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es everywhere, that we should acquire an unenviable reputation. From Gen. Cox's army. The statements given out through the rebel papers that Gen. Cox was advancing on Staunton, across the Virginia mountains, turns out to have a basis of truth. It was General Milroy, however, who headed the expedition. A dispatch to the Cincinnati Commercial, dated Huttonsville, says: The expedition of Gen. Milroy to Huntersville, Monterey, Franklin, through the counties of Pocahontas, Bath, Highland, and Pendleton, have been entirely successful. He captured Maj. Wm. Harness, Capt. Evans, Capt. Beggs, the notorious Carter, and about forty-five prisoners; also, about twenty-five horses, and seventy head of cattle. This region is now clear of rebel guerrillas. The small pox is raging at Staunton and the surrounding country.--Gen. Milroy did not lose a single man. These places are on the road to and not far from Staunton, Eastern Virginia. As for Western Virginia, in a Gauley lett
The Yankee robberies. --A letter from Highland county, Va., gives some account of the Yankee robberies in the mountains West of the Valley. The writer says: The Yankees robbed our county of near one hundred horses, three hundred cattle, twenty negroes, a gold watch, $2,000 or $3,000 in money, a number of blankets, butter, honey, and other small articles, that could be carried with them. They carried off fifty-eight prisoners and burned two houses. They took a number of cattle and horses from Pocahontas county, and burned one barn.--James Lockridge, of Pocahontas, lost 40 head of fat cattle. So you see we have been again largely robbed. Our people are disposing of a portion of their reaming stock, and little will be left. Many persons here are concerned as to how they are to procure the necessaries of life, and there will be suffering beyond a doubt." Upon entering Winchester, a few weeks since, a letter says: So soon as they entered the Martinsburg road, e
Apprehended raid on Staunton. Staunton, Va., Aug. 24. --Considerable excitement was created here to-day by the scouts reporting the Yankees near Buffalo Gap, on a raid to Staunton. Preparations were made for their reception. Business was suspended, and old and young turned out en masse to meet the enemy, but they were non est. It is reported they have crossed into Highland. Imboden is after them, and Staunton has relapsed again into its placid state of tranquility. Nothing important from the lower Valley. No Yankees between here and Martinsburg.
The Daily Dispatch: August 28, 1863., [Electronic resource], The enemy Beyond Staunton — the Warm Springs occupied. (search)
The enemy Beyond Staunton — the Warm Springs occupied. [Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.] Staunton, Aug. 26, 1863. As your telegraphic column in yesterday's paper announced, there have been for several days anticipations of a raid upon this place. On Friday last a dispatch was received by the commandant of the post, from Col. Jackson, that there was a considerable force of the enemy in Highland county, between him and this place. Gen. Imboden, who was near Harrisonburg, was apprised of this, and promptly moved his force to the vicinity of Staunton. It has been since ascertained that about two thousand five hundred of the enemy's cavalry made their appearance at Monterey on Thursday last, while the Court was in session, and captured the Court and all attending, and about one hundred horses. Subsequently all the men were released, except Mr. D. M. Anvill, who was at the beginning of the war Commonwealth's Attorney for Barbour county, Capt. Myers, and several ot
Va., giving some additional particulars of the fight at the White Sulphur Springs. As stated yesterday, the enemy escaped to Beverly, in Randolph county, by the road which intersects the Warm Springs road on Morris Hill, in Alleghany county. We captured three pieces of artillery and, it is said, 300 prisoners. The fight near the White Sulphur is thus described: The enemy, about 3,000 strong, commanded by Gen. Averill, started from Moorefield, in Hardy county, came through Pendleton, Highland, and Pocahontas counties, in which latter county they met and drove back beyond the Warm Springs, in Bath county, Col. Wm. L. Jackson, who had but a small force. From the Warm Springs they came directly to the White Sulphur Springs, in this county, at which point they were met by our troops, consisting of the 22d Va. regiment, Lieut.-Col. Barbee; the 45th Va. regiment, Col. Brown; Derick's battalion, Lieut.-Col. Derick; Edgar's battalion, Lieut.-Col. Edgar; Chapman's battery, (four pieces,
rleans. The steamer Warrior, Capt Henry Wold., was captured sixty miles north of Tortugas She was from Havana, bound to Apalachicola. She had on board, when captured, an assorted cargo, valued at about one hundred and fifty thousand and dollars. Private dispatches received in Wheeling announce the return to Huntersville, Randolph county, of the expedition under Gen. Averill? recently sent out by Gen. Kelley.--Gen. Averill route extended through the counties of Sturdy, Pendleton, Highland, Pocahontas, and Greenbrier. He destroyed the saltpetre works in Pendleton, and drove Jackson out of Pocahontas pursuing him to Greenbrier, near the White Sulphur Springs. At Rocky Gap he encountered the forces of Gen. Jones and Col. Patton, and had a severe action, in which he lost about one hundred men in killed and wounded, including several officers. Writs of election, dated August 26, for a Judge of the First Judicial District of Virginia, composed of the counties of Princess An
Gen. Averill reported Coming. --News has reached Staunton, Va., by a letter from a gentleman in Highland, that Gen. Averill, with a force of 6,000, was a few days since at Cheat Mountain, this side of Beverly, and contemplated a raid upon Staunton.
A telegram from Hamilton, Ohio, dated October 29th, says revelations regarding the great majorities recently given to Borough are daily coming to light: A Methodist minister was arrested here last week upon charge of Illegal voting. He was brought up before the Mayor to-day for trial, and was bound over in the sum of five hundred dollars to appear at the next session of the Court of Common Pleas. The most gigantic frauds have been perpetrated in Ohio during the recent election.--Highland county alone gives Borough (Lincolnite) a majority of 582 votes more than the male population of the place. It contains a population of 5,582 males, including the unnaturalized and soldiers in the army. The people here, although expecting it, were startled upon the receipt of the frauds, and are now putting their heads together as to the propriety of appointing investigating committees. An East campaign for Grant Predicted. A letter describing the position at Chattanooga gives the
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