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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. 2 0 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. 2 0 Browse Search
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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., The Walnut Tree Hill division of the stinted pasture. (search)
rking cattle, goats and calves of the first year and each one to have a propriety of the same, according to the proportions underwritten for such cattle above specified, either of their own or any they should let, unto the same kind and not otherwise—. In the year 1685 that portion of the common lands situated between Menotomy road (Broadway) and Mystic river and bounded westerly by Menotomy river (Alewife brook) and easterly by Governor John Winthrop's Ten Hills farm, and known as the Walnut Tree hill division of the stinted pasture, was set off to the several proprietors whose names appear upon a plan hereto annexed, to be their propper right and Estate. The amount of pasturage allotted for each cow, or Cow-Common, was three and one-half acres. Prior to the year 1637 there were no restrictions as to the number of cattle to be pastured on the common lands, but when the number increased so that the pasturage was insufficient, it became necessary to stint the pasture, or to limi
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 23., The mills on the Medford turnpike. (search)
e a contract with Captain Nathan Adams respecting the flow of water at the Culvits. These culvits were the stone bridges built to carry the causey or turnpike road over Two-penny and Winter brooks. Both had their source in Somerville, and flowed through the southern corner of Medford into Mystic river. The latter is now mostly subterranean at Tufts park. The former has lately been before our Board of Aldermen for alleged misconduct. Its source is on the southern slope of College (Walnut Tree) hill, near Broadway, and its course through the Tufts athletic field can easily be traced, but often innocent of water Passing beneath the railroad its course (when it has any, as in recent years) is changed somewhat, See register, Vol. XIX, p. 13, Com. of J. H. Hooper. but returns to the old, before crossing the highway, and at the turnpike widens, and is the Canal cut from Medford river wherein a lighter can come up, See register, Vol. XVI, p. 77. once belonging to Isaac Royall