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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 111 1 Browse Search
Raphael Semmes, Memoirs of Service Afloat During the War Between the States 78 0 Browse Search
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 32 4 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 26 2 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 20 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 19 1 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 16 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 14 0 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 8 0 Browse Search
James D. Porter, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, Tennessee (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 8 0 Browse Search
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erdstown? That would lose an immense amount of invaluable time and horse-flesh. Cross below Leesburg? That seemed impossible with the artillery, and difficult even for cavalry. The river was broad, deep, with a rocky and uneven bed; and so confident were the enemy of the impossibility of our crossing there, that not a picket watched the stream. Stuart's design was soon developed. We reached at nightfall an elevation not far from the Great Falls — the spot laid down on the maps at Matildaville, or near it-Stuart riding with staff and advance guard far in front. The latter pushed on — the rest stopping-when all at once shots came from the front, and Stuart called out cheerily to the staff: Look out! Here they come! Give it to them with pistols! The bang of carbines followed: a squadron hastened to the front, and opened fire; and in the midst of it Stuart said, Tell Hampton-you can follow his trail --that Chambliss is up, and Fitz Lee coming. The trail was plain in the moonl
ewder and more manly than their masters, were our faithful friends and news-bearers. They all understood how to furnish us papers in the manner described in a previous chapter. The results of the mule-beef investigation plainly proved that the whole transaction was sanctioned by the Government. It was not an individual speculation by an unprincipled army contractor, but an official outrage, perpetrated by the chivalrous Confederacy! From Mobile we were taken to Selma, from thence to Tuscaloosa, and from thence to Montgomery. Here we were placed in the penitentiary over night, until arrangements could be made for our accommodation in the military prison. Here we shared the fare of criminals, which proved to be the best I ever received in Dixie. As to the truthfulness of the report that the Confederacy had liberated their felons as soldiers, I am not prepared to speak. But while I was in the Montgomery penitentiary, during the brief space of thirty hours, two inmates were rele
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Sherman's March North-Sheridan ordered to Lynchburg-Canby ordered to move against Mobile-movements of Schofield and Thomas-capture of Columbia, South Carolina-Sherman in the Carolinas (search)
vel, I think you will have no difficulty about reaching Lynchburg with a cavalry force alone. From there you could destroy the railroad and canal in every direction, so as to be of no further use to the rebellion. * * * This additional raid, with one starting from East Tennessee under Stoneman, numbering about four or five thousand cavalry; one from Eastport, Mississippi, ten thousand cavalry; Canby, from Mobile Bay, with about eighteen thousand mixed troops-these three latter pushing for Tuscaloosa, Selma and Montgomery; and Sherman with a large army eating out the vitals of South Carolina--is all that will be wanted to leave nothing for the rebellion to stand upon. I would advise you to overcome great obstacles to accomplish this. Charleston was evacuated on Tuesday last. On the 27th of February, more than a month after Canby had received his orders, I again wrote to him, saying that I was extremely anxious to hear of his being in Alabama. I notified him, also, that I had sen
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Sherman and Johnston-Johnston's surrender to Sherman-capture of Mobile-Wilson's expedition — capture of Jefferson Davis--General Thomas's qualities-estimate of General Canby (search)
ished his work rapidly. Forrest was in his front, but with neither his old-time army nor his old-time prestige. He now had principally conscripts. His conscripts were generally old men and boys. He had a few thousand regular cavalry left, but not enough to even retard materially the progress of Wilson's cavalry. Selma [Alabama] fell on the 2d of April, with a large number of prisoners [2,700] and a large quantity of war material, machine shops, etc., to be disposed of by the victors. Tuscaloosa, Montgomery and West Point fell in quick succession. These were all important points to the enemy by reason of their railroad connections, as depots of supplies, and because of their manufactories of war material. They were fortified or intrenched, and there was considerable fighting before they were captured. Macon [Georgia, April 20] surrendered on the 21st of April. Here news was received of the negotiations for the surrender of Johnston's army. Wilson belonged to the military divi
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), Report of Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, U. S. Army, commanding armies of the United States, of operations march, 1864-May, 1865. (search)
ccess to Canby; second, to destroy the enemy's lines of communication and military resources; third, to destroy or capture their forces brought into the field. Tuscaloosa and Selma would probably be the points to direct the expedition against. This, however, would not be so important as the mere fact of penetrating deep into Alaumbering 7,000 or 8,000 cavalry; one from Eastport, Miss., 10,000 cavalry; Canby from Mobile Bay, with about 38,000 mixed troops, these three latter pushing for Tuscaloosa, Selma, and Montgomery, and Sherman with a large army eating out the vitals of South Carolina, is all that will be wanted to leave nothing for the rebellion to uns, destroyed the arsenal, armory, naval foundry, machine-shops, vast quantities of stores, and captured 3,000 prisoners. On the 4th he captured and destroyed Tuscaloosa. On the 10th he crossed the Alabama River, and after sending information of his operations to General Canby, marched on Montgomery, which place he occupied on
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 32 (search)
r soon after General Grant's departure, and finding him bent upon continuing the denunciation of Sherman before the public, I started for North Carolina to meet General Grant and inform him of the situation in Washington. I passed him, however, on the way, and at once returned and rejoined him at Washington. Hostilities were now brought rapidly to a close throughout the entire theater of war. April 11, Canby compelled the evacuation of Mobile. By the 21st our troops had taken Selma, Tuscaloosa, Montgomery, West Point, Columbus, and Macon. May 4, Richard Taylor surrendered the Confederate forces east of the Mississippi. May 10, Jefferson Davis was captured; and on the 26th Kirby Smith surrendered his command west of the Mississippi. Since April 8, 1680 cannon had been captured, and 174,223 Confederate soldiers had been paroled. There was no longer a rebel in arms, the Union cause had triumphed, slavery was abolished, and the National Government was again supreme. The Army
land Legislature for six years from March, 1863. A reconnoitring party of the Sixty-third regiment of Pennsylvania, Heintzelman's division, was ambushed this morning beyond the Occoquan, Va., two or three miles in advance of the Union pickets, and received the fire of a party of concealed rebels, who instantly fled through the woods. Capt. Chapman and Lieut. Lyle were killed, and two privates were wounded, one of them mortally. The National pickets at Columbus, Ky., were this day driven in by the rebel cavalry, who fled upon being shelled by the gunboats. An order was issued, dated at Jackson, Tennessee, by Major-Gen. Bragg, of the confederate army, designating different rendezvous for troops coming within his division, assuming authority of the railroads in the limits of his command, and declaring martial law in the city of Memphis, Tennessee. All prisoners of war at Memphis were ordered to be transferred to Mobile and thence to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, for confinement.
s and men under his command the thanks of the department for his recent brilliant success. General Prentiss and two thousand three hundred and eighty-six Union prisoners passed through Memphis, Tenn., this day. The men were in good spirits, and kindly treated by the inhabitants, particularly the Irish and German women. The citizens contented themselves with waving handkerchiefs and looking the interest which they dared not openly express. Gen. Prentiss made a Union speech to his men, and the citizens cheered him. The Provost-Marshal, L. D. McKissock, bade him remain silent. Prentiss told him he had four to one more friends in Memphis than he, (McKissock,) and said to the citizens: Keep quiet for a few weeks, and you will have an opportunity to cheer the old flag to your heart's content. The Union soldiers sang the Star-Spangled Banner, Red, White and Blue, Happy Land of Canaan, and Old John Brown, as they were starting on the cars for Tuscaloosa, Ala.--New York Tribune, May 2.
against the bill, but against any measure calculated to agitate the question of slavery. Lieut. J. G. Baker, U. S.N., with an armed crew, on board the rebel prize schooner Bride, captured the rebel sloop Wren, at Shark's Point, Va., after a chase of over two hours. The crew escaped.--Baltimore American, April 14. Huntsville, Huntsville is the shire town of Madison County, Alabama. It is on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, one hundred and fifty miles north north-east from Tuscaloosa, and one hundred and sixteen miles in a southerly direction from Nashville. The town contains many handsome buildings, and a court-house which cost forty-five thousand dollars, and a bank building which cost eighty thousand dollars. The town contains six churches, a federal land office, three newspaper offices, and two female seminaries. It is in the midst of a fine farming region, and among the south-western spurs of the Alleghany range. Alabama, was this day occupied by the National fo
in at once every blanket and carpet, old or new, you can spare. They will be held as a sacred trust. As soon as they can be gotten ready for issue, they will be sent to the Quartermaster-in-Chief of General Johnston's army for distribution. As a guarantee that a proper disposition shall be made of such as may be donated, H. H. Ware, Esq., will receive and receipt for the same at Selma. Honorable and well-known names will be announced to receive and receipt for the same at Montgomery, Tuscaloosa, Demopolis, Marion, and elsewhere. We will pay a liberal price for all that may be delivered at this place, or to any bonded quartermaster in this State, upon the presentation of his certified account upon form No. 12. Honorable boards of mayor and aldermen of incorporated towns will please take such action in this regard as to them may be deemed best calculated to aid us in the premises. Ministers of the Gospel also are urgently requested to call the attention of their congregati
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