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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
ty, in the examination of witnesses, this officer observed that the facts which he had elicited fully corroborated the statements which had been forwarded to General Steadman. General Wild was removed by the order of General Steadman, and ordered to Washington city. Charges were also preferred against him, but the public is not advised that even as much as a reprimand was ever administered to him. The foregoing statement of facts will be avouched by many citizens of Washington, and of Wilkes and Lincoln counties. You are respectfully referred to James M. Dyson, Gabriel Toombs, Green P. Cozart, Hon. Garnett Andrews, Dr. J. J. Robertson, Dr. James H. Lane, Dr. J. B. Ficklin, Richard T. Walton, Dr. John Haynes Walton and David G. Cotting, the present editor of the Republican, at Augusta. Prompted by no spirit of personal malevolence, but in obedience alone to the instinct of a virtuous patriotism, I have thus a round unvarnished tale delivered of some of the actings and doings
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 3 (search)
el's book as many a poor negro that I know. About noon a cavalryman stopped at the door and asked for dinner. As we eat late, and the man was in too big a hurry to wait, sister senthim a cold lunch out in the entry. It was raining very hard, and the poor fellow was thoroughly drenched, so after he had eaten, sister invited him to come into the parlor and dry himself. It came out, in the course of conversation, that he was from our own part of Georgia, and knew a number of good old Wilkes County families. He was on his way to the Altamaha, he said, and promised to do his best to keep the raiders from getting to us. Jan. 21, Saturday. Albany, Ga I never in all my life knew such furious rains as we had last night; it seemed as if the heavens themselves were falling upon us. In addition to the uproar among the elements, my slumbers were disturbed by frightful dreams about Garnett. Twice during the night I dreamed that he was dead and in a state of corruption, and I could
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 5 (search)
e carriage to bring Garnett home. We hear now that the Yankees are in Abbeville, and, if so, I am afraid they will take the horses away and then I don't know how Garnett will get home. They are father's carriage horses, and we would be in a sad plight with no way to ride. Our cavalry are playing havoc with stock all through the country. The Texans are especially noted in this respect. They have so far to go that the temptation is greater in their case. There is hardly a planter in Wilkes County who has not lost one or more of his working animals since they began to pass through. They seize horses, even when they are already well-mounted, and trade them off. They broke into Mr. Ben Bowdre's stable and took possession of his carriage horses, and helped themselves to two from the buggies of quiet citizens on the square. Almost everybody I know has had horses stolen or violently taken from him. I was walking with Dr. Sale in the street yesterday evening, and a soldier passed us l
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, V. In the dust and ashes of defeat (may 6-June 1, 1865). (search)
ghed and said that he bought a saddle for fifty cents in silver-his pay for three years service-and kept on swapping till he found himself provided with a horse and full outfit. Garnett said he had better quit medicine and go to horse trading. The scarcity of specie gives it a fictitious value that brings down prices wonderfully, but even this is not sufficient to account for the sudden fall in the value of horses that has taken place in the track of our returning armies. Even here in Wilkes County, where the Confederate treasury was raided and specie is comparatively plentiful, horses sell every day at prices ranging from 50 to $2.50; and yesterday on the square, a negro sold one for 25 The tide of travel is now mostly westward, and the soldiers help themselves to horses on the way that they have no further use for when they strike the railroad here, and are glad to sell them for any price they will bring, or even turn them loose to get rid of them. Instead of having to be guard
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 8 (search)
ffered to hang till they were stretched above his head, and he fainted from the pain. And all this on the lying accusation of a negro! They even hung up a negro man, Tom, because he would not swear to a pack of lies inculpating his master. And the Yankees pretend to be a civilized people! And these precious missionaries of the gospel of abolitionism have come out from philanthropic Boston to enlighten us benighted Southerners on our duty to the negroes, while they take a sterling old Wilkes county planter and treat him worse than we would do a runaway negro! Such diabolical proceedings have not been heard of since the days of King James and his thumbscrews. Father has suggested that I might make some money by writing an account of this robbery business for some sensational Northern newspaper, and I mean to try it. I don't suppose any of them would publish the real truth, even if I could get at it, which seems almost impossible, but I will do my best, and it will be worth whil
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXX. September, 1863 (search)
s's subterra shells under the Orange and Alexandria Railroad used by the enemy, was referred by the Secretary to Col. J. Gorgas, the Northern Chief of Ordnance, who says he can furnish the shells, but advises against the use of them, as they will only irritate the enemy, and not intimidate them. For this presumptuous advice, which was entirely gratuitous, I do not learn that the Secretary has rebuked him. Letters from Western North Carolina show that the defection is spreading. In Wilkes County, Gideon Smoot is the commander of the insurgents, and has raised the United States flag. I have not learned, yet, whether Lieut.-Col. Lay, of the Bureau of Conscription, reached that far; and I was amazed when the good nature of Col. Preston yielded to his solicitations to go thither. What possible good could he, a Virginian, and formerly an aid of Gen. Scott, effect in that quarter? September 5 It is believed that Lee, with a large portion of his army, will proceed immediately t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Clarke, Elijah 1774-1799 (search)
Clarke, Elijah 1774-1799 Military officer; born in North Carolina; went to Georgia in 1774, where he became a captain in 1776, and fought both British and Indians on the frontiers. He was an active leader in the war for independence, and was largely instrumental in the capture of Augusta, Ga., in 1781. He fought many battles and made several treaties with the Indians; but in 1794 he was accused of a design to establish an independent government among the Creeks, where he had settled in violation of law. He died in Wilkes county, Ga., Dec. 15, 1799.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Georgia, (search)
. 1-2, 1779 Major Lane surrenders garrison at Sunbury to Prevost......Jan. 9, 1779 Augusta surrendered to British under Campbell......January, 1779 Americans under Pickens, Dooly, and Clarke repulse British at battle of Kettle Creek, Wilkes county......Feb. 14, 1779 Prevost surprises and defeats Americans under General Ashe at Briar Creek. Loss, American, 340 killed, wounded, and prisoners; British, sixteen killed and wounded......March 3, 1779 Civil government renewed by Britisa elects Richard Howley governor and George Wells president of executive council......Jan. 4, 1780 Governor Howley by proclamation calls on people to support and defend the government......Feb. 2. 1780 Assembly adjourns to Heard's Fort, Wilkes county, which becomes temporary capital of the State......Feb. 5, 1780 Governor Howley leaves for Continental Congress; President Wells dying soon after, Stephen Heard becomes executive......Feb. 18, 1780 House of Assembly of only fifteen memb
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Biographical: officers of civil and military organizations. (search)
as elected representative to Congress, in which he took his seat and served with unimpaired ability. In the year 1882 he was elected governor of Georgia, and during his term was taken sick at Savannah, where he died March 4, 1883. Extraordinary funeral honors were paid him at the capital and in the State generally, and his memory is cherished warmly as one of the great men of his times. Robert Toombs Robert Toombs, first secretary of state of the Confederate States, was born in Wilkes county, Ga., July 2, 1810. His grandfather fought with Braddock, and his father commanded a Virginia regiment under Washington. He was a student in Franklin college, Georgia, and was graduated at Union college, New York, in 1828, studied law at the university of Virginia, and was admitted to the bar in 1830. In 1837 he was a captain of militia in the Creek war, and on his return home was elected to the legislature by the Whigs, of whom he became a leader. He was returned in 1839, 1840, 1842 an
oro, Wilkes county, N. C., where his ancestors had made their home for four generations since the coming of John George Gordon from Scotland about the year 1724. In childhood he attended the school of Peter S. Ney, in Iredell county, afterward studied at Emory and Henry college, Va., and then engaged in mercantile business at his native town. He was a leader in local politics and sat in the legislature in 1850. At the first organization of troops in 1861 he became a lieutenant in the Wilkes county guards, which became Company B of the First regiment, State troops, with Gordon as captain. Soon afterward he was commissioned major of the First cavalry, and went to the front in Virginia, where the regiment under command of Col. Robert Ransom was assigned to the brigade of Gen. J. E. B. Stuart. On November 26, 1861, he gallantly led the charge in the first encounter of his regiment with the Federal cavalry, which was also the first engagement of Stuart's brigade with the same arm of
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