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ral dwellings, battering most of the residue; but they could not take the town; and, at 2 P. M., drew off, having lost 150 killed and wounded, beside 33 prisoners. Our loss was but 17 killed and 40 wounded--5 of the former and 12 of the latter among the negro volunteers. Part of Cabell's command, which (as we have seen) had been worsted, in the Indian Territory, by Blunt and Phillips, undertook, under Shelby, a Fall raid into Missouri--probably in quest of subsistence. Emerging from the Choctaw region of the Indian Territory, tile raiders passed rapidly through the north-west corner of Arkansas, crossing the river eastward of Fort Smith, and evading any collision with our forces near that post as well as with those holding Little Rock, and entering south-western Missouri; being joined Oct. 1. at Crooked Prairie by a similar force under Coffey, whereby their number was said to be swelled to 2,500. These advanced rapidly through Western Missouri to the river at Booneville, but f
horrors of this unnatural war; and that you may cooperate with him to this end more effectually, he desires me to inform you that many of our men who surrendered themselves prisoners of war, were reported to him as having been murdered in cold blood by their captors, who were alleged to be Germans. The General commanding feels sure that you will do your part, as he will, in preventing such atrocities in future, and that the perpetrators of them will be brought to justice, whether German or Choctaw. The privileges which you extend to our medical officers will be reciprocated, and as soon as possible means will be taken for an exchange of prisoners. I am, sir, very respectfully yours, Dubury H. Maury, A. A. G. Reply.headquarters of the army of the Southwest, camp at cross timber Hollows, March 21, 1862. Captain: I am in receipt of yours of the fourteenth inst., expressing the reasonable regret of your Commanding General for the barbarities committed by the Indians at the r
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Maubila, battle of (search)
Maubila, battle of At Choctaw Bluff, in Clarke county, Ala., about 25 miles above the confluence of the Alabama and Tombigbee rivers, was a strong Indian town, the capital of Tuscaloosa, the head of the Mobilian tribes. Tuscaloosa was gigantic in stature, and was called the Black Warrior. De Soto had led his marauders through the beautiful Coosa country, and had, as usual, requited kind treatment by treachery and cruelty. He made captive the Coosa ruler, and carried off men, women, and children in chains as slaves. Arriving on the borders of Tuscaloosa's domain, at the great town of Tallase, he there released the Coosa chief, and found the Black Warrior at his temporary residence. He was seated on a commanding eminence, with beautiful mats under his feet, and surrounded by numerous attendants. Forty years of age, with a handsome face and grave aspect, a head taller than any of his warriors, and lord of many tribes, he was reverenced by his people and feared by all his neigh
ns. Very respectfully, your obdt. servt., Thomas Jordan, Chief of Staff. Thus it appears that, immediately after his arrival in Charleston, General Beauregard began to concentrate as many heavy guns as were available in the first line of works, including Fort Sumter, so that they might be used with greater advantage against any naval attack. And the War Department was called upon to allow the transfer to Charleston of other heavy pieces from Ovenbluff, on the Tombigbee River, and Choctaw Bluff, on the Alabama River, where they could be of no use and might be easily dispensed with. The application was granted, provided no objection should be made by the commander of the Department of Alabama and Western Florida. No objection was made. But General Beauregard's efforts did not stop there. He asked the War Department for additional guns, which he considered indispensable for the safety of Charleston, as he placed no great reliance upon the strength and stability of the boom
r armament of the defensive works in Charleston Harbor, I beg leave to suggest that some of those now in position at Over Bluff, on the Tombigbee River, and at Choctaw Bluff, on the Alabama River, may be prudently removed and sent here, unless they shall be necessary for the immediate defence of Mobile Bay. They cannot be requirednl. To Genl. Beauregard, Tupelo, Miss. Telegram. Tupelo, Jan. 17th, 1865. Col. G. W. Brent, Chief of Staff: Order General Smith to inspect works at Choctaw and Open Bluff, and give such orders as may be necessary for defence of rivers at those points; obstructions and torpedoes recommended for Tennessee River must bwithout Stewart's corps, and cannot fight a battle with it against an army; and French's division is very weak, but will enable me to fully garrison Mobile and Choctaw Bluff. The remainder of the corps should go east at once to insure success there. We can thus save Lee's communications, raise the siege of Mobile, should it be in
cter than Quantrell. Over two hundred loyal Arkansians were murdered by him in the vicinity of Fort Smith during the few weeks prior to the occupation by General Blunt Another guerrilla band, under the lead of Buck Brown, surprised a party of ten men belonging to the First Arkansas cavalry, who were herding public stock near the Prairie Grove battlefield. The bushwhackers, twenty-one in number, were clothed in Federal uniform. They pretended to belong to the Thirteenth Kansas. The Arkansians were in a house, and were called out by the disguised rebels. While conversing in a friendly way, they commenced firing, and succeeded in killing and mortally wounding all but one, who escaped. There were five killed, and four mortally wounded. This was on the seventh. A party of Choctaw guerrillas, on the thirteenth, made a raid in the State, at Long Prairie, twelve miles from this place. They murdered two citizens, stripped four women stark naked, and plundered everything portable.
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 29: in Caddo. (search)
man's sense of justice for protection in the commoner sort of civil rights. But as a rule the poorer people in a district cannot seek new homes. Like plants and animals, they must brave their lot or sink into the soil. To many fugitives from Choctaw lodges and Chickasaw tents, Caddo has become a home. The site on which these outcasts have squatted is a piece of ground abandoned by the Caddoes, a small and wandering tribelet, who in former days --whipt these creeks for fish and raked these woods for game. Reduced in numbers, the Caddoes have moved into the Washita region, leaving their ancient hunting-fields to the coyotes and wolves. In theory the district lies in Choctaw country, but the Choctaws never occupied this valley, and the coming in of railway men, with teams and tools, induced the nearer families to move their lodges farther back. Caddo, abandoned to the iron horse and liberated slave, became a town. A Negro has no legal right to squat in Caddo, but squatting i
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 30: Oklahoma. (search)
driven from home, except on promise of a finer campingground elsewhere. From Penn and Ogle, therefore, to Story and Chace, no one has denied that the original title in the land lay with the Red men. But Waite and his learned brethren have wrought a sudden change. These magistrates have decided that the Indians are not owners of the soil, generally, or even holders of the fee in their own lands. The true proprietor, they assert, is the Government of the United States! No Creek, no Choctaw can be made to seize the maxims on which Waite proceeds, but the most benighted Indian can understand that his field is not his own, that he is only a tenant on the land, and that he must no longer cut and sell a pine. Under the new policy, which turns the Red war into pious idyls, and confiscates the whole Indian country to the Government, the Indians are displayed for public approval in four great classes: First. Those that are wild and scarcely tract. able to any extent beyond
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 32: a frontier town. (search)
bstone. Yet how near the pastoral nature seems to lie! Trees grow in Main street, and stumps of trees choke up the avenues right and left of Main street. Antelopes are tethered in yards. Cows wander up and down, und hang familiarly about the gates. Girls fetch in water from the creeks, and mustangs, still unbroken to the collar, tear across trackless leas of grass. 32-2 Judging from the streets, the Negroes must be half the population of this frontier town. Not a single Chickasaw or Choctaw can be seen. No Redskin lives at Denison; yet Denison is something more than a dep6t for Fort Sill and a refuge for emancipated slaves. It is a camp of enemies to the Red man. Before we had been ten days in America, a gentleman in a Potomac steamer, seeing me mark some passages in a morning paper, with a view to future use, came up and said to me: Guess you're a correspondent of the New York press? No, sir; I am a visitor from the old country. Ha! an Englishman! You know
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe, Chapter 2: school days in Hartford, 1824-1832. (search)
rooks that rippled by the way, it was impossible. I came into church quite dissatisfied with myself, and as I looked upon the pure white cloth, the snowy bread and shining cups, of the communion table, thought with a sigh: There won't be anything for me to-day; it is all for these grown-up Christians. Nevertheless, when father began to speak, I was drawn to listen by a certain pathetic earnestness in his voice. Most of father's sermons were as unintelligible to me as if he had spoken in Choctaw. But sometimes he preached what he was accustomed to call a frame sermon; that is, a sermon that sprung out of the deep feeling of the occasion, and which consequently could be neither premeditated nor repeated. His text was taken from the Gospel of John, the declaration of Jesus: Behold, I call you no longer servants, but friends. His theme was Jesus as a soul friend offered to every human being. Forgetting all his hair-splitting distinctions and dialectic subtleties, he spoke in
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