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n on the march,) for the purpose of paying the proper tribute of respect to the memory of their deceased comrade, private Wm. Exall, Lieutenant P. A. Wellford being called to the Chair, and private John W Green being appointed Secretary, the following preamble and resolutions were offered and adopted: Whereas, it has pleased Divine Providence to remove from our midst our friend and fellow-soldier, Wm. Exall, who died from the effects of a wound received in a skirmish near Bath, Morgan county, Virginia, on the 3d instant: Therefore, be it Resolved, First, That we sincerely sympathize with his bereaved family in this great affliction, by which they have lost a beloved son and brother, and this company one of its best and most efficient members. Second.--That, while in his death his friends have sustained and irreparable loss, it should be a source of inexpressible consolation to them to know that, during his long connexion with the company, he merited and won the esteem