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hing all to the skin. No one, except they that have travelled through the mountains of Virginia, can conceive how it rains on the mountains. Arriving within four miles of this camp, our advance started on a trot, and about three o'clock P. M. the rebel pickets and entire camp were captured, consisting of one captain and thirty-five men; but one escaped, who was then on horse. We went ahead, and began to move more rapidly until within five miles of Jeffersonville, the county-seat of Tazewell County,where we encamped for the night. Through Abb's Valley the scenery beggars description for beauty. As far as the eye can reach stretch, in every direction, hills and vales. The country is rich, owned principally by wealthy citizens, who were very influential in bringing about the rebellion, living in luxury and ease. They little dreamed that they, living in so remote a place, should be made to feel the weight of the hand of war. On Saturday morning, at two o'clock, we left our campin
perating. I do not know them nor the sphere of General Heth's operations. I saw the other day an invitation from General Heth to Brigadier-General Bowen, of Tazewell County, inviting an interview, with the hope of procuring his co-operation, &c. If General Heth takes the militia in Tazewell, where am I to find a force to act in dngle men in the two regiments who were left of the first class, and I knew no good reason why they should not volunteer; indeed they could state none. From Tazewell County I raised in like manner two companies, making together 200 men; from Carroll, one company of 100 men; from Grayson, one company of 100 men; from Scott, 200 mes corps to fill it out to a regiment in fact the following companies: Company G (from Russell County, Captain Smith), 107 rank and file. Company H (from Tazewell County, Captain Bruster), 105 rank and file. Company I (from Russell County, Captain Dickenson), 80 rank and file. And Lieutenant March, formerly of the corps,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lincoln, Abraham 1809- (search)
ith them. I believe this is true about those resolutions. There was a call for a convention to form a Republican party at Springfield; and I think that my friend Mr. Lovejoy, who is here upon this stand, had a hand in it. I think this is true; and I think, if he will remember accurately, he will be able to recollect that he tried to get me into it, and I would not go in. I believe it is also true that I went away from Springfield, when the convention was in session, to attend court in Tazewell county. It is true they did place my name, though without authority, upon the committee, and afterwards wrote me to attend the meeting of the committee; but I refused to do Medal from the French Democrats. so, and I never had anything to do with that organization. This is the plain truth about all that matter of the resolutions. Now, about this story that Judge Douglas tells of Trumbull bargaining to sell out the old Democratic party, and Lincoln agreeing to sell out the Old Whig part
g.-Gen. E. Parker Scammon was now in command at Charleston, and Col. John T. Toland was in charge of the brigade stationed at Camp Piatt. With seven companies of the Second Virginia, U. S. V., the Thirty-fourth Ohio mounted, and two companies of First Virginia, U. S. V., cavalry, Toland marched against Wytheville, Va., July 13th, through Boone, Wyoming and McDowell counties, with instructions to destroy the railroad. On the 17th the expedition surprised Camp Pendleton in Abb's valley, Tazewell county, capturing J. E. Stollings' company and some stores, but allowing one man to escape, who carried the news to Williams. At the same time McCausland was pressed back from the vicinity of Raleigh by General Scammon, and retreated to Mercer Court House, when, learning that Toland had gone down through Tazewell, he sent his cavalry to follow and moved his infantry to Bland Court House. As Toland approached Wytheville, Major May, from Williams' command, attacked his rear, inflicting severe
d men, and the Forty-fifth battalion. Jackson, who had been ordered to the Narrows of New river, and joined by Colonel French, commanding Jenkins' brigade, was called back to meet Crook on his return. They were pushed back from Newport, and Crook, followed by McCausland, started across Salt Pond mountain toward Union, skirmishing at Gap mountain with Jackson and reaching Meadow Bluff on the 19th. Averell, with the other Federal column, had captured some of the Eighth Virginia in Tazewell county, but found Saltville strongly held by Gens. John H. Morgan and W. E. Jones, and avoiding that point, his real destination, marched to Wytheville, fought a battle on the 10th with Morgan and Jones, and then by a narrow margin won a race to Dublin, and crossed the river in safety, the Confederates being prevented from following by the swollen waters and the destruction of the railroad and bridges. He then joined General Crook at Union. Thus, with some assistance, the Confederate army of
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A list of Confederate officers, prisoners, who were held by Federal authority on Morris Island, S. C., under Confederate fire from September 7th to October 21st, 1864. (search)
Zzz=Capt. J. W. Helm, 42d inft., Jacksonville. Zzz=Capt. A. R. Humes, 2d cav., Abingdon. Zzz=Capt. W. P. Duff, 50th inft., Jonesville. Zzz=Capt. D. L. Grayson, 10th inft., Luray, Page county. Zzz=Capt. G. W. Kelly, 50th inft., Tazewell county. Zzz=Capt. A. N. Finks, 10th inft., Madison C. H. Zzz=Capt. Thos. M. Cobble, 48th inft., Abingdon. Capt. W. T. McConnell, 48th inft., Estillsville. Zzz=Capt. W. S. Guthrie, 23d inft., Prince Edward C. H. Zzz=Capt. Jas. Dunlap, 26 Va. inft., Staunton. Zzz=1st Lt. J. W. Ford, 20th Va. cav., Lewisburg. Zzz=1st Lt. A. W. Edwards, 15th Va. cav., Princess Anne. Zzz=1st Lt. W. H. Morgan, 11th Va. inft., Campbell county. Zzz=1st Lt. J. D. Griver, 50th Va. inft., Tazewell county. Zzz=1st Lt. C. T. Harper, 21st Va. inft., Mecklenburg. Zzz=1st Lt. Isaac Coles, 6th Va. cav., Pittsylvania. Zzz=1st Lt. S. M. Dent, 51st Va. cav., Alexandria. Zzz=1st Lt. C. D. Hall, 48th Va. inft., Louisa county. Zzz=1st Lt.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.43 (search)
A. R. Humes, Twenty-first Cavalry, Abidgdon. W. P. Duff, Fifteenth Infantry, Jonesville, Lee county. D. C. Grayson, Tenth Infantry, Luray, Page county. A. N. Finks, Tenth Infantry, Madison Courthouse. F. W. Kelly, Fiftieth Infantry, Tazewell county. T. M. Gobble, Forty-eighth Infantry, Abingdoh. W. S. McConnell, Forty-eighth Infantry, Estillville. W. L. Guthrie, Twenty-third Infantry, Prince Edward county. James Dunlap, Twenty-sixth Battery, Union, Monroe county. A. M. Edgacounty. L. B. Doyle, Fifth Infantry, Lexington. J. W. A. Ford, Twentieth Cavalry, Lewisburg. A. W. Edwards, Fifteenth Cavalry, Princess Anne county. W. H. Morgan, Eleventh Infantry, Campbell county. J. D. Greener, Fiftieth Infantry, Tazewell county. C. P. Harper, Twenty-first Infantry, Mecklenburg. Isaac Coles, Sixth Cavalry, Peytonsburg. S. M. Dent, Fifth Cavalry, Alexandria. Erasmus L. Bell, Tenth Infantry, Luray. C. D. Hall, Forty-eighth Infantry, Lee, Page county. H
vote may be taken on the subject. Petitions.--By Mr. Carpenter, the petition of C. M. McCormack, to have refunded a fine imposed by the County Court of Alleghany county. Resolutions.--The following resolutions of inquiry were read and referred; By Mr. Evans, of amending or repealing the law restricting the catching of fish in certain rivers and bays; by Mr. Witten, of providing for the payment of $162.70 to Witten Cecil and T. G. Perry, for law damages, assessed by a jury of Tazewell county; by Mr. Cowan, of legalizing a conveyance from Andrew Oliphant, guardian, &c., to David Simpson; by Mr. Carpenter, of amending 14th section of chapter 61 of the Code; by Mr. Watts, of refunding to Richard Cox and D. Griffith a sum of money assessed against them. Direct Trade.--Mr. Bisbie, of Norfolk, offered a resolution to the effect that the General Assembly had learned with satisfaction that Periere & Freres, Bankers, of Paris, France, contemplated putting on a line of steamers
rts of Committees.--The following bills were reported: A bill to transfer a part of Price's Mountain and Cumberland Gap Road to the Mountain Lake and Salt Sulphur Springs Turnpike Company; a bill to incorporate the Lynchburg Arms Manufacturing Company; a bill to protect the interest of this Commonwealth and others in railroad and steamboat companies in this State, or the two lines between Baltimore and Weldon; a bill to authorize an issue of arms to Titus V. Williams, of the county of Tazewell, for the use of an academy; a bill refunding to George Hairston, Sr., a certain sum of money improperly paid by him into the Treasury; a bill to amend the charter of the Merchants' Bank of Virginia; and a bill authorizing the Merchants' Bank of Virginia to establish branches at Rocky Mount, Liberty, Goodson and Princeton. On motion of Mr. Claiborne, it was Resolved, That the Clerk be instructed to procure for the use of the members of the Senate, 250 copies of the Report of the
ased, to Owen Shea; House bill for the relief of James Scott, of Greenbrier county; House bill refunding a license tax to Paul A. Farley, of the county of Lunenburg; House bill refunding to the securities of Wm. H. Blanche, late Sheriff of the county of Mecklenburg, certain damages paid by them; Senate bill for the relief of Daniel S. Dickinson; House bill to amend the charter of the Banks of Scottsville; Senate bill establishing a branch Bank at the town of Jeffersonville, in the county of Tazewell; House bill to incorporate the Capper Springs Company; House bill to amend the 1st section of the act passed March 4, 1856, for marking the boundary line between Fluvanna and Albemarle counties. On motion of Mr. Dickinson, of Prince Edward, the Senate adjourned. House of Delegates. Wednesday, Feb. 27, 1861. Speaker Critchfield called the House to order at 11 o'clock. The House were informed by the Clerk of the Senate of the passage by that body of a number of bills; s
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