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The Daily Dispatch: May 28, 1864., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 65 (search)
enemy drawn up to check our farther progress, causing us also to form in line. Some skirmishing took place with small loss. The enemy having withdrawn during the night, we moved on through Adairsville and Kingston, coming upon him in front of Cassville about midday the 19th. The command formed in line and moved cautiously forward to within a half mile of Cassville, the enemy retiring to that place, where he made dispositions for battie. Our own troops here covered themselves by a breast-woCassville, the enemy retiring to that place, where he made dispositions for battie. Our own troops here covered themselves by a breast-work, but on the morning of the 20th no enemy was found in our front, he having retreated across the Allatoona Mountain. The troops remained in this position until the 23d, when we moved in the direction of Dallas, crossing the Etowah at Gillem's Bridge and bivouacking near Stilesborough, and on the 24th moved to Burnt Hickory, and on the 25th to near Dallas, going into position on the morning of the 26th with considerable skirmishing, which continued until about 10 a. m. of the 27th, when th
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 67 (search)
in the evening at Adairsville. During the night he disappeared and we followed and found him at Kingston on the 19th. The Fifty-ninth Regiment, the advance of the corps, skirmished with the enemy in strong force on the road. from Kingston to Cassville until night. During the night he again retreated. On the 23d we marched from Cassville, crossed the Etowah River, and on the 25th we again confronted the enemy near Dallas. Until the night of the 5th of June we were building works and skirmiCassville, crossed the Etowah River, and on the 25th we again confronted the enemy near Dallas. Until the night of the 5th of June we were building works and skirmishing constantly in the presence of the enemy, when he again abandoned his position. On the 6th we moved to Acworth, and on the 10th moved forward untii the enemy was found strongly posted on Pine Top, in front of which the regiment threw up rifle-pits. On the 15th the enemy abandoned Pine Top, which we immediately occupied. The regiment worked all the night of the 16th, under a furious fire from the enemy, building rifle-pits close to his works, but when day broke he again fell back. We f
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 69 (search)
rs during the day, and the service, from the persistency of the enemy's resistance, and the distance marched, was excessively fatiguing. The casualties were limited to half a dozen wounded. On the 19th, the enemy having been found in front of Cassville, the skirmish line of the battalion became sharply engaged, but without loss. On the 26th, the command having moved from Cassville to the vicinity of Dallas, the battalion moved into position 500 yards from the enemy's works near Pickett's MiCassville to the vicinity of Dallas, the battalion moved into position 500 yards from the enemy's works near Pickett's Mills. On the 27th the division was relieved from the line to attack the enemy's right flank, and was formed in column with a front of two battalions, this battalion having the right of the first line. The movement commenced at noon, the column marching two miles to the left of the Federal lines, encountering only the cavalry of the enemy. At 4 the attack was made. This battalion moved through an open wood, the right flank passing along the side of an open field, across which, at a distanc
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 72 (search)
ded. The One hundred and twenty-fourth, 5 enlisted men killed and 29 wounded. In the pursuit of the enemy through Calhoun to Adairsville, the battalion was constantly skirmishing with the enemy, sustaining, however, but slight loss. At Adairsville we came up to them strongly posted, and the battalion spent the night of the 17th in gaining and fortifying a position preparatory to operations in the morning, but daylight found the position in our front evacuated, and the pursuit continued to Cassville; here a much needed rest of several days was given to the command. On the 23d active, movements against the enemy were resumed, and on the 26th, the command having crossed Burnt Hickory Ridge, came upon the enemy posted near Dallas. During the night of the 26th the battalion was actively engaged in gaining and fortifying a position within a few hundred yards of the enemy's position. At daylight May 27, having just completed the fortifications, the battalion was relieved with the divisio
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 73 (search)
e marched through Adairsville, reached Kingston on the 19th, marched several miles beyond the town and were ordered to bivouac. At 4 p. m. an order was received to move forward immediately, it being ascertained that the enemy was in force near Cassville. The advance was made rapidly, severe skirmishing ensued, and the enemy driven from his advanced position before night. In this affair Captai-n Lendrum, of the Seventeenth Kentucky Volunteers, a gallant officer, was killed. Captain Hanna, ofthe 20th, 21st, and 22d days of May, 1864. On the 22d day of May the Nineteenth Regiment Ohio Volunteers rejoined the brigade, having been detached since the 4th day of May when near Catoosa SDrings. The brigade marched from the position near Cassville on the 23d day of May. Nothing occurred on the 24th and 25th of May. On the 26th the brigade was placed in support of the First and Second Brigades of this division, who had taken their position near Pumpkin Vine Creek. There was slight skir
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 74 (search)
, the regiment introduced its exercises for the campaign in a brisk skirmish with the enemy. Since that time it has taken an active part in all the movements, labors, skirmishes, and engagements of the brigade during the entire campaign. At Cassville, Ga., May 19, the regiment, with the Ninth Kentucky Volunteers on the left and the Thirteenth Ohio Volunteers on the right, composed the rear line of the brigade, and though it did not become engaged with the enemy, Capt. John L. Hanna was badly wounded through the hand while advancing in line of battle. On the morning of May 20 the regiment went into bivouac near Cassville, Ga., and remained until the 23d, when, in compliance with orders, it moved with the brigade. The same day Colonel Knefler was ordered to take command of the brigade and Lieut. Col. Samuel P. Oyler to take command of the regiment. On the 27th day of May, at Pickett's Mills, near Dallas, Ga., the regiment was formed in the second line of the brigade, with the Ninth
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 75 (search)
The morning of the 16th dawned finding the enemy had retired. The command being again ordered in pursuit, I followed, pressing the enemy's rear closely, the skirmishing at times assuming proportions almost equal to a battle, until reaching Cassville, Ga., which was on the 19th of May. At Cassville orders were received that the army would rest and replenish until the morning of the 23d of May, when it would again march with twenty days rations. Accordingly, on the 23d, the command moved out,Cassville orders were received that the army would rest and replenish until the morning of the 23d of May, when it would again march with twenty days rations. Accordingly, on the 23d, the command moved out, going in a direction nearly due south. Crossed the Etowah River and continued the march until reaching Pumpkin Vine Creek, a small stream in the Allatoona range of mountains. Here it was ascertained that a portion of the Union force had met the enemy and that an engagement had already commenced. On the 26th the regiment was formed in line of battle with the brigade, and with it maneuvered until the evening of the 27th of May, when we became actively engaged. My regiment being on the extrem
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 76 (search)
orning of the 14th moved on till the enemy was encountered in force near Resaca. Here we lay until the morning of the 16th; the brigade being held in reserve did not become engaged. Moved down railroad track, with but little detention until the evening of the 17th, near Adairsville, where we found enemy strongly posted, and were compelled to halt and make dispositions. Lost 1 man killed by enemy's shell. Enemy left during night, and we moved on without further opposition until reaching Cassville, on the evening of the 19th, where the enemy were found in heavy force, and dispositions for attack made. My regiment was the left of the second line and did not become engaged, as night came on before the enemy's position was found. Enemy left during night. Lay here until the evening of the 23d. Nothing unusual occurred until the evening of the 25th, when we crossed Pumpkin Vine Creek and bivouacked near the ground on which the Twentieth Corps had fought. On the morning of the 26th w
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 78 (search)
his works and camped in the evening near Calhoun. On the 17th the march was continued until we found the enemy strongly intrenched in position across the railroad, covering the approach to Adairsville. Brisk skirmishing was kept up for three or four hours and until after dark. During that night the enemy withdrew, and we followed on the morning of the 18th and camped in the evening four miles from Kingston. We passed that place on the morning of the 19th and came up with the enemy near Cassville. Here I was ordered to send out three companies of my regiment as skirmishers and another as flankers, and did so. The enemy resisted the advance of the skirmishers very stubbornly, and had the advantage of the cover of a thick growth of small timber. I was ordered to re-enforce the skirmishers from time to time, until my whole regiment was thus engaged in front of the brigade. We continued to drive the enemy's skirmishers until they were apparently much strengthened by re-enforcements,
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 80 (search)
. On the same day the colonel commanding took possession of Parker's Gap, a narrow defile through White Oak Mountain, five miles from Ringgold, for the purpose of covering and protecting the railroad from Chattanooga to Ringgold. On the night of the 16th of May orders were received to rejoin thebrigade at the front, and on the morning of the 17th the command started on the march, and on the evening of the 20th joined the brigade at a point five miles from Kingston and one mile south of Cassville. On the 23d of May the command moved with the brigade in a southwesterly direction and crossed the Etowah River at the covered bridge, and on that day and the 24th and 25th crossed the Allatoona range, and arrived in front of Dallas, near Pickett's Mills, on the 26th, the regiment being with the brigade in the reserve on the extreme left of our lines, the Twenty-third Corps, however, coming in on our left during the night. On the morning of the 27th the reserve of the brigade was formed
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