Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Brunswick, Ga. (Georgia, United States) or search for Brunswick, Ga. (Georgia, United States) in all documents.

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de from that side. At eight o'clock of the night previous to my arrival, however, (the second,) a telegram came from Brunswick, mentioning that twenty-four of our armed vessels were in Cumberland Sound. This news seems to have produced a perfectnah with the small force which Gen. Sherman had under his command, he determined to attack Fernandina, Florida, and Brunswick, Georgia. In conjunction with Commodore Du Pont he arranged the expedition, which left Hilton Head on the afternoon of Febrgone ahead of the gunboats, and arrived off Fernandina on Sunday morning at ten o'clock. As soon as it was known at Brunswick, Georgia, that the gunboats had left Warsaw Sound and entered St. Andrew's, it was telegraphed immediately to Fernandina, Fl fight. It is reported that fifty thousand men can be thrown either into Savannah or Charleston at four hours notice. Brunswick is evacuated. At the high bluff on the St. John's River, about twelve miles from Jacksonville, there was a heavy batte
t I had despatched a division of my force to Brunswick, under Commander S. W. Godon, consisting of atteries, the vessels passed up the sound to Brunswick and anchored off the town. A fire was discovered by the guns of the Potomska, landed at Brunswick without any show of opposition, and hoisted a reconnoissance by the inland passage from Brunswick to Darien, a copy of which I enclose. Com, who came off from shore, that Darien, like Brunswick, was deserted, a company of horsemen only ree passage he had cleared to the anchorage at Brunswick. He visited a number of plantations on St. odon's reports. U. S. S. Mohican, off Brunswick, Ga., March 10, 1862. sir: I have the honor y before I reached them, and we proceeded to Brunswick, off which place I anchored as the sun went o Savannah. Darien has been deserted as was Brunswick; this we learned from some contrabands who c days in communicating to you my progress to Brunswick. I hope, however, you will approve my condu[3 more...]