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ood, and had succeeded in killing seventeen (17) and capturing twelve, (12,) besides twenty horses and mules. Another force, under Colonel O'Connell, succeeded in killing twenty-three, (23.) and capturing forty of this same gang. Colonel Stokes ascertained that, when concentrated, the guerrillas in that section of the country will number six hundred men, finely mounted. A scout also brought me information of an attack by Roddy, with a heavy force, upon our troops stationed at Lebanon, De Kalb County, Alabama, on the third instant. The rebels were repulsed, and driven in confusion towards Gadsden, when, learning that Roddy was being reenforced by Wheeler, our troops withdrew to Sand Mountain, taking possession of Saltpetre Cave, near Fort Paine. About the tenth instant, various reports having been received that the enemy under Johnson had weakened his force by sending reenforcements to Polk, then opposing the advance of our forces under General Sherman; also that he had sent troo
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Index. (search)
. 118, 1; 135-A; 150, A11; 151, G11 Lawrenceburg, Tenn. 24, 3; 117, 1; 118, 1; 135-A; 149, C4 Lawrenceville, Ark. 135-A; 154, C6; 171 Lawrenceville, Ga. 76, 1, 76, 2; 118, 1; 135-A; 143, D2; 171 Lawrenceville, Va. 86, 11 Lawtonville, S. C. 76, 2; 80, 2; 86, 2; 118, 1; 120, 2; 135-A; 143, H10; 144, D10 Lawyers' Road, Va. 91, 1; 93, 1 Leavenworth, Kans. 47, 1; 119, 1; 135-A; 161, B9; 171 Fort Leavenworth, Kans. 119, 1; 161, B9; 171 Lebanon, Ala. 76, 1; 118, 1; 135-A Lebanon, Ky. 118, 1; 135-A; 150, B10, 135-A; 150, E4; 151, H10; 171 Lebanon, Mo. 135-A; 152, C4, 135-A; 152, H3 Lebanon, Tenn. 24, 3; 30, 2; 31, 2; 135-A Lebanon Junction, Ky. 117, 1; 118, 1; 150, A8; 151, G9 Lee and Gordon's Mills, Ga. 30, 6; 46, 1, 46, 2, 46, 4; 47, 2 3, 7; 48, 1; 50, 5; 57, 1-57, 3; 97, 1, 97, 3; 98, 2; 111, 9 Leasburg, Mo. 152, F7 Leesburg, Ala. 46, 3; 118, 1; 149, F9 Leesburg, Tenn. 142, C
y, in fact, pursued by the Government, we have gradually lost the whole of Tennessee. It is stated that the Yanks are building a permanent bridge across the Tennessee at Chattanooga, but have abandoned the bridges at Bridgeport and over Running Water creek. Some persons have entertained the idea that the two corps of the enemy that lately took up its march from Bridgeport towards Nashville were going to Stevenson, and from thence they would cross the Tennessee and come down to Lebanon, Alabama, which is only fifty miles E. N. E. from Rome, and thus flank us and turn our rear. But this is not at all probable at this season, and the present condition of the roads, which, over this route, would be next to impossible, as they would have to cross both Sand Mountain and Taylor's Ridge. Besides, if such a move was on foot, and were practicable, the enemy would not send a column of only two corps. Then again, if they should send their whole army in that direction, our forces a
Fight in Alabama. Selma, Feb. 9. --The Reporter has received information of a fight between the Lewis squadron and the enemy, near Lebanon, Ala., on Wednesday last. The enemy, nine thousand strong, subsequently abandoned Lebanon, and retreated towards the Tennessee River. Our force numbered four hundred only. The Reporter's correspondent days the Yankee force at Larkin's Ferry, numbers at least forty thousand.
We have received through the politeness of the officers of the Exchange Bureau New York papers of Tuesday, the 16th inst. We give a summary of the news they contain: The movements in the Southwest The war news from Gen. Grant's department is highly interesting. A dispatch from Chattanooga states that Gen. Logan, with the 15th army corps, left the vicinity of Huntsville, Ala., some days ago, moving southwardly, and we have rebel accounts of the presence of some of his forces at Lebanon, Ala., some twenty south of the Tennessee river. The cavalry expedition under Gens. Grierson and Smith, started from Memphis, moving across the country southwardly. It was understood (says the New York Times) that these columns were intended to act in conjunction, the one to attack, and the other to out off the retreat of Polk and Forrest, who were scouring Central and Northern Mississippi. This movement was generally regarded as a great flanking movement on Johnston's army. A Nashvil