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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The Confederate strength in the Atlanta campaign. (search)
saca, add 5200 for cavalry joined between May 1st and 12th to his strength, May 1st, of 98,797.--E. C. D. the odds against General Johnston when the armies were actually in contact were as 100 to 64, instead of 10 to 4, as stated in his article. On the night of May 16th the Confederate army evacuated Resaca. On the following day, at Adairsville, it was reinforced by General W. H. Jackson's cavalry command, 4477 for duty, which was increased to 5120 by June 10th. On the 19th of May, at Cassville, the division of General French joined the army with 4174 effectives, exclusive of the detachment that was at Resaca. Another Georgia State line regiment, estimated as 600, was added to Hood's corps, and Quarles's brigade, 2200 strong, came on the 26th of May at New Hope Church. A comparison of the return of April 30th with that of June 10th shows an increase to the fighting strength of the army of 3399 from the return of men absent with leave in the corps of Hood, Hardee, Wheeler, and i
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The struggle for Atlanta. (search)
ard Rome, Georgia, Jefferson C. Davis's division from Thomas's army sweeping farther still to the right, and Schofield, accompanied by Hooker, to the left toward Cassville. Our enemy, between these columns with his entire force, made a brief stand on the 17th of May at Adairsville, and fortified. About 4 P. M. Newton and Wood, e. Hooker and Schofield had done the work. Johnston's scouts during the night brought him word that a large Federal force was already far beyond his right near Cassville, threatening his main crossing of the Etowah; and also that McPherson was camping below him at McGuire's Cross-roads, and that our infantry (Davis's division) wae were already there at our service. Johnston, by his speedy night-work, passed on through Kingston, and formed an admirable line of battle in the vicinity of Cassville, with his back to the Etowah River, protecting the selected crossing. This was his final halt north of that river, so difficult with its mountain banks. John
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 14: Sherman's campaign in Georgia. (search)
moved down the Oostenaula, to Rome, where they gave the Confederates a severe blow by destroying important mills and founderies there, and capturing nearly a dozen of their heavy guns. Davis left a garrison to hold the place. In the mean time, Sherman pressed on. He met slight opposition near Adairsville, the location of the Georgia State Arsenal, which he destroyed. But Johnston made only a brief stand; he quickly moved on, closely followed by his implacable pursuers, and was found at Cassville, on the 19th, holding a strong position and apparently determined to fight. Prudence told him to move on, and he did, so that night, under the friendly cover of darkness, and crossing the Etowah River, burned the bridges, and placed that stream between his army and the hosts of Sherman. He halted near the Allatoona Pass, in a very strong position among rugged hills, where he was not molested for two or three days, because Sherman gave his army rest on the right bank of the Etowah, while
ormed the corps of the Army which he commanded. Of these, Canty's Division of about three thousand (3000) effectives reached Resaca on the 9th of May. Loring's of five thousand (5000) on the 11th; French's of four thousand (4000) joined us at Cassville on the 18th; and Quarles's brigade of twenty-two hundred (2200) at New Hope Church on the 26th. Our Army retreated from Dalton on the night of the 12th and the morning of the 13th of May, and, as just cited, Cantry's Division of three thous My recollection, however, is that you mustered twenty-one to twenty-two thousand (21,000 to 22,000) effectives at Dalton and Resaca, at which latter point some diminution occurred in casualties, and in desertions on the night of our retreat on Cassville. Hardee's Corps was the largest in the Army, and numbered about two thousand (2000) more than my corps. As previously stated, the assertions of General Wigfall as to Johnston's strength and losses may safely be regarded as correct; and G
a miracle. In regard to operations around Cassville, General Johnston states : Johnston's Narrmy under General Joseph E. Johnston, at Cassville, Georgia, as he states, for attack, I commanded tery well the occurrences at Cass Station, or Cassville, during the campaign of 1864. During that ccorps being in the rear of the Army, entered Cassville about 12 m., on the I8th of May, 1864. Youron the range of hills immediately in rear of Cassville. There we remained all day, the enemy eried by General Polk on the ridge in front of Cassville, orders were issued for the Army to fall bacn position on the untenable ridge in rear of Cassville, this intention could only have been based uong is it supposed we would have remained at Cassville? I leave the answer to every fair minded man regard to my father's connection with the Cassville affair. Pray accept our sincere thanks, l Polk or I recommended General Johnston, at Cassville, to retreat when he intended to give battle;[7 more...]
pter 6: Reply to General Johnston Cassville. When the preceding chapter was written, e retreat of the Confederate Armies from Cassville, Georgia, to the south side of the Etowah river, man, were manoeuvring in the neighborhood of Cassville, I had nearly completed my journey from Demoy with a part of that command. I arrived at Cassville railway station about half-past 3 or four o'e the plain, or valley, in which the town of Cassville is located. This ridge is cut across by a rforty feet for half a mile, continuing on to Cassville about one and a quarter miles to the northweral Loring's headquarters on the left of the Cassville road, saw that General, and delivered the orassing there or just in front of the town of Cassville and on to the southwest, there were also strve the ridge at a point about a mile east of Cassville, and passing to the southwest fully a half-anotes taken at the time of reconnoissance. Map of Cassville, page 113. Yours, etc., W. J. M.
attack the left flank of the enemy. I presume he had in remembrance Lieutenant General Polk's and my urgent recommendation that he turn upon and attack Sherman at Adairsville, just before he placed his Army upon the untenable ridge in rear of Cassville, with women and children of the town between the two armies, and of which recommendation he is so careful to make no mention. When I retrace these facts and circumstances, I cannot think General Johnston in earnest when he states that he int in Macon, Georgia, where he wrote his official report, in which were brought forward, for the first time, these unjust and false accusations. If I was so little to be relied upon, and had given cause for complaint successively at Resaca and Cassville, why did he entrust to me the important operations at New Hope Church, from which it was supposed a general engagement might ensue. The truth is, he possessed no real cause of complaint, and, I reiterate, he had the full co-operation of his Li
. It is hereby evident that as long as General Johnston endeavored to obtain the transfer, to his own command, of Longstreet's Corps in Virginia, and of Polk's Army in Mississippi, he spoke continually of fighting at Dalton; when, however, Sherman appeared at Tunnel Hill, in front of Rockyfaced Ridge, and he was given an Army of over seventy thousand (70,000) available troops — as I have demonstrated — he decided to retreat. What followed at Resaca? Retreat. New Hope Church? Retreat. Cassville? Retreat. Kennesaw Mountain? Retreat. Would we have fought at Atlanta after our inglorious campaign, the abandonment of the mountain fastnesses, and the foreshadowed intention of our commander to fall back to Macon? I shall now glance at his two plans for the defence of Atlanta, one of which was to insure the security of that city forever. By his first plan, he hoped to attack the enemy as they crossed Peach Tree creek. Within thirty-six hours, almost before he had time to select quar
to be publicly met. In General Johnston's report he says: On the morning of the 19th (May), when half of the Federal Army was near Kingston, the two corps at Cassville were ordered to advance against the troops that had followed them from Adairsville, Hood leading on the right. When the corps had advanced some two miles, one oear approach of the Federal Army. Expecting to be attacked, I drew up my troops in what seemed to me an excellent position — a bold ridge immediately in rear of Cassville, with an open valley before it. The fire of the enemy's artillery commenced soon after the troops were formed, and continued until night. Soon after dark Lieutelf and the good and great man now deceased, with whom I am associated in this stricture, I offer a statement of the facts in reply: After the Army had arrived at Cassville, I proposed to General Johnston, in the presence of Generals Hardee and Polk, to move back upon the enemy and attack him at or near Adairsville, urging as a reas
took 8 or 10 great guns, and destroyed mills and founderies of great importance to the enemy; leaving here a garrison. Johnston made a momentary stand against our central advance in a strong position covering Adairsville; but, on the approach of our main body, he again retreated, with only Sherman's Atlanta campaign, sharp skirmishing between our van and his rear-guard; until, having passed through Kingston, he was again found May 19. holding a strong and fortified position about Cassville, apparently intent on a decisive battle. Upon being pressed, however, he retreated, under cover of night, across the Etowah; burning the railroad and other bridges, and taking a still stronger position covering the Allatoona pass, where the country again becomes mountainous, rugged, and difficult, and where he doubtless had determined to fight in earnest. Sherman, after halting two days to rest and reconnoiter, decided to flank him out of this by moving well to the right, concentrating
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