala., and Nashville University, Tenn.; became a cotton planter and commission merchant; was elected to the State House of Representatives in 1840 and 1842, and to the Senate in 1845, and served as president of the latter for many years; raised two companies of troops for the Mexican War in 1846, and was made colonel of the 1st Alabama Volunteers, but the regiment was not accepted. He was elected governor of Alabama in 1853 and 1855; served in the Confederate army as colonel of the 8th Alabama Regiment; commanded a brigade in the Peninsular campaign; and soon afterwards resigned his commission. He was a delegate to the State constitutional convention of 1866; refused to take a seat in the United States Senate; declined to be a candidate for governor, and lived in retirement, devoting himself to aiding the poor and destitute. He died in Mobile, Ala., Dec. 21,
ism, no less than because of his learning and ability, President Harrison appointed him one of the two American members of the Bering sea arbitration tribunal that met in Paris in 1893. Brigadier-General Edward Asbury O'Neal was born in Madison county, Ala., in 1818. His father, Edward O'Neal, was a native of Ireland, and his mother was Miss Rebecca Wheat, a member of one of the Huguenot families of South Carolina. They moved to Alabama and settled in Madison county soon after their marriag. Both Georgia and Alabama cherish his memory with pride. He was the type of an accomplished, knightly, Southern gentleman. His wife was a daughter of Capt. George Steele, of Madison county. Major-General Jones M. Withers was born in Madison county, Ala., January 12, 1814. His father, John Withers, a native of Dinwiddie county, Va., was a planter and gentleman of culture. His mother was also a Virginia lady-Miss Jones, of Brunswick county. He attended the Greene academy in Huntsville, a
ders for to-morrow, and be printed. Last winter the Alabama Legislature passed a bill authorizing a tax of $200,000 to be raised to defray the expense of arming the State, and giving the Governor power to appoint two Commissioners from each county, with power to determine the course which the State should take in the event of the Lincoln election. The tax-gatherers of Alabama are now collecting this tax from the poor and rich alike in that State; and a portion of the citizens of Madison county, Ala., have assembled together and solemnly resolved to resist its collection.--Here are their resolutions: Resolved, That we, as freemen, abhor the Military Law passed by our Legislature, and now, in this public manner, denounce the law as unconstitutional, and subversive of our liberties as freemen. Resolved, That we will resist this military tax by all lawful means, let it be attempted to be enforced in any manner or shape. Resolved, That we recommend to all citizens and f
Hops. --The value of the hop crop of the United States, this year, is estimated at $4,000,000 --nearly all in Otsego, Oneida, and Madison counties, N. Y.
The Daily Dispatch: February 12, 1864., [Electronic resource], Expulsion of citizens from "Subjugated" towns. (search)
ome years ago served one session in the Alabama Legislature, all were, however, "to the manner born," and loyal to the Confederate States of America. At the appointed interview the Colonel commanding announced that he had called the parties together, of whom he had no personal knowledge, for the purpose of saying that they were wealthy and influential citizens, and that they would be required to leave the line of the Federal forces or take the following oath: "I,--, of Madison county, State of Alabama, do solemnly, sincerely, and truly swear, and without any mental reservation or evasion, that I will bear true allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and obey all laws in pursuance thereof; that I will not aid or countenance the so-called Confederate States in their rebellion against the same, and that I will not give any aid or information to any person claiming authority under or bearing arms in support of the so styled Confederate States. So help me