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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: June 18, 1863., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the war in the South-West. (search)
by Hurlbut. Winslow's cavalry had, on the evening of the 3d, taken possession of a bridge on Baker's Creek at the foot of Champion's Hill, and McPherson, who had bivouacked at Edwards' Depot, had but to deploy on the morning of the 4th a few regiments of Crocker's division to dislodge Starke and open a passage for himself. During that time Hurlbut was also overcoming the resistance against him, and the two Federal columns, pushing vigorously the enemy before them, reached a point beyond Fleetwood and Bolton in the evening. The following day, the 5th, they encountered each other at Clinton after a brisk skirmish with the enemy's cavalry, which Ferguson had reinforced during the night, and which Lee was commanding in person. Taking advantage of Lee's having deployed all his forces to delay the Federals on the highway, Winslow took a cross-road to the southward, attacked him in flank, captured many prisoners and one gun, and compelled him to speedily retreat. McPherson, on his part
operty of any description was left, and a dismounted battalion was directed to move out from Brandy Station to repel the enemy then approaching. The failure of the battalion to get into position promptly alone prevented a successful repulse at this point at the moment. When the enemy's movement in that direction was fully developed, first Jones's and then Hampton's brigades were moved directly toward Brandy. The advance of the enemy's cavalry had succeeded in reaching the heights of Fleetwood before ours; but our cavalry charged gallantly up the hill, and, after a severe conflict, lasting for some time, drove them from its top and occupied this commanding position. In this hot encounter our artillery played a handsome part. Three pieces of the enemy's artillery were captured and held, and turned upon the enemy. Not one piece of our artillery was captured--though at times the cannoneers fought the cavalry which charged them, with sword and pistol, in their defence. In this c